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2 627 The Signalman dissertations gratuites 126 - 150 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 25 Juin 2015
  • The Charity

    The Charity

    I would like us to give the 10.000 € to the organization PI because it is wonderful that a charity provide assistance to poor children and orphans. Since Plan allows children to : survive, develop to the fullest, to be protected from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation and also participate fully in family, cultural a social life. Listening to what children have to say about their rights, need and concerns is key to this approach.

    202 Mots / 1 Pages
  • The National Culture Of France

    The National Culture Of France

    Key features of French culture a) The daily life of French The French food and wine are famous around the world. The cooking has a big place in French life, a lot of important events happen around a meal for example signing a contract or like for the family parties. In France, each event is an excuse to meet around a table! The secret recipes from Grandmother and the knowledge of wine are transmitted from

    469 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Leopard, Guiseppe Tomasi (document anglais)

    The Leopard, Guiseppe Tomasi (document anglais)

    The Leopard was published in 1958 and is the only work from Guiseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, duke of Palma and Prince of Lampedusa, descendant of one of the greatest noble families in Palermo. Through this novel, the author portrayed a lucid and disillusioned look about an episode that truly marked the nineteenth century in Italy; most particularly, in Sicily: the invasion of the island by Garibaldi’s Red Shirts in order to free the land from

    2 440 Mots / 10 Pages
  • The Good Faith In The Insurance Contract

    The Good Faith In The Insurance Contract

    Before dealing with the evolution of the doctrine of utmost good faith and determining whether it is still alive and well, we must consider the doctrine in itself and see how it was applied before the 21th century. The doctrine of utmost good faith – which creates an obligation, on the both parties of an insurance contract, to reveal all the material facts prior the contract - was established by Lord Mansfield in the case

    1 616 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Fiche De Lecture: la nouvelle The Awakening de Chopin

    Fiche De Lecture: la nouvelle The Awakening de Chopin

    The Awakening By Kate Chopin "The Awakening " is a novella by Kate chopin published in 1899 . It is a realistic novel because the story might have be real ; this novel describes perfectly the society of the time well as the role of the womens in the society during the victorian era . This is a very feminist book which defends the liberty of womens , Edna the heroine awake and wants to

    342 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Étude du poème Ballad of the Landlord de Langston Hughes (document en anglais)

    Étude du poème Ballad of the Landlord de Langston Hughes (document en anglais)

    BALLAD OF THE LANDLORD The poem "Ballad of the Landlord" was written by Langston Hughes in the early to middle 1900's. This poem is an imaginary conversation between a black tenant and his landlord. It describes the poor living conditions of the blacks in New York's. The poem is narrated through four characters, each with its own point of view: a tenant, a landlord, the police, and the press. In the first stanza the tenant

    665 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The Example Of The Pharmaceutical Industry In The Celtic Tiger

    The Example Of The Pharmaceutical Industry In The Celtic Tiger

    The pharmaceutical industry and research in the field of chemistry are now an important part of the Irish economy which did not, however, pharmaceutical tradition before. Bristol-Myers Squibb (formerly Squibb) is the first company to settle in the country, followed in 1972 by Pfizer (patent for Viagra). Today eight of the top ten laboratories worldwide have chosen to design their products in Irish land and not without reason. Elan, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott, Roche ...

    555 Mots / 3 Pages
  • L’architecture expression vivante du corps humain / Architecture an expression of the human body

    L’architecture expression vivante du corps humain / Architecture an expression of the human body

    L’architecture expression vivante du corps humain / Architecture an expression of the human body             L’espace habité, l’espace conçu par l’homme est construit selon des images vivantes mêlant réalité et rêve, sensations et émotions, objectivité et subjectivité. Parmi ces images, le corps humain occupe une place prépondérante comme matrice des formes architecturales. Pour nous cette image s’est imposée avec l’expérience du projet et la pratique au pied du mur. Tout

    2 603 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Résumé Du Texte " More americans swap beach for the office "

    Résumé Du Texte " More americans swap beach for the office "

    ANGLAIS Résumé MORE AMERICANS SWAP BEACH FOR THE OFFICE Ce texte est tiré de la revue américaine The Guardian et date du 21 Août 2006. Globalement, il compare la durée de vacances de différentes populations, ici les américains et les européens. Dans un premier temps, les américains accordent beaucoup d’importance au travail et de ce fait, prennent moins de vacances que les européens. Dans leur pays, le travail est une valeur prédominante. En effet, 40%

    299 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What does the EU stand for ?

    What does the EU stand for ?

    What does the EU stand for? - Schengen agreement - Competition policy, subsidies no longer aloud, simple market - CAP Common Agricultural Policy - Single currency/money : euro, at the moment : 17 members states are part of the euro area - UE  solidarity bus gives money for poor regions - Environmental policy : tap water, thanks to UE  everywhere in UE we can drink water - Human rights, news constitution change things

    306 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Le marché du thé

    Le marché du thé

    Nestlé en quelques mots… Chiffre d’affaires: 60,9 Milliard d’€ N°1 Groupe alimentaire mondial Leur devise « Good Food, Good Life » Les caractéristiques de la firme : Une alimentation et un mode de vie sains. Une présence Géogrpahique la plus vaste et l’esprit d’entreprise. Une gamme de produits et de marques inégalés, avec une solide position sur lemarché qui est ciblée et diversifiée. Une capacité de recherche et de développement sans pareil. Des valeurs et

    1 806 Mots / 8 Pages
  • The Gardener, Rudyard Kipling

    The Gardener, Rudyard Kipling

    The Gardener By Rudyard Kipling Every one in the village knew that Helen Turrell did her duty by all her world, and by none more honourably than by her only brother's unfortunate child. The village knew, too, that George Turrell had tried his family severely since early youth, and were not surprised to be told that, after many fresh starts given and thrown away he, an Inspector of Indian Police, had entangled himself with the

    3 674 Mots / 15 Pages
  • The Kooples

    The Kooples

    Entretien avec The kooples. 15 minutes a parler de mon parcours, de pourquoi "the Kooples", a me demander si je connais leur concurrent (dans la même gamme et même clientèle). Aucune précision sur la date de prise de poste, ni sur le magasin ciblé. Si la réponse est positive ils m'appellent (oui mais quand?) et sinon ils m'envoient un courrier sous 15 jours. Coucou les filles! J'ai postulé cet été pour plusieurs marques de prêt

    214 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Characterize the business opportunity

    Characterize the business opportunity

    Characterize the business opportunity Development of sector: 1.Business model as references • Inspiration from the in-concept of car sharing in Europe • From 1987, the similar business operations came into existence seperately all over the world, offering many references models. • We anticipate this idea and take the initiative in america. 2.Good respective of sector • In Europe, without many investment in marketing, the growth of penetration and members are both very quickly. • US

    1 301 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The Noise Deafening

    The Noise Deafening

    The noise deafening of exhaust run through the city, street after street. Bedford, maybe the less famous city in England where nothing happen. The screams of the fishwife every Sunday morning, the noise of each car who lives the city every morning to work and the noise of happy children who leave the school. Day after day, week after week, people forgot the drama. An old man said: << A family with three children without

    208 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Étude de la chanson Don't go - Bring Me The Horizon fit.Lights

    Étude de la chanson Don't go - Bring Me The Horizon fit.Lights

    Don’t go - Bring Me The Horizon ft. Lights Don’t go est une chanson assez douce par rapport au genre deathcore et metalcore habituel du groupe anglais Bring Me The Horizon. En effet, ce qui est la première raison pour laquelle j’ai choisi cette chanson est la musique. Celle-ci démarre sur quelques notes jouées au violon puis les percussions arrivent à leur tour, bientôt accompagnés d’une mélodie à la guitare très piano, jusqu’à l’arrivée du

    348 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The international festival of documentary film

    The international festival of documentary film

    Document.Art - The International Festival of Documentary Films Location: Pitesti/Romania Date: September 2013 Closing date: July 2013 Dedicated since its inception to tourism, the "Document. Art." Festival has enriched its sections, has displayed its openness for experimentation and innovation and has led to a favourable groundswell of genres. Any festival is, by its very purpose, a complex means of promoting both of the product of the film and the product represented by the host city.

    546 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The Maltese Island and The capital city of " La Valette "

    The Maltese Island and The capital city of " La Valette "

    The Maltese Island and The capital city of « La Valette ». Geography and general informations Malta ( officially the Republic of Malta) is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, 80 km south of Sicily, 284 km east of Tunisia and 333 km north of Libya. Malta covers just over 316 km^2 and It is also one of the most densely populated countries The country has

    1 511 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Chanson: "Tears scattered to the finger tips..."

    Chanson: "Tears scattered to the finger tips..."

    Tears scattered to the finger tips, drop colour like pearl but from the painful feelings of my heart it turns red when i cry for you, who knows how many tears i shed Finding the meaning of this colour, it's still red fingers wander, but there is no place to go between the tremors if you haven't realized then you would not have made a choice? Even if my voice is taken awan, i can

    302 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The title of Talibé

    The title of Talibé

    “Talibé” is a disciple or student learning the Koran. We wish to submit the boys in this life because parents are attached to the culture or they are poor. Several causes have been given by the families of these children who are supported by some who say it is important for the religion, to give alms to exorcise the evil spells, open the gates of happiness, glory the power to cure certain diseases. However, these

    217 Mots / 1 Pages
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression

    The great dipression:Though the United States of America is a world power and a leading nation which is an example of development and progress, it went through a period which no one can forget and still managed to come out of it shining and stronger than ever. That period was the period of Great Depression which started in 1929 and was over with the World War II. Officially the great depression started on a Tuesday

    263 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Hospitality Industry At The Beginning Of The 21st Century

    The Hospitality Industry At The Beginning Of The 21st Century

    I. French management style in comparison to the American management style This first part is talking about the differences between two styles of management, both chosen in countries in which the hospitality industry and the tourism sector represent a big share of the gross domestic product. (G.D.P) We could wonder why we have chosen to talk about this subject, but in a certain way the answer has already been expressed. More quickly than other sectors,

    6 389 Mots / 26 Pages
  • The Methods Of Which Louise Labe Utilises, Feels And Personifies Patrachian Love In The 16th Century

    The Methods Of Which Louise Labe Utilises, Feels And Personifies Patrachian Love In The 16th Century

    The first allegedly strange death of livestock comes from near Alamosa, Colorado, in 1967. The real name of the animal was Lady, but the media quickly adopted the name "Snippy" (the name of another horse at the ranch), which stuck. On September 7 of that year, Agnes King and her son Harry noted that Lady, a three-year-old horse, had not returned to the ranch at the usual time for her water. This was unusual, given

    771 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Lord Of The Flies

    Lord Of The Flies

    Repères biographiques : William Golding est né en 1911 dans un village de Cornouailles. Dès son plus jeune âge, il dévore les classiques anglais et grecs. Après des études à Oxford, il devient acteur, directeur de théâtre, puis enseignant. En 1940, il est mobilisé dans la marine, et participera au Débarquement en 1944. En 1954 paraît Sa Majesté des Mouches. L’accueil de la critique est mitigé, mais l’œuvre connaîtra un succès mondial. En 1962, William

    770 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Début d'étude du tableau The problem we all live with de Norman Rockwell

    Début d'étude du tableau The problem we all live with de Norman Rockwell

    étudions est le tableau The probleme we all live with , en francais Le probleme avec lequel nous vivons tous . ce tableau se trouve au Norman Rockwell museum .Il s'agit d'une illustration faite pour le magazine Américain Look , publié en 1964.Il mesure 91.4 cm sur 147.3 cm. Le contexte historique : Entre les années 1880 et 1960 , les lois de ségrégation nommées JIM CROW LAWS (lois Jim Crow) ont été appliquées dans

    208 Mots / 1 Pages

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