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The Noise Deafening

Mémoire : The Noise Deafening. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Février 2013  •  208 Mots (1 Pages)  •  578 Vues

The noise deafening of exhaust run through the city, street after street. Bedford, maybe the less famous city in England where nothing happen. The screams of the fishwife every Sunday morning, the noise of each car who lives the city every morning to work and the noise of happy children who leave the school. Day after day, week after week, people forgot the drama. An old man said: << A family with three children without father can’t live in love. I got compassion for the wife who stayed with her three children but I can’t accept what she has done. >> Some people answered him that the wife were crazy, they must have been right.

During a night, the city was waked up by the cries of a child who resonated. The child’s cries were followed by a strange sound, the sound could have been chain saw and nothing, the city has sinked again in silence. The next day nobody wished to know what happened yesterday because every people knew yet. The wife of the family, whose the old man talked about, had made one of her children throw a big dustbin, the child were sad but nobody helped him.


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