The Signalman dissertations et mémoires
2 627 The Signalman dissertations gratuites 301 - 325 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Pourquoi la réalité théâtrale ne s’imposait-elle pas à moi? écrit personnel
Quand on me pose la question: «Pourquoi écrivez-vous des pièces de théâtre?» je me sens toujours très embarrassé, je ne sais quoi répondre. Il me semble parfois que je me suis mis à écrire du théâtre parce que je le détestais. Je lisais des œuvres littéraires, des essais, j’allais au cinéma avec plaisir. J’écoutais de temps à autre de la musique, je visitais les galeries d’art, mais je n’allais pour ainsi dire jamais au théâtre.
1 447 Mots / 6 Pages -
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime Chap 107 Bis
Detective, mystery and thriller series are my favorite programms because I think they are much more interesting than the other programs. I'm not counting documentaries in other programms because documentaries are made to be interesting and for to learn many things. So they are my favorites programms because in a detective series there is always something what happens there will always pay attention to every detail as discovered in order to find the murderer and
307 Mots / 2 Pages -
The NGOs
the NGOs The NGOs is a nongovernmental organization, it is an organization that is not part of the local or state or federal government N.G.O.s can be classified by various areas of activity. You have the environmentalists, this kind of N.G.O.s operates in severals areas such as global warming, pollution, food safety,.. You have fundamental rights protectors, this kind of N.G.O.s are interested in fight against abuses of human rights all over the world and
849 Mots / 4 Pages -
The Scarlet Letter
Le texte se présente comme un règlement général entre les familles régnantes des Bourbons et celle des Habsbourg : annexion ou échange de divers territoires en Europe, pardon royal au Prince de Condé, clause de mariage entre Louis XIV et l'infante d'Espagne Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche, etc. Les articles 1 à 34 fixent les règlements administratifs, commerciaux, de guerre, etc. Les articles 35 à 41 abordent le cas des Pays-Bas espagnols : la France obtient le comté
604 Mots / 3 Pages -
The English Flag
The English flag, also known as the Union Flag or Union Jack, is the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its composition is a powerful symbol of the history of the United Kingdom, because each cross contained therein recalls a step in the creation of that State. This flag is the superposition of three existing flags: the flag of England, one in Scotland and one in Ireland. Although Wales also
443 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Alchemist
Je m'excuse d'avance mais j'ai VRAIMENT besoin de cette dissertation, je vais donc tenter de disserter sur la condition sociale des lamas unijambiste... oupas. Non, à la place je cous offre une petite perle de littérature américaine signée Lovecraft: The Alchemist High up, crowning the grassy summit of a swelling mount whose sides are wooded near the base with the gnarled trees of the primeval forest stands the old chateau of my ancestors. For centuries
3 700 Mots / 15 Pages -
The Great Exhibition
THE GREAT EXHIBITION The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, was an international exhibition that took place in Hyde Park, in London, from the 1st May to the 11th October 1851. It was organized by Prince Albert and other members of Royal Society, in the Crystal Palace. This exhibition marks the peak of British power in the Victorian time and the triumph of modern industry with the presentation of craft and
389 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Rise Of Hitler And Nazism
Historiography: Sonderweg (Heinrich August Winkler, fritz fischer) – historians that argue over whether germany took its own unique direction which led it towards Nazism or whether Hitler brainwashed the German people. In 1940, Sebastian Haffner (liberalist) published a book “Germany” in which he argued that Hitler by force of personality had brought about Nazi Germany. In 1941 Robert Vansittart published “The black record: Germans past and present” which argued that traits of brutality and aggression
1 319 Mots / 6 Pages -
The Materializer
Ned enlarged the Receiver and prepared for his greatest experiment. He switched on the Materializer, took a deep breath and said… “What is the answer to the question : How to find Love ?” he whispered timidly in the microphone, as he feared that someone could hear him. There was another whirring sound. A piece of paper appeared in the Receiver, Ned took it and read the message given by the Materializer : “Stop talking
369 Mots / 2 Pages -
Étude du film The social Network réalisé par David Fincher
THE SOCIAL NETWORK Film biographique réalisé par David Fincher, sorti en 2010 Tout d’abord il faut préciser que le film présenté n’est pas mandaté ou commandé par le fondateur de Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, ou même par un des membres de Facebook, en effet ce film a été inspiré de témoignages, d’articles de presses comme de romans. Le film a été réalisé sans l’aide de Mr Zuckerberg qui n’a donné aucune interview. L’AFFICHE : On peut
1 477 Mots / 6 Pages -
Peine De Mort Around The World
En 2012, 137 pays ont aboli la peine de mort en droit ou en pratique. Le dernier en date est la Mongolie qui, le 13 mars 2012, a adhéré au Deuxième protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. Parmi les 137 pays abolitionnistes, 97 l'ont aboli pour tous crimes, 7 prévoient dans leur législation la peine de mort uniquement pour les crimes
212 Mots / 1 Pages -
The British Caribbean (étude en anglais)
Introduction The British Caribbean is made up of three groups :continental territories(Belize, Guyana), Leeward Islands( Antigua, Dominica, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, Virgin Islands), Windward Islands(Grenada, St Lucia, St Vincent, Tobago). FIRST PART: FROM CONQUEST TO PLANTATION SOCIETY Contrary to belief which speculates that Christopher Colombus was the first inhabitant of the Caribbean, it’s really the Amerindians who first occupied the territories. They consist of Caribs and Arawaks. They were settled by European colonies in
3 854 Mots / 16 Pages -
Zara Gives To The Public (Anglais Dissertation BTS NRC)
Expression, culture et communication DM de Rattrapage pour les absents Exercice 1 L’image a une fonction référentielle, le titre a une fonction expressive « Folie meurtrière dans l’Ain et le Jura ». C’est un fait divers. La mission du journaliste est l’information, il a pour souci de présenter un portrait le plus complet possible d’une situation. La mission pour le journaliste se traduit par une abstraction de ses propres idéaux, de ses croyances et de
830 Mots / 4 Pages -
Le Théâtre Est-il Seulement Un Divertissement ?
Dans un ouvrage général sur le théâtre de Jean Duvignaud et Jean Lagoutte , il est écrit que le vrai public est celui qui va au théâtre pour « passer une soirée » . La question que l'on peut se poser est de savoir si le théâtre est un divertissement , et a t-il pour seule fonction de divertir ou en a t-il d'autres? Pour répondre à cette question , nous verrons tout d'abord que
1 461 Mots / 6 Pages -
Why Did Britain win the battle of Britain ?
. Why Did Britain win the battle of Britain? Following the defeat of France and the evacuation of British troops from the beaches of Dunkirk, Hitler's Nazi forces occupied all of central Europe and Britain stood alone against the German forces. Hitler ordered the preparation of operation Sea lion, which was the codename for the invasion of Britain. The only thing that prevented German forces crossing the channel was the RAF's dominance of the
706 Mots / 3 Pages -
The Bling Ring
À Los Angeles, un groupe d’adolescents fascinés par le people et l’univers des marques traque via Internet l’agenda des célébrités pour cambrioler leurs résidences. Ils subtilise- ront pour plus de 3 millions de dollars d’objets de luxe : bijoux, vêtements, chaussures, etc. Parmi leurs victimes, on trouve Paris Hilton, Orlando Bloom et Rachel Bilson. Les médias ont surnommé ce gang, le "Bling Ring". Inspiré de faits réels arrivés en 2008 aux États-Unis, The Bling Ring
563 Mots / 3 Pages -
2013: Rhône Valley Wines Look To The Future (Rhône la valley des vins regardent l'avenir.)
8 296 Mots / 34 Pages -
Compte rendu à partir de l'article de presse dans The Guardian: China Opens Shanghai Free Trade Zone
Compte rendu : Le document présenté, intitulé « China opens Shanghai free-trade zone » est un article de presse paru dans The Guardian le29 Septembre 2013. Il nous explique le lancement d’une zone de libre-échange à Shanghai ainsi que les conséquences de celle-ci sur l’économie du pays. Cette zone de libre-échange, crée par le gouvernement chinois, a été instauré dans le but, tout d’abord, d’une expérimentation. Couvrant 4 zones d’échange et un aéroport, le gouvernement
233 Mots / 1 Pages -
The Only Thing
destin, note F. de Martinoire, ce fut, durant longtemps, le sujet de la tragédie. Des êtres choisis, broyés par une machine infernale dont un des caractères importants était la rapidité de l’action, rendant inutile tout combat, tel était l’aspect qu’offrait l’action tragique. Devant ce spectacle d’une famille en proie à la colère des dieux ou de forces obscures, des voix s’élevaient, dans la tragédie grecque du moins, celle du chœur et du coryphée. Ces voix,
282 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Chickens Take A Holiday
The sun was about to rise on Farmer Tim's farm. Chester Chicken woke up the cows with his important news. 'The chickens are taking a holiday today,' Chester Chicken said. 'Is that so?' said Daisy the cow. 'What is the special occasion?' 'We worked too hard this week,' Chester said. 'You did?' asked Daisy. 'Yes! We laid ten eggs this week,' Chester said, 'and there are only five of us.' Daisy smiled and nodded her
435 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Disaster Of September 11, 2001
The disaster of September 11, 2001 The September 11 events were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda upon the United States in New York City and in Washington, D.C. Tuesday, September 11, 2001. They targeted symbolic buildings. On the morning of Tuesday, September 11, nineteen terrorists hijacked four airliners. Two planes are projected into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, and a third
266 Mots / 2 Pages -
What Is You Opinion About The American Dream ?
The American Dream: what is it? What's your opinion? The American Dream is not a political dogma nor a prepared effect. Since the independence of the thirteen colonies, from Maine to Georgia, hundreds of valorous settlers crossed the Atlantic Ocean, no matter how dangerous and long it was, in order to establish in the “New World”, known to be rich of various natural resources, such as fertile soils, a favourable climate for cultivating a wide
345 Mots / 2 Pages -
The American Dream
The American dream First of all, the very popular “American dream” is symbol of United States. It’s a set of ideals, in which there are the success, the wealth, the prosperity, and opportunities. The “American dream” represents everything of the social success, and there are many examples to talk about the “American dream”. We especially have three strong examples of ideals of the “American dream” and social success in United States, Martin Luther King, Jr.
360 Mots / 2 Pages -
Pioneering Healthy Quick Service Food : The Case Of Yo! Sushi
1. Yo! Sushi gives the customer a speed advantage by serving food on a conveyer belt the customer can serve themselves which minimize the time of ordering and bring the food, and take-home option for whom cannot sit and take time at restaurant. They provide quick service eatery that customer could take only 20 minute for their meal. They are not locating themselves as a destination restaurant but are the place for rush customers. They
317 Mots / 2 Pages -
The roman invasion (document anglais)
THE ROMAN INVASION: Before the roman invasion, Britain was called « ancient Britain ». And the people living there belonged to an ethnic group called « the Celts ». (They had the same religion as the Gauls in France). Area invaded by the Romans led by a man called Julius Cesar. They will stay in England until the year 450 AD. Ethnicity: Romans do not mix very much with the local population because they are
4 713 Mots / 19 Pages