The Signalman dissertations et mémoires
2 627 The Signalman dissertations gratuites 426 - 450 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Tomorrow when the war began
Homer In the novel “Tomorrow when the war began” a group of 7 teenagers go on a camping tour in a remote part of Australia. When they return, they find their homes abandoned and the power cut off. They discover that a war has broken out and that they are among the very few people who have escaped from being imprisoned. From now on, all their efforts are concentrated on not being captured and on
443 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Idea Of Progresser
The notion I’m going to deal with is The Idea of progress. The subject of my oral presentation will be scientific advances for the future (les avancées scientifique pour l’avenir). First, I would like to illustrate this notion through a first extract from the novel of Aldous Huxley’s : “o brave new world”and an extract from the script of Andrew Niccol’s film Gattaca. They explain the future of the human race against the scientific advances
783 Mots / 4 Pages -
Réponses sur le texte d'Alfred de Musset " The Disappointed World "
ÉTAPE 1 Lire le texte de Musset Lisez le texte d’Alfred de Musset « Un monde désenchanté », extrait des Confessions d’un enfant du siècle, p. 352 de votre manuel. ÉTAPE 2 Mettre en relation une biographie de Napoléon Ier avec le texte de Musset 1. Ouvrez l’article « Napoléon 1er » dans l’encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia ; lisez l’introduction de l’article, et la partie (1.3.2 Napoléon et l’Église). 2. Quels éléments de la biographie
335 Mots / 2 Pages -
Tim Burton: The Biography
Tim Burton: The Biography His success begins when he started his career as a Disney animator, and his films often portray a highly stylized world visually reminiscent of cartoons. He was born Timothy William Burton, the first of two sons to Bill and Jean Burton. Burbank in California is where he born in August 25 1958. Burton described his childhood self as quirky, self-absorbed and highly imaginative. He found home life and school difficult and
494 Mots / 2 Pages -
Histoire Des Arts: The Problem We All Live With de N. ROCKWELL
Collection of the Norman Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge Massachusetts DESCRIPTION : Le 14 septembre 1960, Ruby BRIDGES est la première enfant afro-américaine à intégrer une école blanche aux Etats-Unis et doit affronter une foule de manifestants pour entrer à l'école William Franz de la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Certains lui lancent des tomates, d’autres ont écrits des insultes (NIGGER) terme utilisé par les marchands d’esclaves et les contremaîtres dans les plantations. Les agents fédéraux (brassard U.S
310 Mots / 2 Pages -
The calculation of high temperature superconductors in feasibility analysis of HTS generators for renewable energies
Abstract— This paper is presented a simulation setup for the calculation of high temperature superconductors in feasibility analysis of HTS generators for renewable energies from obtained data of a wide bibliographic review, in documents, articles and reports related with critical and operative values of the superconductor material selected for the final simulation in the finite elements software (YBaCuO). This setup incorporates the magnetic and electric field dependencies as well as the current and temperature
4 456 Mots / 18 Pages -
The Social Psychology Network
example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; and government research councils such as the National Institutes of Health in the USA[24] and the Medical Research Council in the UK. These are managed primarily through universities and in some cases through military contractors. Many senior researchers (such as group leaders) spend a significant amount of their time applying for grants for research funds. These grants are necessary not only for researchers to carry out their research,
551 Mots / 3 Pages -
The EU Regulation Influence On Corruption Prevention In Public Procurement In France
The EU regulation influence on corruption prevention in public procurement in France Government procurement, also called public tendering or public procurement, is the procurement of goods and services on behalf of a public authority, such as a government agency. The first article of the French Public Procurement code states that : "Public contracts are contracts for pecuniary interest between contracting authorities [...] and public or private economic operators, to meet their requirements for work, supplies
3 258 Mots / 14 Pages -
The Poor Man's Wealth
Ramchand and Premchand were neighbours. Ramchand was a poor farmer. Premchand was a landlord. Ramchand used to be very relaxed and happy. He never bothered to close the doors and windows of his house at night. He had deep sound sleeps. Although he had no money he was peaceful. Premchand used to be very tense always. He was very keen to close the doors andwindows of his house at night. He could not sleep well. He was always bothered that someone might break open
214 Mots / 1 Pages -
The Social Responsibility Of The Global Firm
I. The social responsibility of the global firm A. Corporate social responsibility CRS has been defined as the obligation of firm to society or more specifically to those affected by corporate policies and practices. B. Global companies and business ethics Business ethics has been defined as the critical structured examination of how people and institutions should behave in the world of commerce. The causes of corruption: - Administrative resource allocation: price controls, multiple exchange rates.
265 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Geographical Pivot Of History
Halford Mackinder was an English geographer and he was also one of the founding fathers of geopolitics. The simplest yet most informative definition of geopolitics is the study of the impacts of geography on politics. On a cultural website dedicated to Mackinder, we can read this quote: “Geopolitics is the connecting bridge between geography and international relations.” In his article “The Geographical Pivot of History”, which he submitted to the Geographical Journal in 1904, Halford
1 133 Mots / 5 Pages -
Analyse du Film "The Substitute" de Robert Mandel
" The Substitute " de Robert Mandel (1996) I. Introduction Nous pouvons constater dans le film des différences entre les classes raciales/ethniques. Même si la période de ségrégation s'est dissipée, il est difficile de ne pas constater ces différences. Au début du film, Jonathan Shale, ancien militaire devenu mercenaire, rentre de mission et retrouve Jane Hetzko, sa compagne, professeur dans une école de Miami, où la drogue et la violence sont très présentes. L'établissement est
1 140 Mots / 5 Pages -
The First 20 Hours -- How To Learn Anything: Josh Kaufman
The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything: Josh Kaufman When we start been parents all the environment changes. You try to make things happen but our priorities change. We identify that in certain point of life we will never able to have free time for ourselves, never again. So Josh is concerned because he wants to keep learning, he wants to keep growing!! There is so much to learn, he says: 'I want
519 Mots / 3 Pages -
What is the Quartz value proposition to plumbers ?
Preparation Questions: 1. What is the Quartz value proposition to plumbers? To Consumers? To plumbers: a.Very easy to install - 'push-fit-connect-you're done' b.More profitable i.½ day work (25% of previous time), apprentices can do work also opportunity to install more and capture some of historical 6-mo. wait list ii.on average, plumbers do 40 to 50 a year (generally 2-day job), but generally without reducing profit, will be able to do many more To
274 Mots / 2 Pages -
The dissertation
raduate student has been, more or less, an extension of your earlier life as a student. Many people, in fact, go to graduate school because they have always been “good at school,” and want to continue with something that brings them success and self-confidence. The reading assignments, labs, papers, and tests you have been assigned as a graduate student may not have been so different from your undergraduate course work. The dissertation, on the other
492 Mots / 2 Pages -
Paroles No Church In The Wild
[Frank Ocean:] Human being to the mob What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a god? What's a god to a non-believer? Who don't believe in anything? We make it out alive All right, all right No church in the wild [Jay-Z:] Tears on the mauseoleum floor Blood stains the coliseum doors Lies on the lips of a priest Thanksgiving disguised as a feast Rollin' in the Rolls-Royce Corniche Only the doctors
346 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Timing Of Prenatal Exposure To Maternal Cortisol And Psychosocial Stress Is Associated With Human Infant Cognitive Development
The Timing of Prenatal Exposure to Maternal Cortisol and Psychosocial Stress Is Associated With Human Infant Cognitive Development Elysia P. Davis and Curt A. Sandman University of California, Irvine The consequences of prenatal maternal stress for development were examined in 125 full-term infants at 3, 6, and 12 months of age. Maternal cortisol and psychological state were evaluated 5 times during pregnancy. Exposure to elevated concentrations of cortisol early in gestation was associated with a
9 849 Mots / 40 Pages -
The Truth
Although this novel is written in the first person, it presents the perspective of a 12-year-old girl, Sade Solaja. Her father, Folarin Solaja, is a journalist, one of the most critical of the corrupt regime. The book opens with her memory of hearing the two shots which ended her mother's life, a memory which recurs throughout the novel in her thoughts and dreams. Her memories of Nigeria are often set in contrast to her experiences
486 Mots / 2 Pages -
The World Trade Organization
The WTO is primarily a negotiating framework, a place where members of governments go, to try to resolve trade problems between them. The first step is to talk. These negotiations require significant resources to be effectively monitored by members of the organization (lawyers, experts, etc.). The WTO operates on a democratic fashion, in the sense that each state represents one vote, regardless of its political and economic weight. Leaders of the World Trade Organization in
347 Mots / 2 Pages -
Why The Caged Bird Sings
1- This text is a press article taken from the American international news magazine "Newsweek", written by Alan Zarembo and published on the 10th September, 2001. The passage is entitled « Why thecaged bird sings », it focuses on the story of Ana, a Mexican woman immigrant who has left her country to settle illegally on the United States and who has succeed to climb up the social ladder, she nowenjoys a high standard of living. 2-
331 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Wu Tang Clan
The Wu Tang Clan ain't nuthin to fuck with. The Wu-Tang Clan is an American hip hop group from New York City, originally composed of East Coast rappers RZA, GZA, Method Man, Raekwon, Ghostface Killah, Inspectah Deck, U-God, Masta Killa, Cappadonna and the late Ol' Dirty Bastard. The group was formed in and is associated with the New York City borough of Staten Island (referred to by members as "Shaolin"). They have introduced and launched
353 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Challenge Of The Export For
Introduction “If exporting to a new market, you need to be aware of cultural differences between yourself and your international business partners. Familiarity with customs and etiquette ranging from business methods, dress and diet to history and religious customs will improve your chance of success.” The challenge of the export for a company lies on this quotation. Indeed, the marketing abroad is complicated because it is necessary to adapt itself to the characteristics which
2 110 Mots / 9 Pages -
The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights, passed in 1791, consists of the most important rights to citizens of the United States of America. The second amendment guarantees that every citizen has the right to carry a weapon. That amendment is the key element that helps understanding the tolerance American people have towards guns. The possession rate of firearms in the United States is much higher than in most other countries of the world. The right to carry
462 Mots / 2 Pages -
JR : « Make It Work, Then Stay In The Shadow »
JR : « Make it work, Then stay in the Shadow » The document is an article from The Wall Street Journal, entitled « JR : Make it work, Then stay in the Shadow ». It was written by Christopher DeWorlf and published on September 18, 2013. This text deals with a famous artist who create an unique concept of photography and who has spread it in all around the world. J.R is a french
333 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act, 2012
The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act, 2012 The system works by the Government making contracts with providers of legal services so that the providers can do legal work and be paid from government funds. Under previous legal aid systems, aid was available for all civil cases except those specifically excluded. Under the new system, legal aid is NOT available for civil cases unless it is category specifically mentioned in the Act (for
380 Mots / 2 Pages