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The NGOs

Lettre type : The NGOs. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Décembre 2013  •  Lettre type  •  849 Mots (4 Pages)  •  638 Vues

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the NGOs

The NGOs is a nongovernmental organization, it is an organization that is not part of the local or state or federal government

N.G.O.s can be classified by various areas of activity. You have the environmentalists, this kind of N.G.O.s operates in severals areas such as global warming, pollution, food safety,..

You have fundamental rights protectors, this kind of N.G.O.s are interested in fight against abuses of human rights all over the world and Child labour.

The environmentalists and fundamental rights protectors are not the only N.G.O.s you have many various areas of others activity.

There Goals are economic, social, educational, cultural or religious. So N.G.O.s play an important role in our societies.

Some of them are very well known such as Greenpeace, Greenpeace states its goal is to ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity.

Amnesty International The objective of the organisation is "to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights, and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.

World Wide Fund for Nature called also (WWF) The objective of the organisation is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature,

doctors without borders: The objective of the organisation is to provides health care and medical training to populations.

In nineteen sixty-eight (1968), there was one hundred and eighty N.G.O.s accredited. Today, they are three thousand and seven hundred accredited (3735).

The international humanitarian aid, really began in the late sixties in Biafra, Biafra was a secessionist state in south-eastern Nigeria. During one year, NGO's organised an air bridge intended to nourish populations. Foreign correspondents in the blockaded enclave spotted the first signs of famine that spring, and by early summer there were reports that thousands of the youngest Biafrans were dying each day. Anybody in the rest of the world paid attention until a reporter from the Sun, the London tabloid, visited Biafra with a photographer and encountered the wasting children. The story got picked up by newspapers all over the world. More photographers made their way to Biafra, and television crews, too. The civil war in Nigeria was the first African war to be televised.

the pictures of innocents suffering made an inescapable appeal to conscience

In 1967, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the world’s oldest and largest humanitarian nongovernmental organization, had a total annual budget of just half a million dollars. A year later, the Red Cross was spending about a million and a half dollars a month in Biafra alone, and other N.G.O.s, secular and church-based (including Oxfam, Caritas, and Concern), were also growing exponentially in response to Biafra. The Red Cross ultimately withdrew from the Nigerian civil war in order to preserve its neutrality, but by then its absence hardly affected the scale of the operation. Biafra was inaccessible except by air, and then at nine-teen sixty-eight (1968) a humanitarian airlift had begun. The Biafran air bridge, as it was known, had


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