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The Fighting Temeraire dissertations et mémoires


2 640 The Fighting Temeraire dissertations gratuites 626 - 650 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 24 Juin 2015
  • The Union pour un Mouvement Populaire VS The Parti Socialiste

    The Union pour un Mouvement Populaire VS The Parti Socialiste

    c The Union pour un Mouvement Populaire VS The Parti Socialiste Ibtissam Dahbi Skali Supervised by: Dr. Djalil Lounnas PSC 2301 03 May 5, 2015 The French political party, which is also perceived as a classic of democracy, may appear be ambiguous and difficult to track. We can say that the voters are more attracted to the extremist parties such as the UMP or PS, since these two parties are the ones that most won

    2 702 Mots / 11 Pages
  • John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath : “The Monster’s sick”

    John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath : “The Monster’s sick”

    John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath Excerpt n°1 : “The Monster’s sick” Read lines 1 to 5. 1) Who are “the squatting men”? "The squatting men" are the farmers from Oklahoma, they are tenants of a land owned by a bank. That are so sad and angry to be evicted of their native land by the bank, they squat at the soil to touch the land of their ancestors. 2) What are they talking about?

    626 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Thème Terminal Bac Pro "Le thé anglais"

    Thème Terminal Bac Pro "Le thé anglais"

    The English tea I'm going to talk about of the English tea. First I’m going to talk about the tradition of "five o'clock tea" and finally of the anecdotes. The tradition of Five O’clock tea The five O’clock tea is a tradition in England. The English have two meals in a day, (The breakfast or the brunch and the dinner) the breakfast is consistent and rich. Many English and the Duchess of Bedford were

    460 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Critique du Film The Social Network

    Critique du Film The Social Network

    TALON Romain BTS 1 Critique du film The Social Network Le film cinématographique The Social Network est un drame biographique réalisé par David Fincher en 2010. Le film est étatsunien, le scénario vient d’Aaron Sorkin inspiré d'un roman de Ben Mezrich, la langue parlée dans le film est l’anglais et les studios de production sont Columbia Pictures. L’intrigue se caractérise par le lieu où réside Mark Zuckerberg pour ses études, qui est Harvard, la plus

    607 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Fiche lecture Fight Club

    Fiche lecture Fight Club

    M. THERAIN I:\CFA - 2010 - 2011\Administratif\Réunion de Travail\LOGO_CFABTP_TOUL-MURET.JPG Français Fiche de lecture Fight Club de David Fincher 1. Introduction Fight Club est un roman de Chuck Palahniuk publié en 1996 dans lequel le héros fonde un club de combat afin d'évacuer son mal-être. Le film tiré du roman a été adapté en 1999 par David Fincher : Fight Club. Le livre et le film sont très difficiles à classer en raison des nombreuses thématiques

    1 740 Mots / 7 Pages
  • The Devil Wears in Prada

    The Devil Wears in Prada

    The devil wears in Prada Hello, my name is ….., I’m 1*…, I’m the last year of commerce in technical high school in Paris I’m going to talk about the movie “The devil wears in Prada”. First present the origins, I will talk about the characters and finally I will tell the story. The devil wears in Prada is the film adaptation of Lauren Weisberger's novel of the same name. The book went out in

    525 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The help

    The help

    Bienvenue à Jackson, Mississippi, en 1963, un lieu où les filles afro-américains travaillent dans les maisons de femmes blanches - le nettoyage, la cuisine, et élever les enfants. La plupart d'entre eux sont traités honteusement et sont obligés d'écouter des commentaires désagréables sur leurs défauts et des remarques désobligeantes sur leur race, y compris les frais que les "gens de couleur" de la maladie de report. Ce qu'on oublie, est la patience, la loyauté et

    686 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Can car-pooling help save the earth?

    Can car-pooling help save the earth?

    Can car-pooling help save the earth? Compte rendu anglais Kate Sydney me avait jamais rencontré , elle ne hésite pas à ouvrir la porte de sa Nissan 1998 pour que je puisse monter à la cible avec elle. Le voyage n'a pas fallu longtemps , mais il épargné le monde 10 livres de dioxyde de carbone . Multipliez ce chiffre par millions , et vous avez une raison Robin Chase a commencé GoLoco , un

    485 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and form of power: the Mexican emigration

    Places and form of power: the Mexican emigration

    Places and form of power: the Mexican emigration The organization of any society implies a particular distribution of power between its different groups on an economic, political or social level. In class we swathe example of Mexican’s immigration in the US where the spaces are the both sides of the frontier and the different forms of power at stake. Economic powers: To start we will speak of the economic power in the US, because immigrants

    347 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Homecoming

    The Homecoming

    Mathilde Pinault Terminale S The theme of Power in “The Homecoming” “Consider to what extent “The Homecoming” is a power struggle” Harold Pinter’s play The Homecoming has one main important theme: the one of power. The definition of power is the ability to influence the behaviour of others. The characters in this play try to exert power over each other using sexuality and violence. The violence is shown through threats and threatened acts of violence

    1 083 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The landlady:short story review

    The landlady:short story review

    The Landlady (Kiss,Kiss by Roals Dahl) My Opinion about my extract: I didn't like the final part (the end) of this short story because it's beyond understanding,we can't understand the punch line,and it's a pitty because I liked the beginning and the plot,I wanted something really suprising and bigger,so i'm really dissapointed. But in an other way,I've liked the creepy side of the end,it's seems a little bit scary and attractive because you wants to

    412 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The social Network "Facebook"

    The social Network "Facebook"

    Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Born on May 14/1984, in New-York, Mark Zuckerberg founded the social-network website "Facebook". He left Harvard University after his sophomore year to concentrate on the website, the user base of which has grown to more than 250 millions people. Making Zuckerberg a billionaire. The birth of Facebook was recently portrayed in the film " The Social-Network ". Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born into a comfortable, well-educated family, and raised in the

    611 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of Power in the black American culture

    Places and forms of Power in the black American culture

    Places and forms of Power in the black American culture The notion that I will present is the notion of places and forms of power and the theme is the African American culture, Completely excluded from the fine ideals of the Declaration of Independence, that all man were created equal. The question that we ask ourselves is how have African American achieved recognition? After the Civil War that started in 1861 and ended in 1865,

    540 Mots / 3 Pages
  • «Remember – The internet never forgets ! »

    «Remember – The internet never forgets ! »

    Anglais : 10.11.2015 Correction du devoir : «Remember – The internet never forgets ! » COMPTE RENDU : * 5 Remarques : * Toutes compréhensions écrites dans une autre langue que le français c’est zéro. * 200 mots : Avec une marge mais attention si trop ou pas assez -> Pénaliser. * Si vous n’indiquez pas le nombre de mots ce n’est pas sanctionnable mais c’est fortement recommandé. * Pour obtenir 10 points il faut

    557 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How do you know when the price is right?

    How do you know when the price is right?

    Cornélis Laurence 1ère Master Ingénieur de gestion “How do you know when the price is right?” Contexte En marketing, la fixation du prix est le plus grand casse-tête des managers. Et pourtant, un léger rapprochement du « juste » prix peut avoir un impact énorme. Objectif de l’article L’objectif de l’article est d’expliquer les deux grandes qualités d’un processus de fixation du prix efficace, à savoir la stratégie et la coordination, ainsi que les 8

    970 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Coach Who Got Poached

    The Coach Who Got Poached

    Cet article nous montre les problèmes qui peuvent se produire dans une entreprise suite au manque d’une politique de ressources humaines et suites au manque d’une communication entre les différentes directions au sein d’une entreprise. Cet article nous donne une idée de ce qui peut se produire dans une entreprise suite à l’absence d’une stratégie qui implique les managers à travailler main dans la main. Nous allons maintenant analyser ce qui s’est passé dans la

    972 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The critic

    The critic

    The Critic We are going to present you this picture of Weegee named “The Critic” taken in New York City in 1943. Weegee was the first photojournalist in history. This photograph was taken at the Metropolitan Opera season. We are confronted to the encounter between different worlds and so, we are going to show you different kinds of encounters. Firstly, we can see the meeting among the characters which consists of a few men on

    374 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Windows on the world

    Windows on the world

    Bien que le livre a été écrie en 2003 sois dix ans plutôt, l’auteur a fait un portrais qui est toujours juste de l’Amérique que l’on connait aujourd’hui ou la consommation de biens matérielles est très importante. Une population avec un taux de mariage élever presque aussi élever que celui du divorce. Ce livre d’écrie une population postmoderne. Secondement, l’auteur apporte beaucoup de points de vue sur les changements dans les relations entre les gens,

    326 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The critic

    The critic

    The Critic We are going to present you this picture of Weegee named “The Critic” taken in New York City in 1943. Weegee was the first photojournalist in history. This photograph was taken at the Metropolitan Opera season. We are confronted to the encounter between different worlds and so, we are going to show you different kinds of encounters. Firstly, we can see the meeting among the characters which consists of a few men on

    374 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What is the prestigious jon

    What is the prestigious jon

    To me, the "prestigious job is that allows us, allows me to practice our passion to work. What good does a trade if one is not at ease? That seems unlikely, but nevertheless frequent. I think I would arrange for me to have a job related to my affections. A trade in which I could taste was practicing. Me for example, I love sports, and I was a crazy physical activity. A man who loves

    254 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The minoritie in Europe: french example

    The minoritie in Europe: french example

    ________________ ________________ The Linguistic Minority in Europe : The french example ________________ Introduction To begin with and for the sake (raison) of better presentation, I would like to explain to you what is, in Europe and in the rest of the world, a linguistic minority group. First of all, it is important to define a regional language, which is a language spoken in a territory ruled (gouverné) by a state, but without being the official

    1 307 Mots / 6 Pages


    « African American discrimination and over incarceration, an historical issue persevering within our current justice system » Introduction Since discrimination first began, African Americans were dispossessed of their basics rights through slavery. From the early 17th century, black people were used as propriety. Starting with some racial conflict from which came the idea that the white race was most valuable, blacks were logically inferior and needed to bend over the rules that were imposed to them.

    3 134 Mots / 13 Pages
  • The notion of progress

    The notion of progress

    Notion of Progress: India on the move First, I’d like to explain the notion that I’m going to deal with. The Idea of Progress permit to explain is the development of humankind in diverse societies. It can be feeling in various sectors but it can be too the origin of some problems like the desertion of tradition … India is a country in South Asia, it’s a very large country which is one of the

    577 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Confessions

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Confessions

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Confessions The Confessions is an autobiography written by the Genevan philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau a philosopher and writer of the Enlightenment era also known as the Age of Reason. Writers and philosophers of that era were preoccupied with the “self” and didn’t omit to challenge the common practices accepted back then. Composed of different books, this manuscript slightly inspired from The Confessions of Saint Augustine retraces Rousseau’s life as he’s confessing to

    1 888 Mots / 8 Pages
  • The Princess and the Dragon

    The Princess and the Dragon

    Lesson 8 Writing Exercise: 5% Name: Aline Resende Ribeiro To be completed for homework October/2015 The Princess and the Dragon Once upon a time, a beautiful princess who lived in a castle. However, she was spoiled and bossy. One day, a fierce dragon came and attacked her castle. The dragon kidnapped the princess and took her away to his cave. Her father, the king, called upon three knights to rescue her, Sir Arnold, Sir Smart

    425 Mots / 2 Pages