Spaces An Exchanges dissertations et mémoires
803 Spaces An Exchanges dissertations gratuites 526 - 550
How to make an eco-friendly road?
HOW TO MAKE AN ECO-FRIENDLY ROAD? Environmental pollution is a major problem in the whole world. Roads actually are essential lifelines of a country, providing connectivity and access to goods and services but they also are a source of pollution. In fact road development can affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It affects the wildlife habitat, soils as a result of erosion and hydrological alterations. Other consequences of roads construction are deforestation, destruction, leaching of chemicals,
432 Mots / 2 Pages -
La guerre de 30 ans
La Guerre de 30 ans Intro : La guerre de trente ans a été un conflit d’ordre religieux aux conséquences capitales pour l’Europe et l’Allemagne. C’est tout d’abord une guerre civile à l’intérieur des états de la maison d’Autriche, elle s’étend ensuite à tous les états allemands et finit par devenir une guerre européenne, à cause de l’intervention de la Suède, du Danemark, des provinces unies comme la Hollande, de l’Espagne et de la France.
600 Mots / 3 Pages -
Coca-Cola, is it an endless story?
Coca-Cola, is it an endless story? Introduction: Over the years, The Coca Cola Company has become more than just a brand, the main product of it (coca-cola) has become a symbol for a large part of the population. A name, a brand that everyone can identify at a glance. The company has become a multinational company operating in more than 240 countries. In recent years, it has succeeded in changing the habits of consumers around
445 Mots / 2 Pages -
Risks linked to an imbalanced pension scheme with a changing population
Risks linked to an imbalanced pension scheme with a changing population Abstract: Since the end of the Second World War, it has been compulsory for every French worker to pay pension contributions. The various fluctuations that are occurring in a demographic point of view in the country have led to a deficit of the pension scheme. Indeed, many reforms have already been applied, the most noteworthy being in 2003, because of this demographic imbalance. The
1 712 Mots / 7 Pages -
Recent exchange rate experience of china
CHINESE ECONOMY Lecture 13 Belton Fleisher, Haizheng Li, Min Qiang Zhao: Human capital, economic growth, and regional inequality in China. China’s rapid growth in the past 30 years was fuelled by substantial physical capital investments applied to a large stock of medium-skill labor acquired before economic reforms began. As development proceeded, the demand for high-skill labor grew, and in the past decade China has made substantial investments in producing it. Infrastructure capital is hypothesized to
2 108 Mots / 9 Pages -
Synthèse, Mythes et héros: how can Pokemon Go and the augmented reality games have an impact on our lives and is it a good or a bad one?
INTRODUCTION So, in this presentation we are going to talk about the idea of progress. First, I would like to say what progress is. It is the idea that the World can have a positive evolution in different subjects such as sciences or technology. But those progresses may be subjective to the persons who talked about it as it can have a positive effect for some and for others a negative one. That’s what happened
992 Mots / 4 Pages -
Myths and heroes: How the myth of the American dream influenced people’s life and can we still believe in it? What is a modern-day hero? How have they made an impact on our lives?
1 / 2 Introduction: I’m going to talk about the notion of “Myths and heroes”. Myths and heroes refer to tales, legends, fictional stories and characters… A myth is a traditional story related to a country’s culture and history. A hero is someone who inspires people thanks to his noble qualities and a hero takes place mostly in a myth. But it seems that they are also still present in real life, they are created
816 Mots / 4 Pages -
Factors that an entrepreneur would need to take into account if they were considering becoming a franchise of a fast-food company.
2256450 International Foundation Year 2015/16 Submission Form : Essay ACADEMIC SUBJECT: Business This form must be completed in full and attached to the front of your assignment. Assignment no. (circle) 1 2 3 Title: Discuss the factors that an entrepreneur would need to take into account if they were considering becoming a franchisee of a fast-food company. Candidate number (Not RHUL ID no): 2256450 Turnitin Receipt number: 48107880 Word count: 649 TO NOTE: 1. The
822 Mots / 4 Pages -
If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today?
J.G November 25, 2012 If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today? We have been playing music since the Ancient Times, but music has always had a different meaning depending upon ages, places, and generations. For example, the Greek’s and Roman’s music had a divine and beneficial dimension, while in some Native American civilization it had some evil power. But whatever the age, for the Eurasian people,
510 Mots / 3 Pages -
Guerre de cent ans
Deuxième partie : conduire la guerre, recruter, financer, administrer, réformer 1. Recruter des hommes Les armées médiévales sont de moins en moins féodales et de plus en plus professionnelle. Mais toujours une partie essence féodale. 1. Le recrutement féodal L’ost : c’est une obligation féodale qui est dû au vassal à son seigneur. Il est convoqué sur la base des fiefs. C’est limité dans le temps : en Angleterre c’est 40 jours de service au
9 622 Mots / 39 Pages -
Anglais oral mythe et héros: how can an ordinary person make the world a better place and thus become a hero ?
Myths and heroes. Gerard Way said once that heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. A hero is someone who is admired for his courage and outstanding qualities. His acts of heroism can be conveyed through shows, art, music, poetry, politics, etc. Some heroes can be real or imaginary, they can become myths. But to me, a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength/power/fame/wealth, etc, but by the strength of his
1 145 Mots / 5 Pages -
Commentaire de l'article premier de la loi du 6 Fructidor an II
Devoir écrit Commentez l'article premier de la loi du 6 Fructidor an II La loi du 6 Fructidor an II est la loi sur laquelle toute la règlementation sur l’écriture et l’usage des noms de famille est basée. Elle proclame qu’aucun citoyen ne pourra porter de nom ni de prénom autres que ceux exprimés dans son acte de naissance : ceux qui les auraient quittés seront tenus de les reprendre. De nombreuses lois actuelles s'inspirent
1 372 Mots / 6 Pages -
Synthèse, Places and Exchanges
Places and Exchanges. Migration has always led to lots of exchanges in terms of economy and culture. The United States of America symbolize Freedom, a second chance in the life. Numerous immigrants come in United States. Some come to escape hunger, politic situations in their country and the ward. But other immigrants come to begin a new life. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes the American dream, to start from nothing and to suceed in life.
474 Mots / 2 Pages -
L'oréal: more than a success story, an empire.
Elaloui Inès Sadeq Célina TD 3103 L’Oréal: more than a success story, an empire « Because you’re worth it »: everyone knows this slogan, it is that of the international brand L’Oréal, located in Paris. The company started with a new development of a hair dye in 1909 by a young chemist Eugene Schueller and is now headed by Jean Paul Agon, the current CEO. Since then, L’Oréal has become a real empire in
1 434 Mots / 6 Pages -
Notion Seats and Forms of Power: are all the citizens on an equal footing in modern-day India?
Today, I’m going to speak about the notion ‘Seats and forms of power’. The power can be related to the right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. The power is necessary to control the population for example, for centuries he was essential, like when the colonization was here; and there are some country where a dictatorship still exist and on the other hand the democracy seems to be the
1 279 Mots / 6 Pages -
Notion Anglais "Seats and forms of power": Are all the citizens on an equal footing?
Today, I’m going to speak about the notion ‘Seats and forms of power’. The power can be related to the right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. The power is necessary to control the population for example, for centuries he was essential, like when the colonization was here; and there are some country where a dictatorship still exist and on the other hand the democracy seems to be the
1 279 Mots / 6 Pages -
An overview of Apprenticeships programmes in the UK
An overview of Apprenticeships programmes in the United Kingdom In December, the government voted a £1.4bn skills training scheme in order to lower the rate of youth unemployment. Apprenticeships are work-based training programmes which lead to nationally-recognised qualifications. Most of the training is ‘on the job’. The rest can be provided by a local college or by a learning provider. Apprentices are incorporated in what is called a framework that offers a range of qualifications
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To what extent is migration an answer to inequalities?
TO WHAT EXTENT IS MIGRATION AN ANSWER TO INEQUALITIES Inequality is a problem many are confronted to today. Thousands of workers move from rural to urban areas or even across borders into another country as a means to decrease the gap between themselves and the richer people. Migration is to a certain extent a consequence of regional inequalities, as wealth disparity has become one of the world’s most overwhelming problems. However, some cases have
754 Mots / 4 Pages -
The Overlapping of Space Power Theory and the United States' Space Policies From the Formation of NASA to the Development of SDI, 1958-1983
Extended Essay The Overlapping of Space Power Theory and the United States' Space Policies From the Formation of NASA to the Development of SDI, 1958-1983 To what extent does space power theory accurately explains U.S space policy from the formation of NASA to the development of SDI? Extended Essay in History, Group 3 Word Count: 3959 Personal Code: gdc-878 May 2017 ABSTRACT This essay assesses the extent to which the space power theory explains the
5 243 Mots / 21 Pages -
TPE: La place des loisirs chez la jeunesse brazzaviloise de 13 à 20 ans
Carnet de bord Nom : Toshiro Prénom : MPIKA Membre du Groupe : Andzouana Ivana, MBOLA Stéphanie, Tchicou Angéla Etablissement : Lycée St-Exupéry Classe + série : 1ER ES Thème général du TPE : Individuel et collectif Sujet du TPE et formulation de la problématique : La place des loisirs chez la jeunesse brazzaviloise de 13 à 20 ans Le couplage disciplinaire : Sciences économique et social et Histoire-Géographie Du 16 au 23 Septembre Lors
702 Mots / 3 Pages -
Balzac, La femme de trente ans
Au XIXe siècle, un mouvement littéraire prend l'ascendant : c'est le réalisme. Loin de l'idéalisation, la mission de l'écrivain est maintenant de rapporter la réalité, de plonger le lecteur dans une époque réelle décrite de façon détaillée et a priori objective. Le roman devient une sorte de "miroir" de la société, de l'homme. Balzac est ainsi l'un des maîtres de cet art et déclare vouloir "faire concurrence à l'état civil" avec ses œuvres regroupées dans
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Partir un an à l'étranger
Thomas Woitrin 24 janvier 2017 6A C1 / EF : Ecrire pour convaincre Partir un an à l’étranger après les études secondaires « Apprendre une langue étrangère », c’est souvent l’argument qui revient lorsqu’on parle d’année sabbatique. Pourtant, ce n’est qu’un des nombreux points qui poussent les jeunes à partir. Vous êtes-vous déjà demander ce que vous allez faire après votre dernière année secondaire ? Depuis quelques années, partir à l’étranger devient presque un rite
1 086 Mots / 5 Pages -
Myth and heroes: Why are sports heroes so important in today’s society? and How can art be used to criticize or denounce an aspect of the company?
I am going talk about the notion myth of hereos. A myth is a story that may or may not be true. There may not be records or other proof that they happened, but at least some parts of myths may be true. Some myths may have started as ‘true’ stories but as people re-told them some parts may have been changed by mistake, or to make them more interesting. All cultures have myths and
706 Mots / 3 Pages -
Space Race
Space Rush After WW2 German advances in the field of rockets. The desire to discover space became important. The first important discover in aerospace was in 1934. In was the lauching the fist V2 rocket build by the Nazis to be transform in bomb. They was propulse by Ethyl alcohol and liquid oxygen. It was the starting point of the american an siviet reseach. Because at the end of the war the american and the
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Analyse, cent ans de solitudes de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Situation de la Colombie On ne se sait pas trop quand l'histoire se déroule car Márquez ne donne aucune date dans son œuvre et le récit se passe dans un endroit très retiré en Colombie. Mais avec quelques évènements historiques on peut déduire que l'histoire se déroule du milieu du 19ème siècle au milieu du 20ème. Durant cette époque, la Colombie subit de nombreuses guerres civiles, entre le parti libéral et le parti conservateur. Ce
2 985 Mots / 12 Pages