Coca-Cola, is it an endless story?
Dissertation : Coca-Cola, is it an endless story?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar jibouye • 28 Novembre 2016 • Dissertation • 445 Mots (2 Pages) • 673 Vues
Coca-Cola, is it an endless story?
Over the years, The Coca Cola Company has become more than just a brand, the main product of it (coca-cola) has become a symbol for a large part of the population.
A name, a brand that everyone can identify at a glance.
The company has become a multinational company operating in more than 240 countries. In recent years, it has succeeded in changing the habits of consumers around the world.
The company is mainly known for its flagship product Coca-Cola. But its range of products is very varied.
We may wonder if Coca-Cola is an endless story.
A revolutionary discovery
- History
-The beginning:
Coca-cola was invented in 1886 (eighteen eighty-six) by a pharmacist named John Pemberton. The reason it is called coca cola is that it is made with coca leaves and cola nuts. One day he sought a cure for headaches, he created a perfumed liquid, his color was caramel. The mixture was mixed with sparkling water and tasted by customers of its pharmacy which all, unanimously, found it very special. The price is then set at 5 cents per glass.
He named the drink "Coca-Cola".
He died in 1888, at which time Asa Griggs Candler, a businessman, bought the company for about $ 2,300. It was from that date that the company gained in importance
At present, the marketing of coca-cola has become international (in Europe, in Canada ...)
In 1928, for the first time, Coca-Cola became the Official Partner of the Olympic Games. Thanks to this, Coca-Cola has succeeded all over the world and it has become an indispensable part of people's lives.
During the Second World War, the CEO ordered that "every man gets a bottle of Coca-Cola for five hundred, where he is, and what it costs the company." Thanks to this advertising campaign, Coca-Cola had a solid base to develop its activities in the world.
- Marketing strategy
A diversified range of products
Since its invention, the Coca Cola drink has targeted the entire population. Today, the largest consumers of soft drinks are young. This is why Coca-Cola has decided to broaden its range of products to target its customers more precisely.
Marketing involves placing posters in public places such as bus shelters, escalators or large glued posters. The company also put enormous bottles of Coca-Cola stuck on buildings. Thus, Coca Cola is ubiquitous and consumers constantly think of drinking Coca-Cola.
In summary, Coca-Cola is an important multinational. The consumption of this soft drink is present in almost all crops. In fact, 4,000 liters of Coca-Cola drink every second in the world, or 350 million liters per day. And even if the company faces competition, they have little impact on its success. So for me, Coca-Cola is an endless story.