Why is it so important to get an education?
Discours : Why is it so important to get an education?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lunasns • 6 Novembre 2022 • Discours • 462 Mots (2 Pages) • 320 Vues
My name is Luna and today, i will defend access to education. Why is it so important to get an education? For now, let’s think, let’s ask ourselves questions. How do you come to school? Do you have any difficulty doing that? Do you plan to go to university later? Look at you. Do you think your school situation is the most common and do you want to know?
We’ll find out. The reality is that around the world there are a lot of out-of-school children. And that’s terrible! “How many?” You will ask yourself.
I answer you. 57,8 millions children had no access to education in 2014. Moreover, we know now that 16% of adults are illiterate in the world (=800 million!) 20% of girls compared to 11% of boys have not learned to read or write.
Because, yes, in terms of education, there is a significant difference by gender. Worldwide, 16% of girls are out of school, compared to 15% of boys. But there are places where the majority of women do not have access to education: for example, in sub-Saharan Africa, more than half of them do not attend secondary education.
However, education is essential for women to be free and independent, especially economically. Otherwise, they will have to be dependent on a male person like their husband, brother, or father. It is also important to know that, even if major differences persist, the situation is improving. This shows that we can and that we have to change it!
Some people will ask me: But why is it so important to be educated? Well, for several reasons. First, because It allows us not to be ignorant, to have a critical mind, to live in society, to learn things every day and to transmit our knowledge to future generations so that they in turn are educated. We want children to dream, to do the job of their dreams, to be able to go to school no matter where they live. In order to have the opportunity to earn money, and change the cycle of poverty of their families.
To fight against these inequalities, organizations like UNICEF go to poor countries like Niger or Afghanistan and bring material (such as pens, books and more) and also do humanitarian missions.
Finally, I’ll go back to my original question. How do you come to school? Sure, no problem. Well, this is not the most common situation in the world. There are children who have to travel long distances for example in Colombia, experience dangerous situations, such as swimming, or even climbing mountains, in order to reach their school.
We, citizens of the world, have to change it. Think about these children, think about their condition and fight for them.
Thank you for listening to me.