Oral Anglais dissertations et mémoires
5 369 Oral Anglais dissertations gratuites 126 - 150 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Bac oral anglais places and forms of power
Places and Forms of Power The notion I am going to deal with is places and forms of power. The power is the ability to exercise control or authority over others. Power affects more than personal relationships, it shapes larger dynamics like social group, professional organizations and governments. This helps to create social cohesion but also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at
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Oral anglais Idea of Progress
Idea of Progress The idea of progress is the idea that advances in technology, science and social organization can bring about a positive change to our society. These advances help to improve our daily lives and give us a better quality of life. Social progress, scientific progress and economic development are usually considered as having a positive effect on our society however there are some cases where this change can have a negative effect too.
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Oral Anglais India Idea of Progess
To what extent is India a developing country? •Intro I- Tradition, an obstacle to development Caste system Inequalities men/women Child labour II- India, a land of progress Changing of minds A culture that exports •So let’s begin with: Tradition, an obstacle to development ► First of all, we can’t talk about the traditionals problems of India without talking about the caste system. In fact; India is divided into 5 castes that represent your level
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Oral anglais bac India
India - Idea of progress intro: The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life and has shaped the most of Western civilisation’s vision of history. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily embraced by all, as it may shake up deeply-rooted, highly respected conventions and
1 360 Mots / 6 Pages -
Préparation orale anglais
I am adeline and I am enrolled in the Baccalaureate STMG For starters I will present my subject which speaks of scientific progress. In the 20th century, many new scientific and technological discoveries have daily consequences for our lives. So with this medical progress there are some incurable diseases that are cured by the vaccination, for example the tuberculosis vaccine is created in 1921 so the men are protected and succulates less to the
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Oral Anglais
The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges ». To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion : an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation. There are different kinds of exchanges : media, people, trade... To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration in the USA.
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Oral Anglais BAC : prohibition in America
We're going to present you a cartoon about Prohibition in America and enforcements. We do not have the name of the author or the date of its publication but we can imagine that this image was designed in 1920 during the prohibition in America to make fun of the government and their laws. We can see 2 characters, one on the left and one on right. We can see a cat on the middle of
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Exposé Oral Anglais Révolution Française
Pierre : Hello Mr. Dekneuvel and delighted to meet you. I understand that you were opposed to our revolution, or more precisely the way in which our revolution is made. That's why I invited you today at home to be able to parallel our disagreements. Nello : Yes, thank you for inviting me to your home to discuss this pitiful French revolution. I find this revolution very paradoxical because on the other hand, you defend
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Oral anglais série "good doctor"
I will present the “good doctor” series to you. Good Doctor is an American series whose directors are David Shore and Daniel Dac Kin. It’s a medical series whose the main character is Shaun Murphy has Asperger’s syndrome as well as scholar syndrome. Both Asperger’s and Scientist’s Syndrome are forms of autism. Besides being a medical series, it is dramatic. The main character is acting by Freddie Highmore. This actor had a role in: Bates
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Oral anglais Myths and Heroes
Our world is full of people, some who had a biggest importance than others, some famous, some respected and recognized. Human story have seen lots of men and women who changed the world by their acts. That’s why I’m going to talk about “Myths and Heroes”. Myths are defined as stories about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is
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Oral Anglais Seats and Forms of Power
THEME : Going to university What selection for higher education ? I’m going to talk about the notion Seats and forms of power. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. To me, « Places » can be countries and states. It can also be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power.Then, « forms of power » involves a form of control on somebody or something. It
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Oral anglais Bac - Idea of progress
IDEA OF PROGRESS Junk Food An article by Elaine Magee The heaviest child in the world - Jessica Exercise your will power by Oscar Ramos The notion of Idea of progress is synonymous of evolution, development, improvement and increase. In terms of progress, we can easily mention different fields such as medicine (vaccines, antibiotics, life expectancy), as society (women right, right to vote…) as technology (robots, weapons, movies…) which goes faster than the past. Progress
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Oral Anglais Discours d'un recruteur de l'armée
Hello, today I am going tell you why you should join the army. By becoming a soldier, you will be a fulfilled person. The army has a position for each one of you. All trades are represented in the army. If you enjoy helping and protecting your neighbur by enlisting in the army, you may experience the feeling of having accomplished a lot more than if you worked in civilian life. If you like action,
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Compréhension orale anglais/ Le coaching
Le document « Caoching » est un audio qui porte sur une conversation entre des étudiants de l’IUT Oakgrove en Angleterre et Virginia Manley (qui est psychothérapeute et coach). Les étudiants discutent sur ce qui est le coaching, ils posent beaucoup de questions et Virginia y répond. Les élèves nous expliquent que le coaching est surtout associé aux sports comme le football et baseball mais qu’aujourd’hui, il s’applique à plusieurs domaines de la vie
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Oral anglais tourism
Oral anglais en anglais Today I will introduce you to sports tourism and it’s four categories. First, what is sport tourism? Sports tourism is when people temporarily leave their homes to participate in a sport activity related to the discovery of a destination, but also to participate or attend an event, a competition. There are several kinds of sports tourism like; - Sports entertainment tourism: the tourist is a spectator, travelling alone or in
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Expression oral anglais
Hello, I am going to present to you a terrible news that happened a short time ago in the United States. On Thursday, October 13, 5 people were shot dead in Raleigh, located in the southeastern United States, by a 15-year-old boy. There were also several people injured, one seriously. The victims are between 16 and 52 years old. The shooter was hospitalized in critical condition, and the reason for his act is not yet
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Oral anglais BTS communication
Doc 1 : The first text is an extract of a newspaper the New York Times, which talks about a robot at work. Meet the new office companion: a «brain-less» robot. Naver, a South Korean Internet company, is trying to introduce robots into the world of cubicles and conference rooms without making employees uncomfortable. That’s because they were robots. Naver has been experimenting with integrating robots into office life for several months. In a futuristic,
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Oral anglais sur le travail
The 3 documents made available to us are extracts which all are on the theme of work, they are about progressive and innovative work programs but there are similarities and differences between these types of work. I/ Work Modes All the doocuments are about work in Canada and the first two documents show a first similarity : they talk about work in companies, more precisely the first document is based on Canada’s Top 100 Employers
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Oral anglais global warming
Today I would like to talk about a subject that is very important to me, global warming. It is a subject that should be central in our lives As we are not always informed enough and aware about the real issues of this, I have prepared a little game to test your knowledge. We will play this game throughout the presentation i will do https://create.kahoot.it/preview/87c2f3a5-c44d-4ae6-9482-1eb1c9d88fb7 Quizz lauching Question 1 So we all know what global
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Script oral anglais sur les frontière sud-africaines
Let’s begin the news in English, today there are these border conflicts between South Africa and its neighboring countries including Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, and finally Zimbabwe, which intertwine crimes, disagreement and fear of the population, Linda Favor presents with us, will explain all these differences between African countries * Hello Linda, thank you for being here * Hello Emilie * We have seen some crime at the border gates of South Africa, how can this
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Oral anglais
ORAL ANGLAIS J’ai choisi le sujet en quoi le voyage permet-il de développer notre ouverture d’esprit ? car j’ai envie de faire une année de césure en gap Years dans un pays anglophone. La réflexion que j’ai menée pour finaliser mon projet m’a aidé à construire mon grand oral. Que peut donc apporter le voyage ? Je vais vous exposer deux axes : Le rapport à soi Le rapport à l’autre 1) EN QUOI LE
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Préparation oral anglais microbiote
Préparation oral anglais : Microbiote Introduction: Présentation microbiote There are many different microbiotas in our bodies, and the most important of these is the gut microbiota. So today we will introduce you to the gut microbiota, what roles it plays in our body, and what impact it can have on our health. The microbiota is the name given uniformly to the hundred trillion micro-organisms commensals residing in our digestive tract, including the stomach, which represents10
1 554 Mots / 7 Pages -
Oral anglais soutenance Starcraft
Anglais oral Starcraft 2 1. When was it released, who developped it Starcraft Two : Wings of Liberty is a real time strategy video game developped and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It was released in 2010 ( two thousand ten) and is the sequel to Starcraft and its expansion Starcraft Brood War , which were released in 1998 (nineteen ninety eight) . 2. Goal + type of game The game is set in a science-fiction
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Oral anglais terminale sur le dark tourism
INTRODUCTION : We decided to talk to you about the Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp and we will try to convince you to visit it. The former nazi concentration camp in Poland, categorized by the UNESCO as a cultural monument, is one of the most important symbol of world war 2 which represents the terrible jewish genocide. We chose to talk about the Auschwitz concentration camp as a dark tourism attraction because the worst atrocities took
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Anglais Oral: sur un article “labor officials scrutinize a rise in unpaid interns”
This document is an article extracted from the Global edition of the new york times, this article was written by Steven Greenhouse in 2010 the six of April 2010. The tittle of this article is “labor officials scrutinize a rise in unpaid interns” This article is about the rise of unpaid interne This article is composed of seventeen paragraph So this article is about the rise of unpaid internships in Usa, First of all we
267 Mots / 2 Pages