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Oral anglais terminale sur le dark tourism

Mémoire : Oral anglais terminale sur le dark tourism. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mai 2024  •  Mémoire  •  513 Mots (3 Pages)  •  105 Vues

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We decided to talk to you about the Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp and we will try to convince you to visit it. The former nazi concentration camp in Poland, categorized by the UNESCO as a cultural monument, is one of the most important symbol of world war 2 which represents the terrible jewish genocide.

We chose to talk about the Auschwitz concentration camp as a dark tourism attraction because the worst atrocities took place there during world war 2 but it stays a historical and cultural monument which represents the cruelty of the jewish genocide. It contributes to the duty of remembrance because it's a reminder of what happened during the war, which must be known by everyone.


Auschwitz-Birkenau is located in the south of the actual Poland, in an industrial town, near Cracovie, but during world war 2, this part of the Polish land was attached to the Germany land.

Auschwitz-Birkenau is the deadliest nazi concentration camp which was the scene of atrocities from 1942 (nineteen forty-two) to 1944's (nineteen forty-four) summer.

At least one million and three hundred people were deported to Auschwitz, the majority were jewish but there were some Polish people and war prisoners. One million and one hundred thousand of them were killed in Auschwitz.

This concentration camp was actually the uniting of three camps: a prisoner of war camp, an extermination camp and a forced labor camp.

The Auschwitz camp refers to the jewish genocide which was planned by the nazis during the world war 2.

Auschwitz Birkenau was built to realize the total extermination of the jewish population, this plan was called the final solution. It has been the biggest and the most used camp of all the nazis camps.


On average, there are five hundred thousands visitors each year but the record of affluence was beaten in 2019 (twenty nineteen) with 2 millions and 32 (thirty-two hundred thousands visitors.

There are two ways to visit the camp: by yourself or with a guide. The ticket for the entrance is 10 euros and a guided visit will cost you 30 euros.

The visit of the camp could teach you a lot of historical facts: it recounts the world war 2 story and specially the jewish discrimination. You could see the places where the jewish were sleeping, what their "bathroom" looked like and understand the awful conditions they supported during their deportation. You could see all the clothes and shoes from the prisoners, which can show how many people were captive. You could learn a lot about the nazi's strategy and the life endured by the prisoners during two years.

During your visit at Auschwitz you would contribute to the duty of remembrance and keep this cultural legacy alive.


In conclusion, the Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp is an historical and cultural monument which is very popular because it recounts the story of world war 2.

It is a place where you could improve your history knowledge and learn a lot about the life conditions in those concentration camps.


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