Exposé Oral Anglais Révolution Française
Compte rendu : Exposé Oral Anglais Révolution Française. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar FriskoZ News • 31 Décembre 2019 • Compte rendu • 560 Mots (3 Pages) • 653 Vues
Pierre :
Hello Mr. Dekneuvel and delighted to meet you. I understand that you were opposed to our revolution, or more precisely the way in which our revolution is made. That's why I invited you today at home to be able to parallel our disagreements.
Nello : Yes, thank you for inviting me to your home to discuss this pitiful French revolution. I find this revolution very paradoxical because on the other hand, you defend the values of freedom and equality of men but you kill men because they are noble or because they are religious or against the fact of remove the monarchy.
Pierre : The revolutionaries committed these murders because they considered these people as people opposed to our revolution and then those people that you defended for more than a thousand years they govern us, manipulate us and tell us what we must think . These people are a hindrance to our freedom on the other hand if it came to that certain people of the Clergy or the nobles follow our ideas of course they would not kill. I think that nowadays society needs real change because the little people like too long subjected to this domination of the most powerful and that it must stop. The people must express themselves and form a nation to act together, that is the goal of our revolution.
Nello : Yes, but why not have made a peaceful revolution? Violence is necessary to be expressed because I think that violence will make the people more aggressive and therefore it will have a significant impact for future years because there will be a very painful psychological shock of this revolution on the French population.
Pierre : When we wanted to be expressed by voice it did not work because when the Three Orders met the clergy and the nobility put themselves together to counter our revolutionary ideas because each had the right to a voice. So violence or, more precisely, acting with force was our only way to make ourselves express and liberate ourselves from this monarchy that blocks the people. It is not you Englishmen who go to morals because you are the first to have judged your king and beheaded.
Nello : We killed our king because he killed our people. But we already had the idea in mind to establish a constitutional monarchy because the elimination of the king or abolish the monarchy seemed unnatural because for us the king is an important value of our country because the king is the representation of a country. For this we found a happy medium so that the king is not all the power and that people can express themselves we made a constitutional monarchy where is a parliament that drafts the laws and the vote
Pierre : I find this idea good but in France it did not work because the king does not accept to lose all his divine rights. That's why we eliminated our king as a symbol also to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic as in the time of the Greeks. To end we have different systems and different points of view but our two systems both advocate the values of equality and freedom which makes us two countries liberated from the grip of religion and absolute monarchy.