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Captain America 78 dissertations et mémoires


115 Captain America 78 dissertations gratuites 51 - 75

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Dernière mise à jour : 19 Juin 2015
  • Baudelaire Spleen 78

    Baudelaire Spleen 78

    Spleen LXXVIII * Intro : S'agit d'un poème de la section Spleen et Idéal, intitulé « Spleen 78 », du recueil de poèmes Les Fleurs du Mal écrit en 1857 par Charles Baudelaire. 4e et dernier poème intitulé Spleen, constitué de 5 quatrains d’alexandrins, traduit le Spleen, qui pour Baudelaire, est un état physique et moral associé à l'angoisse et l'ennui de la vie et de la condition humaine vouée à la mort. → Vous

    578 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Todorov, La conquista de América, el problema del otro

    Todorov, La conquista de América, el problema del otro

    Olivia Adams Zoe Serafini 1ère ES/L Todorov, La conquista de América, el problema del otro 1. Todorov presenta el descubrimiento de América como un antes y un después en la historia del hombre, lo ve como el comienzo de la Era Moderna. Por otra parte cree que el descubrimiento dio paso al mayor genocidio de la historia humana. 1. Si bien Colón siempre mostró abiertamente un interés y sostuvo una series de indicios sobre posibles

    710 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Subculture Alternative America.

    Subculture Alternative America.

    What is a subculture ? is a group of people within a larger culture that differentiates itself from the larger culture to which it belongs. Such people may share same religious, political or scientific beliefs. Sometimes a culture may be represented in the form of where people live. For instance we have the American culture. There are so many subcultures in America, we have hip hop culture, high culture , hacker , video gamer, skater,

    505 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Compte-rendu critique, OLIVIER, Émile. Repérages, Édition Leméac, 2001, p. 78-92.

    Compte-rendu critique, OLIVIER, Émile. Repérages, Édition Leméac, 2001, p. 78-92.

    Résumé Le politique et l’art se sont souvent confrontés et de nombreux intellectuels en ont essuyé les conséquences. Le texte d’Émile Olivier traite de la question de l’engagement des artistes ou des intellectuels au sens politique et social. Ainsi, dans «un univers qui se dégrade », qui fait face à la mondialisation et aux problèmes sociaux, politiques et économiques, les artistes sont interpellés. L’auteur met donc en relief deux postures sur lesquelles se positionnent les

    636 Mots / 3 Pages
  • History of America.

    History of America.

    The history of New York is a summary of the big dates of the history of the United States. Indians and colonist Originally, the Indians occupy the place of « Lenape », the tribe of Alquonquins, the place was called "Mannahatta" or « the island of Hills » If Christopher Columbus discovers officially America in 1492, the tranquillity of the algonquien people will not be disturbed during still a century. A few decades after Colomb,

    324 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: why people immigrate to America ?

    Spaces and exchanges: why people immigrate to America ?

    Spaces and exanches The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. to illustrate this notion we are going to talk about immigration, specifically immigration to America. Indeed we may wonder why people

    562 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: why does America produce so many heroes ?

    Myths and heroes: why does America produce so many heroes ?

    English Myths and heroes have always played a huge part in the proper functioning of any society in the world. They inspire people, boost the economy or give strength to an army. In the American culture, people have taken their importance to a hole next level since the mid XXth century. We may wonder why does America produce so many heroes ? The need for role models will first be presented, then the role that

    1 092 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Notion d'espagnol: En qué medida los flujos migratorios entre EEUU y América latina fomentan intercambios?

    Notion d'espagnol: En qué medida los flujos migratorios entre EEUU y América latina fomentan intercambios?

    Espacios e Intercambios Intro Entre los Estados-Unidos y América Latina vemos que los dos espacios mantienen relaciones, podemos hablar de la noción Espacios e intercambios. Esta noción trata de los diferentes movimientos en los diferentes territorios, o zonas geográficas. Actualmente podemos decir que los intercambios son crecientes entre los dos espacios, pueden aparecer en muchas formas: de cultura, de información, o de poblaciones. Por eso voy a ilustrar esta noción con el tema de la

    911 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The myths of witches in America

    The myths of witches in America

    Myths are somewhat heroic or monstrous that have been talked about in one way or another but we did not know if it really happened or not. In the 17 century the American people are afraid from a "Mythes" of witch beacause a women has convulsion and people are think she's posseded . This is nammed the puritanism the principal history is the witches of salem. The puritains are dressed in plain dark clothes .Many

    260 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: the myth of wutches in America

    Myths and heroes: the myth of wutches in America

    The notion i'm going to deal with is Myths and heroes with the exemple of the myth of witches in America. First, I think that is important to define the terms of myth and hero. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or

    405 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The idea of progress: to what extent can we say that India became like North America?

    The idea of progress: to what extent can we say that India became like North America?

    Hello. The notion I’m going to deal with today is The idea of progress. First of all, let me give you a little definition of this notion. It can be defined as an improvement, a development, an advance : social, technical or scientist. It contributes to makes of the world a better place and to improve humans conditions even if the progress can have negative side too. The subject of my oral presentation will be

    569 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Massez consumption in America

    Massez consumption in America

    MASS CONSUMPTION Mass Consumption in America Emna Rabai Mediterranean School of Business G3 ________________ Mass consumption is defined as mass production and a system of mass sales which implies an ever-increasing availability of goods in a culture that favors buying and selling, desire and consumerist identities. Although this paper builds on and borrows elements from the emerging field of consumer studies, its purpose is limited to the manifestations of mass consumption commonly associated with America

    2 066 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Was America a good place to live in the 1920s?

    Was America a good place to live in the 1920s?

    Was America a good place to live in the 1920s? The "Roaring Twenties" suggest a moment of change, prosperity and excitement. Indeed flappers, automobiles and new films form exciting images of people who have fun. On another side we will see that these years hide things negative. I will look at all aspects of American life be it good and bad, "white and black" and end with a conclusion as balanced as possible about the

    286 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Sports and Education in America

    Sports and Education in America

    Sports and Education in America It’s simple to understand why America is a fascinating country when you decide to watch a Super Bowl or a NBA Finals. It’s in those moments when you realize how American people does things bigger than it should be. I choose to talk about sports in America because it’s the most accessible side about America, everyone can watch an NBA game wherever he is. Sport in the United States has

    493 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Weapons in America

    Weapons in America

    In the USA, the right to carry arms is written in the Constitution. It comes from the time when the US had just achieved independence and there was no real army to defend the country. It strictly says “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed”. Since then, a majority of the population and organizations such as the NRA (National Rifles Association) have considered this as an inalienable right

    322 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The history of women in america from domesticity to civil rights

    The history of women in america from domesticity to civil rights

    I'm going to talk about the idea of progress. A progress is a positive change a positive evolution. It can be a political, scientific, political or social improvement. So far this year we studied for this notion the history of women in america, from domesticity to civil rights, so that's what i've chosen to talk about in order to attempt to answer the question : Can we say that men and women are now equal

    1 016 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Biography of Captain Salgueiro Maia

    Biography of Captain Salgueiro Maia

    I'm going to tell you about Captain Salgueiro Maia who was one of the great heroes of the Portuguese Revolution It will remain in history as one of the examples of moral greatness that gave freedom and democracy to the Portuguese people Of course, no one makes a revolution on his own and many other servicemen deserve a reference. But Salgueiro Maia occupies a particular place in the history of April 25. He is not

    281 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Civil War in America

    Civil War in America

    I. THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE “NORTH” AND THE “SOUTH” Those differences were first due to geography and the character of each region. While the colonies of the North soon favoured industry and the development of maritime commerce, the climate in the Southern colonies favoured agriculture on a large scale. Tobacco was their first main resource, but, in 1793, the invention of the “cotton gin” by Eli Whitney, which enabled a quick removal of cotton seeds,

    1 038 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Black people in America

    Black people in America

    Places and forms of power is the subject I am to speak about. While “places” and “forms” are easily understandable, “power” has to be given an appropriate definition : in this context, “power” designs the influence people have or can get, whether in regard of the law or of what is customary. I will process the particular case of black people in America, where African American have underwent slavery and where segregation’s spirit does not

    755 Mots / 4 Pages
  • “O Captain! My Captain” – Plan détaillé

    “O Captain! My Captain” – Plan détaillé

    “O Captain! My Captain” – Plan détaillé “O Captain! My Captain” is one of Walt Whitman’s most famous poems, being learned by schoolchildren throughout the United States. The poem’s fame is rather paradoxical since it is not representative of Whitman’s poetry, being much more conventional than his other poems, both in form and content. The reason for this might be Whitman’s aim in this poem which is to reach a wide and popular audience in

    478 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Rapide analyse de Captain Fantastic

    Rapide analyse de Captain Fantastic

    Captain Fantastic Captain Fantastic, comédie dramatique réalisée par Matt Ross et sortie en 2016 est un film aux multiples questionnements philosophiques et politiques. Il narre l'histoire d'une famille, vivant en autarcie dans une forêt américaine, suivant le système de vie énoncé par Platon dans la République, un système de vie communautaire dans lequel le savoir sous toutes ses formes est hautement prescris. A la suite du décés de la mort des 6 enfants, la famille

    1 033 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : witches in America

    Myths and heroes : witches in America

    BAC ANGLAIS : THE MYTH OF WITCHES IN AMERICA Notion : myths and heroes The notion I am going to deal with is about « myths ans heroes». First of all, I would like to define this notion. A myth is a popular story or belief that evolves over the time and that conveys the ideals of a society. Heroes are often the characters of myths. A heroe is seen as someone special, who do

    539 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: Is America a “Welcoming Nation of immigrants” ? Or is it just a myth?

    Myths and heroes: Is America a “Welcoming Nation of immigrants” ? Or is it just a myth?

    The notion I will deal with is Myths and Heroes. To begin with, I would like to give a definition of a Myth and a hero. A myth is a story that may or may not be true. There may not be records or other proof that they happened, but at least some parts of myths may be true. Some myths may have started as ‘true’ stories but as people re-told them some parts may

    860 Mots / 4 Pages


    Ladies and gentlemen. I need not pause to say how very delighted and honored I am to be with you today. I would like to use as a subject from which to speak today, the American Dream. “It’s not about changing who you are, it’s à new chapter to your journey as an american citizen” This quote from Barack Obama summarizes vers well the situation of immigrants in the USA. Well, I’m going to tell

    353 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces an exchanges : to which extent has immigration helped to shape the America nation?

    Spaces an exchanges : to which extent has immigration helped to shape the America nation?

    Spaces and exchanges To which extent has immigration helped to shape the America nation? The caricature What we have here is a caricature drawn by Joe Heller and published in 2010 which shows the statue of Liberty at the wheel of a convertible in the middle of Arizona desert. A fat policeman wearing sunglasses has ordered her to pullover and is asking, I quote: "I can tell by the colour of your skin you're not

    2 124 Mots / 9 Pages

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