- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Business Pla dissertations et mémoires


328 Business Pla dissertations gratuites 151 - 175

Dernière mise à jour : 25 Juin 2015
  • 221 Fabricants de produits en plâtre

    221 Fabricants de produits en plâtre

    221 Fabricants de produits en plâtre - Lafarge : 60 % du CA de la profession. C’est le seul fabricant à faire tous les produits. Cette grosse entreprise est très fortement implantée dans la région PACA. - Poliet & Chausson : (10 % du CA national plâtre en poudre et carreaux) implantation surtout en région parisienne. - Lambert : (10 % du CA plâtre en poudre et carreaux) en toutes régions. Très bonne qualité

    1 953 Mots / 8 Pages
  • International Business

    International Business

    International Business Introduction The global economy appears during this last century with a powerful economic integration, we have had a very strong international flux of goods and services capital and investments. Also a very expensive network of information and communication worldwide. Such a situation allows companies to access new resources, new markets and also new sources of founding (ex : sponsorship, loans, stock exchange, government). All this different points they will make the development of

    1 744 Mots / 7 Pages
  • An Assignment on business environment

    An Assignment on business environment

    London School of Science & Technology logodesign_resized An Assignment On Business Environment Submitted To: Submitted By: Date of Submission: Contents Introduction: 3 LO1: UNDERSTAND THE ORGANISATIONAL PURPOSES OF BUSINESSES 3 1.1 Identify the purposes of different types of business organization, providing local, national and global examples 3 1.2 Select an organization of your choice and describe the extent to which this organization meets the objectives of its stakeholders. 4 1.3 Explain the responsibilities of an

    3 876 Mots / 16 Pages
  • Business project - Burgundy Coffee Shop

    Business project - Burgundy Coffee Shop

    COMMERCIAL CREATIVITY PROJECT ../../Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202017-02-22%20at%2014.57.09.png Héléna Pauchard, Juline Cuenot, Florian Ladeira, Caroline Gaudillere, Amir Boutabaa, Jean-Hugo Sido Groupe 8 Theme: Burgundy Coffee Shop Business plan summary * 1) Market Opportunity………………………………………… 1 to 8 * 3) Vision & Company strategy: purpose & main objectives (including expected profitability)……………………………………… 8 to 9 * 4) Corporate Structure………………………………………….page 9 to 12 * 5) Marketing Strategy…………………………………………page 12 to 13 * 6) Means: Material means, Human resources…………… 13 to 15 * 7) Commercial

    4 102 Mots / 17 Pages
  • Business Game and Leadership

    Business Game and Leadership

    10/10/2016 Business Game & Leadership Objectifs: Les caractéristiques des styles de leadership Les situations de blocage Les fondamentaux de la communication influente Les situations de communication à enjeux Un ensemble de comportements, que l’on peut décrire et qui est récurrent dans l’observation définit un style de communication Ice berg (haut) Ice berg (bas) Relation : Comportements descriptifs observables : Prend l’avis des autres, pas égocentrique, influencer, dépendant Réalisation : Comportements descriptifs observables : manipulation, égocentrique,

    1 588 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Business plan

    Business plan

    SOMMAIRE Présentation notre projet * Fiche synthétique * Point sur notre situation * Nos compétences * Nos motivations 1. Marché * Marché visé, segmentation * Marché de niche ou très concurrentiel * Clientèle potentielle et localisation géographique * Evolution * Barrière à l’entrée * Concurrence * Positionnement par rapport aux concurrents * La demande * L’environnement 1. Produits & Services * Description des services * Avantages concurrentiels * Stade de mise au point 1. Notre

    474 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : what is the impact of the sharing economy on our lifestyle and traditional business ?

    Spaces and exchanges : what is the impact of the sharing economy on our lifestyle and traditional business ?

    * What is the impact of the sharing economy on our lifestyles and traditional business? The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces On the other hand an exchange is when we give in return for something received this can be anything from money, ideas ,clothes …

    690 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Business in China: The Risks, Costs and Benefits

    Business in China: The Risks, Costs and Benefits

    BUSINESS IN CHINA: THE RISKS, COSTS AND BENEFITS Business in China: The Risks, Costs and Benefits Gabrielle Kasza, Alice Mueller, Jonah Sutton, Victor Van den Heuvel Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona We are Samsung from South Korea looking to do business in China. Here is our geographic, cultural, and legal analysis to conclude our risks, benefits, and costs. 1.Geographic Influences China is the third biggest country in the world, following Russia and Canada. It has a

    4 212 Mots / 17 Pages
  • Business plan everykey

    Business plan everykey

    ________________ C’est au cours d’une discussion sur des innovations qu’a germé l’idée d’un bracelet connecté d’authentification universelle basée sur la proximité qui se nomme EveryKey. L’entreprise qui développe ce produit est la société américaine McAfee racheté par le géant de l’informatique Intel Security en 2010. Cette dernière se charge de produire le bracelet mais aussi de développer le système sécurisé. L’engin se propose de déverrouiller n’importe quoi, qu’il s’agisse d’un appareil électronique comme un smartphone

    3 075 Mots / 13 Pages
  • Essay On Business Cycles and Recessions

    Essay On Business Cycles and Recessions

    Essay on Business Cycles and Recessions Business cycles consist in fluctuations found in the aggregate economic activity of nations. They are represented by movements of gross domestic product around its long-term growth trend. Downward fluctuations of GDP are called recessions and are known to raise many theories, also leading to the implementation of various policies to counter their progression. We may therefore wonder how recessions, and, more broadly, business cycles are regulated. In order to

    308 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fiche de lecture Lin, C. and Ho, Y. (2010). Determinants of Green Practice Adoption for Logistics Companies in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(1), pp.67-83.

    Fiche de lecture Lin, C. and Ho, Y. (2010). Determinants of Green Practice Adoption for Logistics Companies in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(1), pp.67-83.

    Compte rendu de lecture d’un article académique Quelle est place de la logistique dans un « green Supply Chain management » ? Lin, C. and Ho, Y. (2010). Determinants of Green Practice Adoption for Logistics Companies in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(1), pp.67-83. I. Structure, cheminement, raisonnement. 1. Résumé en deux phrases de la question de recherche. Quels sont les facteurs influençant la green Supply Chain dans l’industrie logistique chinoise ? 1. Exploitation de

    853 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Business law

    Business law

    [Tapez ici] BUSINESS LAW INTRODUCTION 1. MERGERS 1. DEFINITION 2. CASE STUDY EXXON MOBIL So, know we will see what is a merger through a case study. This one is about the merge of Exxon and Mobil to create Exxon Mobil Corporation. So, they merged in 1999 and it has costs 82 billion dollars. So, there first activity is the exploration of gas, work on petrochemical and on fuels and lubricants. The aim of this

    656 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Business in South Korea

    Business in South Korea

    Business in South Korea Etiquette report (Executive summary) We worked on the different ways of doing business in South Korea coming from an Australian firm, because the behavior is really different from one another. In order to help some Australians who are going to do business with South Korean people, we wrote the report. (Introduction) This report will look at: --> appearance and business dress code --> different behavior during meetings --> Business practice, appointment,

    717 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Business plan

    Business plan

    ________________ Summary 1. Presentation of project…………………………………………………3 1. Market Analysis 1. Project evaluation 1. Program 2. Positioning in relation to the competition 1. Legal environment 1. Human resources 1. Financial study (budget) 1. Annex ________________ EZJOB – Ready to work ? 15000 ________________ SWOT : Strengths Weaknessess Opportunities Threats Positive Negative Intern Strengths Application: easy to access for everyone using a smartphone Commercial: The commission taken is not very high. Presence of a team to check

    363 Mots / 2 Pages
  • International business

    International business

    FICHE SAS - INTERNATIONALISATION – SAS 2017 INTERNATIONALIZATION * What does this mean? * Globalization - « Mondialisation » WHY SHOULD WE BE INTERESTED IN THE WORLD? * Opportunities – for business, culture, and diversity in our lives * Need to communicate with other peoples * Sell ourselves and our ideas to people of other languages and cultures * We need to communicate with them * In a way that they hear us, * In

    1 533 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Suitable business Poland

    Suitable business Poland

    Chapter 2 2.1 Introduction In this chapter, we will explain which business type is most suitable for Poland. This decision will be made according to the conditions given. 1. Most Suitable Business The most suiting business type in Poland according to the conditions given would be to setup an LLC (Limited Liability Company). An LLC is the most convenient and most secure investment within the price range. With an LLC, you are able to setup

    768 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Research paper "Sport business"

    Research paper "Sport business"

    ________________ S port is a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job. There is two thesis about sport. The first is that the sport had always existed in our past civilizations and the second is that the sport, as we know it today, rise in the XIX century. Moreover, the marketing is formed by all the activities realized by

    3 573 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Business ethics

    Business ethics

    Buisness Ethics Chapter 1 : What is Buisness Ethics? Business Ethics is philosophical analysis applied to economic institutions at: * Macro (the market); * Meso (the corporation); and * Micro (individual decisions) level Business Ethics is a tool to reach an agreement around the moral legitimacy and justification of actions, decisions, policies. (Translating value into actions and decisions) Business Ethics is a process about creating value (for stakeholders), AND at the same time doing the

    1 948 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Business plan

    Business plan

    C:\Users\Samsung\Desktop\Downloads\h o t - a i r2.png Sommaire : I. Idée de projet II. La clientèle 1. Le profil du client 2. Le service qu’il va utiliser et les motivations d’utilisation III. Processus de consommation de service IV. Analyse dynamique du marché cible V. La stratégie de développement 1. Les facteurs clés de sucées du projet 2. Les stratégies de développement principales VI. Décisions service 1. Fiche de services 2. Processus de consommation du service

    2 350 Mots / 10 Pages
  • How to start a small business

    How to start a small business

    I) How to start a small business - Do your research : You will need to run your business idea through a validation process before you go any further - Make a business plan : A business plan is a blueprint that will guide your business from the start-up phase, it’s a must-have for all new businesses. - Plan your finances : Starting a small business doesn't have to require a lot of money, but

    458 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Business Plan

    Business Plan

    1. The Project or Mission Statement As I will be explaining in further detail in the second part of this assignment, my short and medium term goals include working for a commercial/industrial brokerage firm. There are many companies I can choose from and my decision will depend on the cultural fit as well as professional growth opportunities. After speaking with a few firms, I am starting to understand how the pay structure works. Many firms

    1 294 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Business concept

    Business concept

    JUSE The case of tomorrow February 2017 This document is confidential. It is not for re-distribution. ________________ Table des matières Executive Summary 3 Company 3 Business 3 Product 4 The Market 4 Segmentation 5 Competition 6 Price 6 Risk/Opportunity 6 ________________ Executive Summary The motivation to enter this business domain is simple: today, everybody is provided with a mobile phone, it is the business sector, which is only increasing. It is so a factor of

    1 459 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Business environnement

    Business environnement

    Business Environment – An interdisciplinary approach PART I : POLITICAL ECONOMY & LEGAL ENVIRONMENT Chapter 1 : Challenges of interdisciplinary analysis & the problem of values in business-related (academic) texts I. How to understand a complex (international) environment ? Way 1 : Apply the notions, categories, concepts, references (=the language) of ONE research discipline to all fields of the reality not only to the traditional subject of this discipline. Ex : science of law to

    4 306 Mots / 18 Pages
  • Rapport de projet Business intelligence

    Rapport de projet Business intelligence

    2015-2016 Housing in Tunisia in cooperation with CNS Plan Plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Project context ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Modeling ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Data Integration ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Analysis and reporting ............................................................................................................................. 8 Big Data ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Data mining ........................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 1 Data warehouse model 6 Figure 2 Extract Transform Load (ETL) 7 Figure 3 Number of sales per year 8 Figure 4 Cities classification per number of sales 8 Figure 5 Cities classification per square

    2 421 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Rapport Business intelligence

    Rapport Business intelligence

    2015-2016 Housing in Tunisia in cooperation with CNS Plan Plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Project context ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Modeling ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Data Integration ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Analysis and reporting ............................................................................................................................. 8 Big Data ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Data mining ........................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 1 Data warehouse model 6 Figure 2 Extract Transform Load (ETL) 7 Figure 3 Number of sales per year 8 Figure 4 Cities classification per number of sales 8 Figure 5 Cities classification per square

    483 Mots / 2 Pages