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Business concept

Étude de cas : Business concept. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Février 2018  •  Étude de cas  •  1 459 Mots (6 Pages)  •  527 Vues

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The case of tomorrow

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February 2017

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Table des matières

Executive Summary        3

Company        3

Business        3

Product        4

The Market        4

Segmentation        5

Competition        6

Price        6

Risk/Opportunity        6

Executive Summary

The motivation to enter this business domain is simple: today, everybody is provided with a mobile phone, it is the business sector, which is only increasing. It is so a factor of motivation essential to come out in a company in "safety” compared to this product that will not decline in the coming years. We are suited for this type of activity because we represent the “Y” generation that was born with the high technologies.

The concept is exclusive because there doesn’t exist yet on the market. The producing whole of the brands of the smartphones’ case don’t take into account sustainable development and ecology initially, they thus prefer to support the capacity of their devices as well as the design.

Concerning the production of the smartphone’s case, in order to continue on the ecological aspect of our approach and our product, we made call with a French company based in the south-west of France to have the accreditation “Made in France” and to have a product of quality entirely designed on the territory. Concerning the setting on sale of the smartphone’s case, we offered our products in several shops of telephony on the French territory in order to present it to the potential customers. We have also an online site in order to online present, promote and sell our product so that it is available on all the territory.

Our first goal is to break their barriers and make all consumers consume ecological smartphones’ case. It will be presented as an innovative product, with the same capabilities as a smartphone’s case but with its basic ecological dimension "why not use green?"


The JUSE’s company was created by two students from the EM Normandy: Thomas HEBERT and Vianney HAMON in 2017. The company is regarded as a SME (small and medium companies) which thus makes it possible to have assistances with the financing and facilitates the administrative approaches near the manufacturers and of the suppliers. The creation of JUSE comes from an idea of its two students wanting to combine new technologies and sustainable development.


It is naturally that the idea of the ecological case arrived… not having yet products of this type in this sector in spite of a strong demand and increasingly crucial ecological constraints for the environment, the creation of the JUSE, first smartphone’s case functioning only by renewable energies was born…

Our company is at the start-up stage of business, having just developed our first product.


Product of JUSE’s company is single on the market of the smartphones’ case because it’s the only case which functioning completely thanks to renewable energy :

● Solar: The case is equipped with a hull reinforced in solar panel allowing the refill of the telephone thus anywhere, without electricity and thus supporting renewable energies.

Its characteristics make it thus single on the market and very innovative in a medium of crisis economic where the economy of the costs of implementation is very invaluable.

The Market

In this competitive sector directed by two famous brand Apple and Samsung, it is rare to see of new brand imposing itself. In the face of the competition famous brand it is hard to make play competition. In 2015 approximately 200 million smartphones’ case were sold in the world. It is a sector raises each year (2015: +10.1%). We can see that the innovations take moreover place in the market with our innovation we could can hope a good start for JUSE.

In spite of a difficult insertion in this market, one can notice that it is into perpetual movement and that the sales increase partly thanks to the innovations in this sector. Our innovative product could thus obviously succeed in fitting in this market.

The 3 economic pillars

Ecology: Production of a product much less pollutant that its competitors. Communication only via the media not to use paper. Creation of a product which consumes very little energy. Production of a product which can be recycled.


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