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Anglais Notariat dissertations et mémoires


4 435 Anglais Notariat dissertations gratuites 976 - 1 000 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 29 Février 2016
  • E-mail en Anglais

    E-mail en Anglais

    Dear Camille ,  How are you ?  I write this e-mail to tell you about my short trip in England !  During the holidays , while I was in France , the 8th of december, I went to London , in England,  with my family. We went there by car. The journey was very,very,very long and tiring because we drove for five hours and we didn't have any breaks but it was worth the while. Indeed,

    536 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Musique écrite en anglais

    Musique écrite en anglais

    I'm waking up to ash and dust I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust I'm breathing in the chemicals I'm breaking in, shaping up, checking out on the prison bus This is it, the apocalypse Whoa I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones Love to make my systems go Welcome to the new age, to the new age Welcome to the new age, to the new age Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive,

    373 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fiche Activité Notariat

    Fiche Activité Notariat

    Nom : Prénom : Intitulé de l’activité : FORMALITES PREALABLES A UN ACTE DE VENTE IMMOBILIERE Objectifs de l’activité : Initiation à l’acte de vente Compétences du référentiel visées : Office : Service : Interlocuteur(s) au sein de l’Office : Dates et durée : Durées en nombre d’heures : (à donner à titre purement indicatif) Description de l’activité Le 20 octobre 2012 un compromis de vente a été signé entre Monsieur et Madame X, et

    643 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Civil wars (document anglais)

    Civil wars (document anglais)

     A civil war is a war between organized groups within the same nation state or republic, or, less commonly, between two countries created from a formerly united nation state. The aim of one side may be to take control of the country or a region, to achieve independence for a region, or to change government policies. Civil wars since the end of World War II have lasted on average just over four years, a dramatic

    2 620 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Elizabeth Bishop - One Art (poème) (document en anglais)

    Elizabeth Bishop - One Art (poème) (document en anglais)

    Elizabeth Bishop – One art Background: Relationship with women= very close +great love (lesbian?), poem written just after the death of a very close friend (Marianne Monroe). 17th versions, drafts. The poem: Each stanza= explanation of the kind of loss which leads to the “losing you”. Repetition of “loss”, “losing” accentuates the loss, disaster of the poet. She wants to reassure herself, Art= learn by experience. Art of losing  the art of writing about

    604 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Jamaica - en anglais

    Jamaica - en anglais

    JAMAICA Jamaica in an Island situates in the Carribbean, in the west Indies. Its capital is Kingston. Thera are high Blue Montains. The climate is tropical. Jamaica is a poor countrie. Thare are many slums and there is no electricity or water. The shanty towns are controlled by drug gangs. In jamaica there is many violence, it's the highest murdr rate in the Caribbean. But there are many rich people too: cinema and music stars.

    254 Mots / 2 Pages
  • BTS MUC( Management de l’équipe commerciale ) CNED Anglais Devoir

    BTS MUC( Management de l’équipe commerciale ) CNED Anglais Devoir

    Devoir Anglais 1 Bts Muc Cned Devoir d’anglais numéro 1 : Partie I : résumé Pour la première fois en 4 ans, le taux de propriété inoccupés dans les centres commerciaux a fortement diminué. Les propriétaires avertissent cependant que cette reprise économique est légère et qu’une plus forte lancé dépend essentiellement de la confiance du consommateur et de son travail. Néanmoins les statistiques sont encourageantes. Les taux de bails pour le troisième trimestre sont restés

    217 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Anglais: Mythes et héros

    Anglais: Mythes et héros

    ANGLAIS: Myths and heroes Intro: At first, I will define the notion of myth and heroes: Originally, a hero was a demigod: a mortal man gifted with superhuman powers. Myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. And a successful career is one in which you are doing what you love while making enough money to pay

    604 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Cours d'anglais IGCSE: étude du poème de Moniza Alvi An unknown girl (document en anglais)

    Cours d'anglais IGCSE: étude du poème de Moniza Alvi An unknown girl (document en anglais)

    English language IGCSE coursework : Moniza Alvi “An unknown girl” Moniza Alvi in the poem « An unknown girl » shares her memories of her journey to India with the reader. She explores idea of culture and identity in different ways using metaphors, similes, enjambment and strong imagery. Moniza Alvi born in Pakistan moved to England in her early months and was cut off of her native land. Therefore we can assume she is trying

    933 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Travail de littérature en anglais

    Travail de littérature en anglais

    INSTRUCTIONS The third assignment is meant to follow and assess the work you have done in Units 6 and 7. The assignment consists of two written parts: PART 1: PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT EXERCISES PART 2: LITERARY ESSAY Part 2 will evaluate your ability to write a literary essay of around 550 to 600 words about an aspect of a story you have read so far, using some of the new vocabulary you have learned. For the

    610 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Ce que j'aimerais faire après le BTS NRC (document en anglais)

    Ce que j'aimerais faire après le BTS NRC (document en anglais)

    My name is Manuel, i'm twenty and i'm actually in my second year of my BTS NRC. I would like, after the BTS, to continue toward an economic licence. The company I worked for was called Crédit Agricole, they work in the banking environment, and was located in Wimereux. It was a 6 week paid placement. There were 4 people in my company, it was a small agency. I applied for this placement through my

    371 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Des questions sur vos téléphones portables (document en anglais)

    Des questions sur vos téléphones portables (document en anglais)

    COUSIN juliette , DUBOIS matthieu, MOORE taylor , MILVILLE marvin, CONSTANCE ludovic ENGLISH CONNECTING PEOPLE MOBILE PHONE Hello, we would like to ask you a few questions about you and your mobile phones. - Have you got a mobile phone ? 96 % of the class said and only 4 % said that they did not have a mobile phone. - How old were you when you got your first mobile phone ? at 9

    614 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Parler au téléphone en anglais

    Parler au téléphone en anglais

    Nous présenterons dans ce "mini cours" les phrases courament utilisées autour du téléphone. Allons-y ! Comment dis-t-on "téléphone" en anglais au fait...? Et bien on peut dire "telephone" ou "phone". Avant la conversation au téléphone : Le téléphone sonne. == The telephone is ringing. Quel est votre numéro ? == What is your number ? Avez-vous le téléphone ? == Are you on the phone ? Mon numéro est 01 00 02 04 06. ==

    446 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Aspects du choix du meilleur manager pour la phase initiale en Afrique (document en anglais)

    Aspects du choix du meilleur manager pour la phase initiale en Afrique (document en anglais)

    In order to choose the best manager to run the start-up phase in Africa, we have to consider several factors. First, Juan Lopez appears as the best choice because he has a great experience of 21 years in the company. He has been working in different countries such as Ecuador or in Latin America. He also worked in the headquarters based in the USA, so we know that he can adapt to different cultures. He

    324 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Pensez-vous que les zoos en valent la peine? (document en anglais)

    Pensez-vous que les zoos en valent la peine? (document en anglais)

    Essay: Some people believe that zoos serve useful functions. Other people believe that it is cruel and wrong to confine animals in zoos. Tell which point of view you agree with and explain why, using specific details and reasons. Although zoos are often subjected to criticism because of the lack of freedom that they seem to give the animals, we must recognize that this type of environment also has qualities. According to me, zoos serve

    346 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse du Bacalauréat anglais: le rêve américain

    Synthèse du Bacalauréat anglais: le rêve américain

    AMERICAN DREAM The notion of « Spaces and exchanges » was seen through the American dream. Indeed, the American dream embodies this notion, because immigrants leave their country for going far from the place they were born. They come to the United States with their language, their culture and their state of mind, which suggests exchanges. 1- Définition de l’”American dream”: The American Dream is a concept that originated in the will of European immigrants

    706 Mots / 3 Pages
  • La volonté du gouvernement d'augmenter les ventes de voitures électriques tombe à plat (document en anglais)

    La volonté du gouvernement d'augmenter les ventes de voitures électriques tombe à plat (document en anglais)

    Government's drive to boost electric car sales falls flat A government plan to make 2011 "the year the electric car took off" appears to have stalled. The "plug-in car grant" launched in January, offered an incentive of up to £5,000 to buy an electric car. The number of vehicles sold through the scheme has dropped significantly since its launch, with only 106 being bought in the third quarter of 2011, down from 465 in the

    202 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Les Facteurs Clés De Succès De Nutella (anglais)

    Les Facteurs Clés De Succès De Nutella (anglais)

    Critical Success Factors Nutella has four main critical success factors:  Establishing more brand awareness in the US with Nutella bars and Nutella and peanutbutter swirls  Providing a high-quality product through its taste, and natural and nutritious ingredients  Providing a product that is unique  Proving a product that on versatile The combination of these three success factors will give Nutella a competitive advantage in the peanut butter and chocolate spread markets. Nutella

    712 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Hydromedia - présentation en anglais

    Hydromedia - présentation en anglais

    1) Hydromedia® is permeable concrete pavement combining the durability of concrete with the environmental benefits of permeable surfaces. It can be used to reduce the impact of the stormwater runoff and reduce the heat island effect. Hydromedia is a permeable paving solution combining the durability of concrete with the functional benefits of permeable pavements. Hydromedia provides several environmental and economical benefits: It can reduce the amount of stormwater runoff on a site, and it can

    213 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Banksy (document en anglais)

    Banksy (document en anglais)

    Banksy who would name in reality Robert Banks. He would have been born in 1974. He would be native of neighborhood from Bristol to the United Kingdom . We do not know his real identity, it is information is given grace has cameras of security. Banksy is an artist known for his tag in urban zones but he is also a painter and a director. He combines the techniques of the stencil and the installation

    234 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Cas d'entreprise Guzz Cola (document en anglais)

    Cas d'entreprise Guzz Cola (document en anglais)

    Guzz Cola Background Since people are more conscious about health, sales of the Guzz cola dropped. They want to hire an agency that will promote their product in order to increase sales on a marker dominated by Pepsi and Coke. • You are in third position behind Coke and Pepsi in the Canadian market and in Quebec in terms of gross sales • You have just changed your drink formula and you now use 90%

    452 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Définition d'un document en anglais

    Définition d'un document en anglais

    document, written document, papers (writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature)) document (anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks) document (a written account of ownership or obligation) text file, document ((computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using seven-bit ASCII characters). In Library and information science and in documentation science, a "document" is considered a basic theoretical construct. It is

    210 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Exercices de finance (document en anglais)

    Exercices de finance (document en anglais)

    Problems Chapter 13 13-7 New-Project Analysis You have been asked by the president of your company to evaluate the proposed acquisition of a new chromatograph for the firm’s R&D department. The equipment’s basic price is $70,000, and it would cost another $15,000 to modify it for special use by your firm. The chromatograph, which falls into the MARCS 3-year class, would be sold after 3 years for $30,000. Use of the equipment would require an

    539 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Joseph Stalin (document en anglais)

    Joseph Stalin (document en anglais)

    Joseph Stalin -Biography Stalin, Robert Service portrays the Russian leader Joseph Stalin as one of the notorious figures in history. In his years of power and pomp, from the late 1920’s until his death in 1953, he personified the soviet communist order. Stalin rose from extreme poverty to become the supreme ruler of the Soviet Union for a quarter of a century. Joseph Stalin was a ruthless man with a heart of steel. He overcame

    947 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Fiches Activités Bts Notariat

    Fiches Activités Bts Notariat

    BREVET DE TECHNICIEN SUPERIEUR « NOTARIAT » FICHE DESCRIPTIVE D'ACTIVITE PROFESSIONNELLE N°4 NOM : Prénom : INTITULE DE L'ACTIVITE : Règlement d’une succession OBJECTIF(S) DE L'ACTIVITE : - Rédaction de la notoriété - Rédaction de l’attestation immobilière - L’établissement de la déclaration de succession COMPETENCES DU REFERENTIEL VISEES : - C1 : Communiquer dans le respect - C4 : Gérer et organiser le temps - C5 : Gérer le dossier - C6 : Analyser le

    1 239 Mots / 5 Pages