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Synthèse du Bacalauréat anglais: le rêve américain

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Par   •  28 Septembre 2013  •  706 Mots (3 Pages)  •  4 215 Vues

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The notion of « Spaces and exchanges » was seen through the American dream. Indeed, the American dream embodies this notion, because immigrants leave their country for going far from the place they were born. They come to the United States with their language, their culture and their state of mind, which suggests exchanges.

1- Définition de l’”American dream”:

The American Dream is a concept that originated in the will of European immigrants seeking a new way of life, far from persecutions, either religious or political, from hunger and diseases which were rife on their continent. They aimed at succeeding in fulfilling their dupest dream of having a better life, eather through social ascent. They wanted to achieve happiness and freedom. Definitely their vision of life was hopeful. However these basic values have slipped toward wanting money and the myth of self-made-man frying to be famous. The symbols of the American dream are known worldwide, like The Statue of Liberty (the first symbol of freedom since it was the first thing that immigrants saw arriving to the US ),or The Empire States Building, which are the highlights of America.

2-Les premières vagues d’emigration:

Since its creation, the United States became the first destination for immigration with several waves of immigration: From Ireland first, because of famine, Then from Europa, , and next from Russia because of the Russian pogroms.

To enter to the United States between 1892 ( eighteen ninety two ) and 1954( nineteen fifty four), immigrants had to pass by Ellis Island, an Island just in front of Manhattan. There, they had to pass through tests and examination to be allowed to enter .We saw the example of Sophie, a German girl who came in the US in 1920 ( nineteen twenty) to escape poverty, inflation and unemployment that ravaged Germany. Once there, she had to undergo 29 ( twenty nine) questions in 2 min to estimate if she had a mental defect. Then, she had to pass through gynecological and ophtamological exams, to see if she was in a good health not to become a public charge.Ellis Island was closed in November 1954 ( nineteen fifty-four). From 1892( eighteen ninety-two) to 1954 ( nineteen fifty-four) 12 (twelve) million immigrants entered the United State through the portal of Ellis Island.

3- L’émigration aujourd’hui

Today, to settle to the United States immigrants don’t pass anymore through Elis Island , but they need to obtain a green card . It ‘s a long and difficult step, which require often a lawyer to have it .

Nevertheless, the US are always the favourite destination for immigrants who search liberty, freedom far from oppression, but also freedom to create, to become prosperous. America appears to them like the country of hope. They have the desire of a new life and American life is seen as a model. The pursuit of happiness is a new goal in immigrant’s minds and America is the symbol of wealth. But The American dream is an utopia, and reality is not as easy as immigrant think. Beyong the problem of the language for the non English speaking immigrants, some of them are confronted with racism. A lot of those who emigrate to find prosperity realized once there that they couldn’t find job, as consequence couldn’t have a social


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