Travail de littérature en anglais
Mémoire : Travail de littérature en anglais. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 21 Septembre 2013 • 610 Mots (3 Pages) • 992 Vues
The third assignment is meant to follow and assess the work you have done in Units 6 and 7. The assignment consists of two written parts:
Part 2 will evaluate your ability to write a literary essay of around 550 to 600 words about an aspect of a story you have read so far, using some of the new vocabulary you have learned.
For the literary essay, you will find evaluation grids at the end of this document which will show you more specifically the evaluation criteria your tutor will be using.
Send this assignment to your tutor when you have completed it.
This assignment is worth 15% of the final mark in your course. It is marked on 100 (Part 1: 40 marks; Part 2: 60 marks).
Exercise 1 ( /12 marks)
Here are three main ideas that may be developed into paragraphs to support the thesis statement.
Find one direct quotation from the story "The Veldt" in order to support each of the examples given for the following thesis statement.
Thesis statement: In the short story "The Veldt," Bradbury exposes the breakdown of the parent-child relationship due to an overdependence on technology.
Idea 1: The house in the story is so technologically advanced it provides for the physical needs of the children.
Support (from text):
Father: ’’ Matter of fact, we’re thinking of turning the whole house down off for about a month. Live sort of a carefree on-for-all existence.’’
Son: ‘’That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my own shoes instead of letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?’’
Idea 2: The children's feelings towards the house, especially the nursery, far exceed their feelings towards their parents.
Support (from text):
‘’ You’ve let this room and this house replace you and your wife in your children’ affections. This room is their mother and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents.’’
Idea 3: The children clearly demonstrate their emotional dependence on the house. Their emotions are exhibited when Mr. Hadley threatens to turn the house off.
Support (from text)
They went to the fuse box together and threw the switch that killed the nursery
The two children were in hysterics. They screamed and pranced and threw things. They yelled and sobbed and swore and jumped at the furniture.
Exercise 2 ( /12 marks)
(Exercise 2 presents a paragraph that supports a thesis statement from Exercise 1.)
Rearrange the following sentences into a logical order in order to compose a well-developed