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Anglais Notariat dissertations et mémoires


4 435 Anglais Notariat dissertations gratuites 776 - 800 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 29 Février 2016
  • Thème Anglais

    Thème Anglais

    SYDNEY Sydney is located in the south-east of Australia. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales. Sydney is the most populated city of Australia with a population of 4 490 662 (four million four hundred and ninety thousand six hundred and sixty too) inhabitants in 2009 (two thousand and nine). The first inhabitants of Australia are the Aborigenes. They arrived approximately on the continent some 45000 (forty five thousand)years ago. In 1788 (one thousand

    309 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fiche de traduction (français-espagnol-anglais)

    Fiche de traduction (français-espagnol-anglais)

    Family members la mère la mèr mother le père le pèr father les parents lè parã parents le fils le fis son la fille la fiy daughter les enfants lè zãfã children Les vacances de Maxime 49 le frère le frèr brother la soeur la sër sister le mari le mari husband la femme la fam wife la grand-mère la grãmèr grandmother le grand-père le grãpèr grandfather les grand-parents lè grãparã grandparents la petite-fille la

    659 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Architecture de Londre (document en anglais)

    Architecture de Londre (document en anglais)

    architecture London's buildings are too diverse to be characterised by any particular architectural style, partly because of their varying ages. Many grand houses and public buildings, such as the National Gallery, are constructed from Portland stone. Some areas of the city, particularly those just west of the centre, are characterised by white stucco or whitewashed buildings. Few structures in central London pre-date the Great Fire of 1666, these being a few trace Roman remains, the

    326 Mots / 2 Pages
  • A quoi sert et comment fait-on une dissertation (document en anglais)?

    A quoi sert et comment fait-on une dissertation (document en anglais)?

    A thesis (or dissertation) may be arranged as a thesis by publication or a monograph, with or without appended papers respectively. An ordinary monograph has a title page, an abstract, a table of contents, comprising the various chapters (introduction, literature review, findings, etc.), and a bibliography or (more usually) a references section. They differ in their structure in accordance with the many different areas of study (arts, humanities, social sciences, technology, sciences, etc.) and the

    507 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Analyse de la chaîne mondiale de commercialisation de biens culturels Virgin Megastore (document en anglais)

    Analyse de la chaîne mondiale de commercialisation de biens culturels Virgin Megastore (document en anglais)

    I. Analyses of the macro and micro environment of Virgin Megastore 3 A. The method PESTEL of analysis of the macro-environment 3 1) POLITICAL 3 2) ECONOMICAL 3 3) SOCIAL 4 4) TECHNOLOGICAL 4 5) ENVIRONMENTAL 4 6) LEGAL 5 B. Internal analysis 5 1). THE POTENTIAL INCOMERS 5 2) THE COMPETITORS OF THE SECTOR 6 3) THE CUSTOMERS 6 4) THE SUPPLIERS 7 5) THE SUBSTITUTES 7 II. Global Analysis with the model SWOT

    3 492 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Drogue et alcool (document en anglais)

    Drogue et alcool (document en anglais)

    DRUG AND ALCOHOL SUMMARY 1. What is the drug? 2. The different types of drugs. 3. The effects of the drug on people. 4. What is the alcohol? 5. Different types of alcohol. 6. The effects of alcohol on people. 7. Conclusion WHAT IS THE DRUG? Definition: A drug can be made with natural products or products made by man. Drugs can heal, but be very careful because if we take too long time and

    520 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Qu'est-ce que la diversité et quelle est votre expérience de la diversité? (document en anglais)

    Qu'est-ce que la diversité et quelle est votre expérience de la diversité? (document en anglais)

    1. What is diversity and what is your experience about diversity? The definition of diversity is the state or quality of being different or varied. Differences between people are not seen as good because the other has not the same values and the same identity as yours. Diversity is everywhere because nobody is identic; diversity is present in the age, gender, religion, culture…etc. The first thing we think about, when we speak about diversity, is

    715 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais: Espace et échanges

    Anglais: Espace et échanges

    Nocion: Espace et échange Traduction: Space and exchanges How internet he changed our social behaviour? In first time I will talk about “Violent Videogames” In second time I will talk about “Google generation” Violent Videogames This document will be about children who became violent because they have played videogames too often This document demonstrates that virtual violence of children, they spend about 13 hours a week, and more aggressive in real life Google generation That

    573 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Commentaire Composé en anglais d'un livre de Victor Hugo

    Commentaire Composé en anglais d'un livre de Victor Hugo

    1. The first thing that reveals us England has become an authoritarian society is the media. At the beginning of the comic, someone starts to talk at the radio. He says that he is the “voice of fate”, he shows himself as the futur, the destiny of the nation. After that, he starts the weather report and tells us everything about the weather today with a lot of details (like when it will start to

    1 049 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Quand un invité va dans un restaurant (document en anglais).

    Quand un invité va dans un restaurant (document en anglais).

    A guest goes to a restaurant : The waiter : Hello, can I take your coat ? The guest : Yes, thank you! W : Have you booked a table ? G : Yes, I called Monday, the book is in the name of Smith. W : Oh yes, I remember, I give you the table number 4. Would you follow me, please ? G : Of course. Oh, very nice place! Can I have

    312 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Quel intérêt à utiliser la peine de mort? (document en anglais)

    Quel intérêt à utiliser la peine de mort? (document en anglais)

    As we have seen throughout the presentation, death penalty has been a major political, social and judicial issue for several centuries in the whole world and more particularly, in that case, in the Unites States. It is still supported by the majority of the American population showing the controversy of the issue. Indeed, according to a 2011 Gallup poll, 61% of Americans favored it in cases of murder while 35% opposed it. However, being more

    244 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Rapport de stage BAC PRO en anglais

    Rapport de stage BAC PRO en anglais

    or ten weeks, I took a training session in (NOM DE l'ENTREPRISE) Company situated in (VILLE) near (VILLE). (NOM DE L'ENTREPRISE) Company is a nearness engineering leader implanted in manufacturing areas, where the activity is. I was affected to the E.I.A. (Electricity, Instrumentation and Automatism) Engineering Department of the company, which meets calls for tenders for development in the field of practice of Electrical Engineering. My duty was to contribute with engineers and technicians to

    905 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Recherche détaillée sur la poésie (document en anglais)

    Recherche détaillée sur la poésie (document en anglais)

    English Outiline Detailed Outline Poetry Research INTRO: - British poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, literary critic and painter born on september 11, 1885 in Nottinghamshire. Passed away March 2nd, 1933 in Vence, France. - His works mostly embody the effects of modernity and industrialization. - Snake is one of Dh Lawrence's most recognized poems. It is an line poem that embodies the encounter between a human being and a snake. Extremely descriptive laying out one

    981 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais: Exercices d’aide à la compréhension

    Anglais: Exercices d’aide à la compréhension

    Exercices d’aide à la compréhension Exercice 1 Online Social Networking (document 1) Circle the correct answer and justify with elements from the text. 1. According to the text, social networking is becoming more and more popular because ... a) it is trendy. b) it is easier to use and safer. c) increasingly inexpensive. Justify: .................................................................................................................................................... 2. The leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos ... a) used it to communicate during meetings. b) set

    534 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Molière, biographie en anglais

    Molière, biographie en anglais

    Molière This article is about the French playwright. For other uses, see Molière (disambiguation). Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Portrait of Molière by Pierre Mignard Born January 15, 1622 Paris, France Died February 17, 1673 (aged 51) Paris, France Pen name Molière Occupation Play writer, actor and stage manager Nationality French Period 1645-1673 Genres Comedy Notable work(s) Tartuffe; The Misanthrope; The Learned Women; The School for Wives; L'Avare Spouse(s) Armande Béjart Partner(s) Madeleine Béjart Children Louis (1664 –

    488 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Rapport De Stage Anglais

    Rapport De Stage Anglais

    PR Assistant and Web Writer at the Welcome Gallery My name is M and I am currently in the final year of a Bachelor's degree in Luxury Marketing and Management in a French Business School in Paris ( ESGCI). I carried out an internship as Pr Assistant / web writer in an Art Gallery in Paris from february until the end of march. The Welcome gallery is located in Paris; it specialised in street-art. This

    585 Mots / 3 Pages
  • L'industrie aérospatiale française (document en anglais)

    L'industrie aérospatiale française (document en anglais)

    The French aerospace industry is still feeling the effects of the economic crisis but its results last year point to a recovery. Announcing combined 2010 results for members of French industry association Gifas in April, association chairman Jean-Paul Herteman said the recovery for equipment manufacturers started to take shape in 2010. Overall unconsolidated revenues for Gifas member companies climbed gently by 3.5 percent to €36.8 billion ($51 billion) in 2010. More encouragingly, over the same

    622 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Analyse de rentabilisation Google en Chine (document en anglais)

    Analyse de rentabilisation Google en Chine (document en anglais)

    Donald Starling MGT 4478 XZIC (International Business) August 26, 2011 1. What philosophical principle did Google’s managers adopt when deciding that the benefits of operating in China outweighed the costs? Google’s managers used the utilitarian philosophy, which is weighing good versus bad. Utilitarianism is committed to the maximization of good and the minimization of bad. Utilitarianism weighs carefully the social benefits and cost of a business action and to purse only the actions where the

    604 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Apartheid (document en anglais)

    Apartheid (document en anglais)

    The concept discussed here is apartheid. Apartheid was introduced in South Africa in 1948 by the Afrikaner-led National Party Government. This movement is to plan systematic segregation of people of color in South Africa. Segregation is the process by which social distance is imposed on a group. South africa black people Regarded as inferior, only white people allowed to vote. Segregation of daily life, work and social. Indeed, blacks and whites are separated at school,

    379 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral Anglais: l'idée de progrès

    Oral Anglais: l'idée de progrès

    Idea of progress First of all, the idea of progress supports the belief that we can improve the world in many categories: art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life. Our Western Civilization has certainly been improved by progress. But in order to progress, important changes are necessary, which many people are opposed to, as it obliges them to change their traditions and deep-rooted beliefs. Furthermore, certain artists and writers have studied progress and it’s

    365 Mots / 2 Pages
  • T TISEC Anglais Oral

    T TISEC Anglais Oral

    Bend it like beckham Very talented for the soccer, Jess Bhamra is a teenager stemming from an Indian family living in London. One day, she meets Jules, a girl of her age which plays in a women's team of soccer, Hounslow Harriers. Having made the demonstration of her talents on the ground, Jess is invited to be a memberof the team, pulled by attractive Joe. But there is a snag. The very conservative parents of

    315 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les différentes progressions et évolutions de notre société ( en anglais)

    Les différentes progressions et évolutions de notre société ( en anglais)

    IDEA OF PROGRESS INTRODUCTION "The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life and has shaped most of Western civilisation's vision of history . Progress implies change, some evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily embraced by all . It's at the heart oh a heated debate between those who

    343 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Strategie De Marques (en Anglais)

    Strategie De Marques (en Anglais)

    Exposition: Brand Strategy Brands are everywhere: on the air (Aigle Azur), on the high street (Mercedes), in the kitchen (coffee-makers), on television (Dior), in your pocket (IPhone)…and maybe on your feet (Nike) We live in overcrowded, over-saturated, over-competitive world. A Company has to take control on its brand because it reflects its image Brands represent the sum of all valuable qualities of a product to the consumer. I – Definition a) What is a brand?

    1 449 Mots / 6 Pages
  • L'externalisation des entreprises à l'étranger - étude en anglais

    L'externalisation des entreprises à l'étranger - étude en anglais

    Many firms internationalize their activities abroad. In the current context of the development of international trade, companies are faced with competition from other countries, but may also take the opportunity to enter other markets for growth. The part of their turnover abroad is increasingly important, hence the need for good management techniques and strategies of international marketing. Most companies have engaged in the race for the internationalization, driven by the belief that it is an

    1 084 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Bac Anglais: espaces et échanges

    Bac Anglais: espaces et échanges

    Space and Exchanges Proposition de plan pour l'expression orale Part 1: presentation of the notion Space and Exchanges = movement of money: Trade (the basis of all societies) The Stock Exchange (money rules the world) Globalization (the world has become a small village) Space and Exchanges = movement / communication: School (social diversity / knowledge...) The Internet / social networks... Space and Exchanges = movement of people: Immigration. Gap Year Part 2: relation between the

    267 Mots / 2 Pages