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Strategie De Marques (en Anglais)

Étude de cas : Strategie De Marques (en Anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Mai 2013  •  Étude de cas  •  1 449 Mots (6 Pages)  •  1 031 Vues

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Exposition: Brand Strategy

Brands are everywhere: on the air (Aigle Azur), on the high street (Mercedes), in the kitchen (coffee-makers), on television (Dior), in your pocket (IPhone)…and maybe on your feet (Nike) We live in overcrowded, over-saturated, over-competitive world. A Company has to take control on its brand because it reflects its image Brands represent the sum of all valuable qualities of a product to the consumer.

I – Definition

a) What is a brand?

A brand can be an identification or a mark that differentiates one business from another through: a logo, a slogan, a symbol (ex: @) , a name, a sign and color combination.

But, it is also: A promise, a feeling, an experience, a relationship, an image, a guarantee, a story, a myth or a behavior.

A brand is one of the most valuable elements in an adverting theme. It demonstrates what the brand owner is able to offer in the marketplace. A brand symbolizes how people think about a specific business.

Intellectual Property: to protect the brand from any plagiarism, firms register to agencies:

• ONPI: Office Nationale de la Propriété Intellectuelle

• OHIM: Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market

• WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization

b) What is a brand strategy?

Brand strategy is the how, what, when, and to whom you plan on communicating your product or services:

• How? The manner you present your brand

• When? During crimes, summer, world cup…..

• Whom? Women, children, men, young people, old people, family, couples…

Brand strategy is generating and influencing carefully and thoughtfully by:

• Choosing the right colors.


• Understanding the importance of colors

• Being creative when designing

• Know what different opportunities there are to advertise and brand a company

A brand strategy’s proposition must be attractive and unique among competitive offerings.

c) What makes a good brand strategy?

• Creating an excellent communication and customer satisfaction (people communicate on blogs, social networks and share their opinions about the brand)

• Creating a positive emotional response of the customer to purchasing a product or service

• Discovering the target customer: find who they are and what their needs and desires are (determine their age, gender, income, shopping habits)

• Creating the most promising, targeted brand: for clothing, it could be about style or comfort, for a car it can be about safety or reliability

d) But how should the promise be?

• Clear, engaging and presented in a context relevant to the customer

• repeated inside and outside the organization

• Continually reinforced

• Known by business partners

II – Renovating brand strategy

• Identifying the audience or target market. Using an online survey tool

• Studying the most successful brands on the market and learn from successful models

• Comparing the early brand ideas with the competitors

• Creating music that follows the same branding theme strategies used in developing the visual marketing materials

• Aligning behavior and signifiers in order to unify the criteria of a brand

• Rethinking a brand’s strategy: interaction, coherence and cohesion

III – Doing design-thinking

Design thinking is applying methodologies and approaches of design to understand the issues in society

Design thinking is generally considered the ability to combine empathy for the context of a problem, creativity in the generation of insights and solutions, and rationality to analyze and fit solutions to the context. While design thinking has become part of the popular lexicon in contemporary design and engineering practice, as well as business and management, its broader use in describing a particular style of creative thinking-in-action is having an increasing influence on twenty-first century education across disciplines. In this respect, it is similar to systems thinking in naming a particular approach to understanding and solving problems.

Thinking, experiencing and feeling quickly and cheaply in order to succeed (designers do)


IV – Creating a brand

Building a brand helps customers in their decision-making, creating a perceived knowledge of what they are going to buy — before they buy it

a) The steps:

• Being natural; talking and acting naturally

• Bringing a natural and original idea

• Having an open, transparent relationship between the company and consumers

• Communicating with consumers, asking and listening to them

The brand


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