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Anglais Notariat dissertations et mémoires


4 435 Anglais Notariat dissertations gratuites 951 - 975 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 29 Février 2016
  • La baie d'Arcachon (document en anglais)

    La baie d'Arcachon (document en anglais)

    The Bay of Arcachon Introduction This bay is a priceless environment between earth and sea. Locates long of the Atlantic coast at 40 miles in the west of Bordeaux it's corresponds to the only one indentation of this coast. According to his formation, origins and topography it is considers like a bass coastal area where the inner coast is made of sandy-muddy estran. It's as well a lagoon of triangular shape semi-closed by 18 232

    1 017 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Etude De Faisabilité: Lancement D'un Site Internet De Vente Privée De Prêt-à-porter En Roumanie (document en anglais)

    Etude De Faisabilité: Lancement D'un Site Internet De Vente Privée De Prêt-à-porter En Roumanie (document en anglais)

    e-Business Strategy Seminar Table of content Table of content 2 Description of the Web-business 3 1. Sector of activities 3 2. Products/services provided 3 3. Competitors 3 4. Value chain 4 5. Market analysis 5 6. Market share 6 7. Work force 6 8. Key commercial & financial 6 9. Turnover, profit, market value 6 The Business Model Canvas and the e-Business strategy 7 1. Business Model Canvas 7 a) Customers segment 7 b) Value

    5 302 Mots / 22 Pages
  • Glossaire BTS anglais

    Glossaire BTS anglais

    GLOSSAIRE / ENGLISH - FRENCH A account, current un compte courant accountant un comptable accounting system plan comptable accounts department service comptable accounts payable book livre des effets à payer accounts receivable book livre des effets à recevoir acknowledgement of order accusé de réception de commande act of God un cas de force majeure, une catastrophe naturelle addressing machine une machine à adresser advertisement une publicité, une annonce advertising la publicité advertising agency une agence

    1 939 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Étude en anglais du roman Ensemble, C'est Tout d'Anna Gavalda

    Étude en anglais du roman Ensemble, C'est Tout d'Anna Gavalda

    « Ensemble c’est Tout » d’Anna Gavalda The author : Anna Gavalda was born on the December 9th 1970 at Boulogne Billancourt near Paris. In 1992, she received LivreInter’s price for her book “La plus belle lettre d’amour”. She taught French at College Nazareth near Paris. In 2000, she received Le Grand Prix RTL Lire for her short stories “Je voudrais que quelqu’un m’attende quelque part”. « Ensemble c’est tout » was published in 2004

    1 278 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Les Zombies (document en anglais)

    Les Zombies (document en anglais)

    Hi, I'm going to talk about zombie. Can human really become zombie? Several scientists have studied on this subject. They have concluded they’re some situation where it could happen. First, there are many brains parasites in our planet that can turn victims into mindless slaves. For example, the Toxoplasmosa has been found to have the ability to change the behavior of its host. This parasite can only breed inside the intestines of a cat. Therefore,

    557 Mots / 3 Pages
  • L'effet malinchismo existe-t-il vraiment chez le consommateur mexicain? (document en anglais)

    L'effet malinchismo existe-t-il vraiment chez le consommateur mexicain? (document en anglais)

    “DOES THE MALINCHISMO EFFECT REALLY EXIST IN THE MEXICAN CONSUMER?” “DOES THE MALINCHISMO EFFECT REALLY EXIST IN THE MEXICAN CONSUMER?” by Margarita Heredia Soto Doctoral Research Proposal Doctorate Study in Social Sciences, Economics and Business Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, O.Ö October, 2008 +52 (222) 229 20 00 Ext. 4272 ABSTRACT Globalization has brought numerous changes in the marketing of consumer’s goods (Ahmed & D’Astous, 1993). Nowadays, consumers in worldwide markets are exposed to and

    5 492 Mots / 22 Pages
  • CIH Report (document anglais)

    CIH Report (document anglais)

    Acknowledgments I would like to thank my internship trainers within the CIH (Crédit Immobilier et Hôtelier) Mr. Mekkaoui and Mr. Outasla for their welcoming and so Mr Ahmed Jaga, the Director of the Accounting and Fiscality Direction, of accepting me as a trainee in the department. I would like also to thank all the Financial Direction and so every person I met during the two months internship. I also thank my academic advisor in Al

    4 277 Mots / 18 Pages
  • Le réseau social FACEBOOK (document en anglais)

    Le réseau social FACEBOOK (document en anglais)

    FACEBOOK Introduction : Facebook, is a new innovation. It offers you an opportunity to interact with an extraordinarily expansive universe of new people. You can sculpt your on-line identity and learn more about how the Internet and its various programs work to create new relationships and communities. For the entrepreneurially minded, it might be an introduction into business as you think of how to "market" yourself. People make the technology, not only in the fundamental

    1 746 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Généralités sur le e-commerce (document en anglais)

    Généralités sur le e-commerce (document en anglais)

    Table des matières Introduction 3 CHAPTER I GENERALITY ABOUT E-COMMERCE 4 I. Definition of E-commerce 5 II. History of e-business 5 III. Types of e-commerce 6 IV. Advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce 7 1. Advantages of Ecommerce 7 2. Disadvantages of Ecommerce 9 CHAPTER II SECURITY ISSUES OF E-COMMERCE 11 I. Security basic maxims of e-commerce 12 1. Privacy 12 2. Integrity, Authentication & Non-repudiation 13 II. Type Types of security issues 14 1. Technical

    3 529 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Ecole De Danse (document en anglais)

    Ecole De Danse (document en anglais)

    1. Mission Statement My dance studio is an initiation to dance for 4 danse styles : classical, tapdance, latin and hiphop. Kids from the age 4 to 10 will be initiated to dance with physical awakening classes for 4 years old. We offer various dance classes with a wide price range depending on your family income. With the european Union’s specific cultural promotions such as the Eurydice Program, and national emphasis on cultural development many

    403 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Innovation dans le modèle d'affaires : dix leçons tirées des organismes sans but lucratif (document en anglais)

    Innovation dans le modèle d'affaires : dix leçons tirées des organismes sans but lucratif (document en anglais)

    What keeps business leaders up at night? If it’s not their company’s ability to streamline operations and lower costs, it’s whether their teams have the vision to see future opportunities and the flexibility to pursue those opportunities faster and more profitably than competitors. Companies aim to improve their performance every day, but in many cases, doing business a little better is not enough. Bold, game-changing moves are risky, however, so many companies wait until their

    526 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Initiation Au Marketing - étude en anglais

    Initiation Au Marketing - étude en anglais

    Target Market Selection Target marketing tailors a marketing mix for one or more segments identified by market segmentation. Target marketing contrasts with mass marketing, which offers a single product to the entire market. Two important factors to consider when selecting a target market segment are the attractiveness of the segment and the fit between the segment and the firm's objectives, resources, and capabilities. Attractiveness of a Market Segment The following are some examples of aspects

    512 Mots / 3 Pages
  • La formation du contrat en droit Francais et anglais

    La formation du contrat en droit Francais et anglais

    S'inscrire! Connexion Contactez-nous Dissertations et des mémoires La Dissertation Divers / LA FORMATION DU CONTRAT EN DROIT FRANCAIS ET ANGLAIS LA FORMATION DU CONTRAT EN DROIT FRANCAIS ET ANGLAIS Note de Recherches: LA FORMATION DU CONTRAT EN DROIT FRANCAIS ET ANGLAIS Rechercher de 35 000 Dissertation Gratuites Soumis par: chymero 19 mars 2013 Balises: Mots: 4706 | Pages: 19 Vus: 180 Voir la version complète S'inscrire LA FORMATION DU CONTRAT EN DROIT FRANÇAIS ET ANGLAIS

    608 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Analyse de l'impact des nouvelles de la BCE sur la volatilité de la structure du terme de taux d'intérêt (document en anglais)

    Analyse de l'impact des nouvelles de la BCE sur la volatilité de la structure du terme de taux d'intérêt (document en anglais)

    Analysis of ECB’s news impact on the volatility of the interest rate term structure Financial time series LIN Yande BACHIRI Ouafe Date 04/05/2008 Table of contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Data 4 2.1. Term structure interest rates 4 2.2. News data 4 2.3. Statistical description 4 2.3.1. Non stationary series 5 2.3.2. Stationary series 6 3. General shocks impact 9 3.1. Models Comparison 9 3.2. ARMA(1,1)-Egarch(1,1) 9 3.3. News impact curve 9 4. ECB’s News

    2 459 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Comparaison d'Amazone et eBay (document en anglais)

    Comparaison d'Amazone et eBay (document en anglais)

    A Comparative Analysis of eBay and Amazon 29 Copyright © 2004, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited. Chapter III A Comparative Analysis of eBay and Amazon Sandeep Krishnamurthy University of Washington, USA ABSTRACT Even though has received most of the hype and publicity surrounding ecommerce, eBay has quietly built an innovative business truly suited to the Internet. Initially, Amazon sought

    2 317 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Devoir Anglais Seconde

    Devoir Anglais Seconde

    Welcome to all of you gathered here and good morning, everyone else. Thank you for coming in such large numbers. Let me get started. My name is John Smith, the mayor of Greenfield, a small town in Ohio. I am a very active mayor and I am also an strong animal defender. Among all my duties, my job involves visiting animal shelters to check the living conditions of the animals. Last week, I visited a

    387 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La narration documentaire (document en anglais)

    La narration documentaire (document en anglais)

    More praise for Documentary Storytelling Sheila Curran Bernard’s Documentary Storytelling is an essential, pragmatic, common-sense approach to making nonfiction films for the student and/or first-time filmmaker, based on the author’s deep awareness of documentary film history and theory, and her inti- mate knowledge of how today’s most important documentarians formulate their works. —Gerald Peary, film critic, The Boston Phoenix While documentaries are nonfiction, they are certainly not objec- tive, and even the smallest choices in

    210 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Création D'une Marque En France (document en anglais)

    Création D'une Marque En France (document en anglais)

    In an Economy based on the brand strategy, the creation of a trademark is essential. Every signs has to be reflected and have a signification for the owner. The aim is to convince the consumer thanks to a name, a sound, a picture before they discover the product itself. In order to be partial, to let everybody a chance to create the brand etc. France and every country create a regulation process. Each process of

    1 942 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Comment savoir si nous irons au paradis ? - écrit personnel (texte en anglais)

    Comment savoir si nous irons au paradis ? - écrit personnel (texte en anglais)

    How To Know You Are Going To Heaven! Jesus said in John 14:2-6, “In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the

    1 555 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Rapport personnel : mes études à Londres en commerce (en anglais)

    Rapport personnel : mes études à Londres en commerce (en anglais)

        ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This internship would not have been possible without the support of many people. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this internship. First and foremost, I would like to thank my manager, Tim Weis for offering me the opportunity to work in his Oxfam shop for 6 weeks. Thanks for his warm welcome and his guidance throughout this work

    5 941 Mots / 24 Pages
  • Bts CI (commerce international): Anglais

    Bts CI (commerce international): Anglais

    The Maltese archipelago which is made up of three main islands namely Malta, Gozo and Comino is situated in the heart of the Mediterranean sea, between the South of Italy and North Africa. The country’s official languages are Maltese and English, the latter being a legacy from Malta’s period as a British colony – the United Kingdom being the most recent outside ruling power. The Maltese culture is a reflection of the various cultures that

    269 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Corrigé anglais BTS 2004

    Corrigé anglais BTS 2004

    Tower of the Sun It's huge, it's green--and it may even happen. a N AUSTRALIAN COMPANY WANTS TO PIONEER A NEW WAY OF getting energy from the sun. All it needs to do is build the tallest man-made structure in history—a 3,000-foot concrete chim¬ney—in the outback. Solar panels typically convert solar energy directly into electric¬ity. But the facility planned by Melbourne-based EnviroMission would use heated air to power turbines that supply the electricity. The hot

    407 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Gouverneur Pence (document en anglais)

    Gouverneur Pence (document en anglais)

    Governor Pence is spending this week talking to Hoosiers across the state about finding Hoosier solutions to the problems caused by Washington, D.C. and the federal government. In 2012, the federal government collected $51.2 billion from Hoosier taxpayers and businesses. This year, forty-nine state departments and agencies will receive almost 20 percent of that money in the form of federal grants, stipends, and programs that often come with expensive, burdensome mandates and regulations that stifle

    254 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Alex Copping il y a un mois (document en anglais)

    Alex Copping il y a un mois (document en anglais)

    Alex Copping 1 month ago He bidded 20 k for podolski wtf Reply · Vote UpVote Down GouldyHD GouldyHD 1 month ago Look when this video was made idiot lol Reply · 2 Vote UpVote Down in reply to Alex Copping TbossHacksTutsGlichs TbossHacksTutsGlichs 3 months ago What do you do once you have the players? That would've been nice to add to the video -_- Reply · Vote UpVote Down GouldyHD GouldyHD 3 months ago

    387 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les craintes des étudiants dans l'Amérique sans emploi (document en anglais)

    Les craintes des étudiants dans l'Amérique sans emploi (document en anglais)

    Bou Maxime TC3 Summary This report entitled “Student fears in jobless America” explains us that today, in the USA a lot of graduated students aren’t able to land any job to complete their trainee. Indeed, young American students jobs are grim, due to the complicated economical context, and it is starting to distort young student’s mind. The official unemployment rate for people ages 20 to 24 is 16%, this statement shows the seriousness of the

    279 Mots / 2 Pages