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Bts CI (commerce international): Anglais

Commentaires Composés : Bts CI (commerce international): Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Août 2013  •  269 Mots (2 Pages)  •  809 Vues

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The Maltese archipelago which is made up of three main islands namely Malta, Gozo and Comino is situated in the heart of the Mediterranean sea, between the South of Italy and North Africa.

The country’s official languages are Maltese and English, the latter being a legacy from Malta’s period as a British colony – the United Kingdom being the most recent outside ruling power. The Maltese culture is a reflection of the various cultures that have come into contact with the Maltese islands throughout the centuries, including neighbouring Mediterranean culture, as well as those of the nations that ruled Malta for long periods of time prior to its Independence. Malta has over 7,000 years of history.

From Neolithic remains to fortified walled cities, this small island boasts a colourful and intriguing past and is often described as an open-air museum.

The archipelago boasts over 300 days of sunshine in a year. Whereas for most parts of Europe four seasons divide the year, Malta hardly gets a spring or an autumn thus making it also the ideal destination to visit during the winter months.

The waters around the islands are widely regarded to be amongst the clearest in the Mediterranean. Snorkeling and scuba diving are highly recommended.

The Maltese people are renowned for their hospitality and friendliness towards tourists. This also contributes towards making this archipelago one of the safest places in the world.

The English language, beautiful weather and warmth of the locals are what make Malta the ideal location to learn English. So come on over and join us at our English language school, come and study at IELS.


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