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Comment savoir si nous irons au paradis ? - écrit personnel (texte en anglais)

Mémoire : Comment savoir si nous irons au paradis ? - écrit personnel (texte en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Août 2013  •  1 555 Mots (7 Pages)  •  1 288 Vues

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How To Know You Are Going To Heaven!

Jesus said in John 14:2-6, “In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I

would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a

place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You

know the way to the place where I am going. Thomas said to Him, ‘Lord, we don't know where

You are going, so how can we know the way?’Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and

the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’”

Do you think you will go to Heaven when you die?

This is the question that the New York Daily News asked 6 different people on sidewalk

of N.Y. City. The first person answered, “Yes, I'm sure of it. There must be justice in its true

sense. Otherwise there would be no logic to living. Going to Heaven when I die will be but a

small recompense for all the dirty deals, yes, I mean, dirty deals - that have come my way and

made life a hell on earth.”

This person's hope for Heaven was based on the ground of Justice. Is it justiceto overlook a

person's sins? Is it justiceto let the unrighteous into the same glorious Heaven as those who have

been made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ? Notice that this person claims they deserveto

go to Heaven, however, they say it is because of the “dirty deals” they have had in life. The

Bible nowhere offers, “hope of Heaven, just because someone has suffered down here on earth!”

Such abuse in this life, (whether real or fancied), not atone for one's sins. This person said,

“Heaven will be a small recompense for what I have gone through.” What do people think

Heaven will be – payment for what God owes us – or, because we have some “dirty deals” to go


The second Person answered, “I don't know! Like most women, I gossip, talk about others

behind their backs, and I'm envious and jealous of other women who have more than I have.”

This person admits, “I don't know.” She probably is the most honest of the six.

Noteworthy, is that she realized that she gossiped, was envious and jealous and talked behind

people back. She, at least, realized that these were terrible sins in God's sight.

The third person interviewed said, “Yes, indeed, just as sure as the good Lord has mercy

in His heart. I'm going through hell now. I was forced out of my old place of business where I

had been for years. It's heard for my customers to become accustomed to my new place. I've

always tried to do the right thing, and there must be some reward.”

Like the first person, this one was sure they were going to Heaven, “Because he was

through hell now!” While the first person claimed justice, this one claims mercy. He cries mercy

to start, then closes by pleading, “I deserve the reward.”

Why does this person feel he is entitled to Heaven? He says, “Because he was forced out

of his old place of business,” And he says, “I've always tried to do what is right!”

The fourth person answered, “I think so. I'm sure I'll have to make a local stop on the

way at a place called PURGATORY, to be cleansed of my sins. In fact, I don't think there is a

hell. A God who is all good could not conceive of such a horrible place as a hell where one

would burn for eternity. God is mercy.”

Amazement of amazement, that would startle Beelzebub, himself, this person believes in

Purgatory, which God never speaks of, and does not believe in “hell” which God does speak of.

The nerve of some people!

This person says, “God is good, and merciful.” But, the same Bible that speaks of God's

goodness and mercy, also speaks of God as “a consuming fire!”

The fifth person said, “It isn't just as easy as saying ‘yes’or ‘no.’There will always some

doubt about it. There is an old expression, ‘Heaven for climate and Hell for company!’I've

always preferred company to climate, and if there's the way it is, I'll be with many of my friends

for a long time.”

What a sarcastic infidelity and folly of an answer. Note two grievous errors:

First, this person said, “It isn't as easy as saying‘yes’ or ‘no.’” If I asked you, are

you married? – or are you male or female? – or are you an American citizen? You

Certainly would be


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