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Immigration aux USA - texte anglais

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Par   •  11 Mars 2014  •  722 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 841 Vues

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I'm going to talk about the notion of Spaces and exchanges illustrated with the example of Immingrants coming to the united States. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of the notion. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information .

Talking about immigration in the USA is particularly relevant regarding the topic of space and exchanges since immigration definitely involves the idea of space as immigrants are moving across countries: they leave their home to get a new start in America. Plus, it also involves exchange because immigrants come with their own share of cultural background that gets melt into a whole new lifestyle in their arrival country. So first , it could be interesting to see who are all these people who come to the USA and what are the steps to cross to live in this multi-cultural style of life. The question which i'm going to answer is : Does the search of the american dream is easily accessible? search of the American dream

First of all, we studied an extract of a “boy's journey”. It was about a little Polish boy, Seymour who has a wonderful voice. He went to the USA for more career opportunities. For him, it was a dream that became reality, a chance that was given only once in a lifetime. For him and all his family, the U.S. Eldorado was where Seymour would be happy for life. He lived the American dream, has taken the plunge and succeeded in USA.

Like him, lots of people see the US like heaven where all problems will be gone. Therefore, according to several documents, we learned a lot : in fact, the immigration to USA has begun a long time ago from the 1492 (discovery of America) to nowadays with 4 principal waves bringing new origins coming for different reasons in the country. The main origins of immigrants are Italians since the 19e century, Russians, irish who were fleeing poverty, particularly the desease on potato that caused a famine in 1845, Germans and british because of the invention of the steam boat that facilitated the crossindg.

A Map from 1820 to 1995 showed that the main group of immigrants were Europeens (37M) and then Asians (7M).

Actually, latina mericans are most attracted by the USA due on the one hand by the proximity and on the other hand by the need of a better quality of life and a higher level of living.

The hope to live the American dream made of immigrants, individuals wanting at all costs to settle in the USA even if it means to cross the line of legality and mostly of safety.

II.from dream to reality

We saw in class that lots of illegal immigrants were trying to reach America. They are called wetbacks for the most who come from Latin America because they have cross the Rio Grande by swimming.

The border between Mexico and the USA is the most crossed over in the world. However, this crossing is very risky according to a text “Why the caged bird sings” where a woman, Ana had to crawled through a drainpipe, trudged across the desert, scrunched onto the floor of a car to reach America.

The dream can quickly toggle into a nightmare. Despite everything, some people


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