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Pronoms personnels en anglais dissertations et mémoires


5 432 Pronoms personnels en anglais dissertations gratuites 1 - 25 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 28 Octobre 2017
  • Les pronoms personnels en anglais

    Les pronoms personnels en anglais

    Les pronoms personnels I - je You - tu/vous He - il She - elle It - ça (pour les objets ou les animaux) We - nous They - ils/elles Verbes au présent simple Le présent simple est utilisé pour des actions habituelles. Voici la structure : Sujets + verbe (base) Exemples : I eat (je mange). She reads (elle lit). Note : Pour la 3ème personne du singulier (he, she, it), ajoutez un

    434 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Pronoms Personnels Sujets

    Pronoms Personnels Sujets

    1) Subject Pronouns Les Pronoms Personnels Sujets I am happy. Je suis heureux(euse). You are sad. Tu es triste/vous êtes triste. He is rich. Il est riche. She is poor. Elle est pauvre. We are strong. Nous sommes fort(e)s. They are weak. Ils/Elles sont faible(s). It is big. C'est grand. They are small. Ils/Elles sont petit(e)s. I est toujours une majuscule, même s'il n'est pas situé au début de la phrase. You est utilisé pour

    3 049 Mots / 13 Pages
  • Leçon Pronoms Personnels

    Leçon Pronoms Personnels

    LECON 1: LES PRONOMS PERSONNELS Une voix lointaine Pour son anniversaire, Pedro a reçu un ballon. Il a protesté parce qu'il l'aurait voulu en cuir blanc avec des carrés noirs, comme ceux dans lesquels shootent les footballeurs professionnels. Celui-là, en plastique, et jaune par-dessus le marché, lui semblait beaucoup trop léger. ‑ Quand on veut marquer un but en faisant une tête, il s'envole. On dirait un oiseau tellement il pèse pas. ‑ Tant mieux,

    1 808 Mots / 8 Pages
  • V FOR VENDETTA - Document Personnel ANGLAIS 1ère ou Terminale - The Surveillance Society

    V FOR VENDETTA - Document Personnel ANGLAIS 1ère ou Terminale - The Surveillance Society

    V FOR VENDETTA : Based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore, V for Vendetta takes place in an alternate and dystopian vision of Britain in which a corrupt and abusive totalitarian government called Norsefire has risen to complete power. The movie takes place in 2020, in London. The regime has brutally oppressed and eliminated anyone who is not white, heterosexual or Christian. During a threatening run in with the secret police, an unassuming young

    772 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Analyse des pronoms personnels

    Analyse des pronoms personnels

    Morphosyntaxe des pronoms personnels Définition : Pro-nomen : à la place du nom, c’est-à-dire qu’il fonctionne syntaxiquement comme un syntagme nominal ( = déterminant + nom). Personnel : renvoie à la personne grammaticale, définie par le rang qu’elle occupe dans l’ordination fondée par l’énonciation. On oppose la personne locutive (je) à l’allocutaire (tu) et au délocuté (P3) : idem au pluriel. Fondamentalement, sur le plan syntaxique, on oppose deux catégories majeures : - les

    1 270 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Les pronoms personnels de la 1ère et 2ème personne

    Les pronoms personnels de la 1ère et 2ème personne

    Leçon 1 : Les pronoms personnels de la 1ère et 2ème personne 1° pers. singulier je 2° pers.singulier tu 1° pers. pluriel nous 2° pers.pluriel vous Nominatif ego tu nos vos Accusatif me te nos vos Génitif mei tui nostri / nostrum vestri/vestrum Datif mihi tibi nobis vobis Ablatif me te nobis vobis Emploi des pronoms au nominatif En latin, pas besoin du pronom sujet : le personne du verbe est clairement indiquée par la

    1 109 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Pronoms personnels et indéfinis

    Pronoms personnels et indéfinis

    Les pronoms personnels et les pronoms-déterminants indéfinis : Une règle de base pour accorder vos pronoms : - il s'accorde en genre avec son antécédent : masculin, féminin ou encore neutre. - il s'accorde en nombre avec son antécédent : singulier ou pluriel - il s'accorde en cas, suivant la fonction qu'il occupe dans la phrase : nominatif, accusatif, génitif, datif ou encore ablatif. I/ Les pronoms personnels : Les pronoms personnels renvoient aux personnes

    692 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Les pronoms personnels

    Les pronoms personnels

    6EME Project 2: Jack’s host family HAPPY FAMILIES! * GRAMMAR: LES PRONOMS PERSONNELS COMPLEMENTS 1. He’s with us for only one year. 2. Whose parents are responsible for him? 3. He’s waiting for you in the corridor. Un pronom personnel complément permet de remplacer un ……..……….. ou un groupe nominal ayant la fonction de ……………………………….…….. dans une phrase. Il se place après le ………….…… et évitent la …………………………. des ………………..…………… longs ou des noms ……………………..

    254 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Votre environnement personnel influence-t-il votre confiance dans les institutions? (document en anglais)

    Votre environnement personnel influence-t-il votre confiance dans les institutions? (document en anglais)

    1. Overview “How is one’s personal environment affecting trust in public institutions?” In order to answer this question we first have to answer the following sub-question: What do we mean by personal environment? We define the personal environment as all the factors directly influencing us in our daily decision-making. To represent this micro environment we chose several variables out of the European Social Survey data set and after two confirmatory factor analyses we regressed them

    3 261 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Adults determined to remain kids - écrit personnel en anglais

    Adults determined to remain kids - écrit personnel en anglais

    Par : Cameron, Amy, Maclean's, 00249262, 8/2/2004, Vol. 117, Edition 31 Section :Essay It's been dubbed a Peter Pandemic: adults determined to remain kids HERE IS MY CONFESSION. Sometimes, late at night, I put on the tiny, sparkling T-shirt I wore to clubs when I was 21 and dance to Salt-N-Pepa's Let's Talk About Sex. Occasionally, when I'm supposed to be working, I play The Sims computer game for hours -- starting fights between lovers,

    1 352 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Les talents personnels (document en anglais)

    Les talents personnels (document en anglais)

    Nowadays, having strong interpersonal skills is an advantage in professional and personal lives and in this text, the author pretends that women more often possess these skills. To begin, i think that under « interpersonal skills », the author means the relationship skills, emotional intelligence, ability to listen and understand, ability to nurture talent, collaboration and partnership which are very important in business. It cannot be denied that interpersonal skills are the ‘Master Key’ to

    221 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Écrit personnel d'un Architect : écrit en anglais

    Écrit personnel d'un Architect : écrit en anglais

    Hello, I’m architect of Sami’s supermarket I will show you how I had imagine this supermarket · So, we can see on the first floor that we have to enter on the left. We have fit out the supermarket in a symmetric way, in order to help customers to know the place faster. · Indeed, when the customer goes shopping, he has to follow a way as we planned like IKEAE. However customers who are

    390 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Comment savoir si nous irons au paradis ? - écrit personnel (texte en anglais)

    Comment savoir si nous irons au paradis ? - écrit personnel (texte en anglais)

    How To Know You Are Going To Heaven! Jesus said in John 14:2-6, “In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the

    1 555 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Rapport personnel : mes études à Londres en commerce (en anglais)

    Rapport personnel : mes études à Londres en commerce (en anglais)

        ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This internship would not have been possible without the support of many people. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this internship. First and foremost, I would like to thank my manager, Tim Weis for offering me the opportunity to work in his Oxfam shop for 6 weeks. Thanks for his warm welcome and his guidance throughout this work

    5 941 Mots / 24 Pages
  • Jaws - écrit personnel en anglais

    Jaws - écrit personnel en anglais

    JAWS I'm going to speak about the novel Jews . Jews was written by Peter Benchley in 1974 & adapted for film by Steven Spielberg one years after . Jaws is a short title , easy to remember , eyes-catching , attractive . This title makes us want to know more about this story . So Jaws is a story who take place in California , overall it's a story about a shark who attack

    627 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Écrit personnel en anglais : l'importance de la motivation

    Écrit personnel en anglais : l'importance de la motivation

    Hello everybody I decided to talk about motivation because it’s extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives. , this can be a vicious circle: People who are demotivated can find it difficult to become successful. The importance of motivation is obvious. We need motivation in order to reach our goals. In fact it is one of the most important and driving factor for us reaching our goals. So when that being said it

    626 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Jared Johnson - écrit personnel en anglais

    Jared Johnson - écrit personnel en anglais

    Jared Johnson 767 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 December 7, 2013 Dear Parents, I am writing this letter to know if everyone is well at home and to help you discover the life I live in the Australian outback. The Outback is divided up into territories that include Ayers Rock, Alice Springs, Palm Valley, King Canyon, West MacDonnell Ranges and The Olgas. Inhabited by less than 60,000 people, and 2.5 million square miles the

    333 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Écrit personnel en anglais : mon achat chez apple

    Écrit personnel en anglais : mon achat chez apple

    A few weeks ago, I found myself being guided, as if by an invisible force, to an electrical shop in New Malden. My brain (the invisible force in question) had decided I urgently needed to acquire the latest iPad. I stood in the showroom and was about to reach for my credit card when I realised that I didn’t actually need it. I wanted it, but was having trouble working out why. I had a

    265 Mots / 2 Pages
  • It Was A Dark Night - écrit personnel en anglais

    It Was A Dark Night - écrit personnel en anglais

    It was a dark night. He was looking for her, driving continuously since four hours. His hands were palpitating and his lips were quivering. Where is she? The night was drawing near. He had to reach the place somehow. All of this started when Ben met this young gir1 in a pub and started to like her at first sight. She seemed to show great interest in him. Every day they met at the same

    477 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Écrit personnel - test de télé-travail - (en anglais)

    Écrit personnel - test de télé-travail - (en anglais)

    Idea of progress During the year, we studied the notion of idea of progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. The documents that we studied in class spoke mainly Telecommute. The progress is at the heart of these societies. I'm going to talk about Telecommute who has his qualities and his

    246 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Écrit personnel en anglais : partir vivre le rêve Américain

    Écrit personnel en anglais : partir vivre le rêve Américain

    I was ready to leave my own country to live abroad in order to achieve the American dream. This would also allow me to improve my English. Also, I have success in fashion. What are the advantages and disadvantages? In my opinion from leaving his country to live abroad for at first benefits to be very interesting. This would allow me to meet new people. The memories of this kind of experience is always fantastic.

    368 Mots / 2 Pages


    1. Read the sentences. _ LES PRONOMS RELATIFS Cirlce the relative pronoun. Underline the antecedent. l. 27-28 : « Nathaniel longed to ( ...)send his son to a Negro University which had opened in Indiana in 1835. » l. 32 to 34 : « (…) he set out alone on the underground railroad, which was a secret escape route for Southern slaves trying to go North. » l. 47-48 : « President Lincoln, who had

    601 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Thème personnel d'anglais sur Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Thème personnel d'anglais sur Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Bac Accueil Relation Clients et Usagers Thème personnel d’anglais : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Good morning. Today, I’m going to present my personal theme : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He was born in January 27, 16 in Salzburg. His father, Leopold Mozart, supported his musical education. He was conductor at the court of the Archbishop of Salzburg, violinist and composer. From the age of six, Mozart shows exceptional gifts for pianoforte (the ancestor of the piano) and

    336 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Réflexion Personnelle TPE

    Réflexion Personnelle TPE

    Fiche de synthèse Premièrement, pour ce Tpe, nous avons choisi comme sujet l'athérosclérose, car nous voulions un thème qui soit en rapport avec la santé et la medecine. Pouquoi ? Tout simplement parce que plus tard après le bac, si nos efforts nous le permettent, nous comptons bien poursuivre des études de medecine, même si nos filières sont differentes ( cardiologie, pharmacie, et généraliste ). L'athérosclérose nous semblait être un thème à traiter très intérressant

    1 109 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Carburants Alternatifs Et l'Industrie automobile (document en anglais)

    Carburants Alternatifs Et l'Industrie automobile (document en anglais)

    While the diesel against the petrol still go, alternative energy back in the center of discussions, because of global warming. The car industry is the first concerned, indeed it represents a huge part of fuel’s consumption. Nowadays, on the fuel’s market, there are few possibilities for the car. Besides the car companies don’t make an effort to change their fuels, apart Toyota which developed the hybrid cars. It is an auto which operates with two

    292 Mots / 2 Pages

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