Ecole De Danse (document en anglais)
Compte Rendu : Ecole De Danse (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar selinnnnn • 22 Juillet 2013 • 403 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 185 Vues
1. Mission Statement
My dance studio is an initiation to dance for 4 danse styles : classical, tapdance, latin and hiphop. Kids from the age 4 to 10 will be initiated to dance with physical awakening classes for 4 years old. We offer various dance classes with a wide price range depending on your family income.
With the european Union’s specific cultural promotions such as the Eurydice Program, and national emphasis on cultural development many french families are being more interested in cultural activities.
To address this need, we are opening a dance studio in the Limousin area in the central France, which is the region of France where the practice or arts is the most praised.
We will offer classes at a regular rate and also at a promotional rate for families with lower income. We will base our lower income family measurement depending on the amount of tax paid to the government.
That way, we will reach a broader spectrum of the target population, reaching families who normally cannot afford paying for leisure activities.
Our main principle will be to provide equal opportunity for developing artistic abilities at a very young age.
Our mission is to make the initiation to danse reachable to every young soul and support the practice of artistic education at a young age regardless the social category.
2. Structure of Business (corporation, llc, partnership...)
The structure of the business will be Limited Liability Sole Proprietorship. The EIRL is a new law passed on January 2011 establishing a new structure of business for french entrepreuneurs.The purpose is to limit the liability of sole proprietors. When creating your company.
Personal assets of the entrepreneur will be protected, the proprietor divides his properties in two, the part that will be owned by the business and the part that will remain private. The only obligation is that all my assets necessary to operate the business will have to be declared as belonging to the business property holdings.
The reason for this choice is that I will be the only owner of the business, but instead of going for a sole propietorship where I would risk my personal assets, the EIRL will limitate personal risk and protect my properties.
3. Barriers to Entry
The only barrier to entry is the state degree necessary to exercise the practice of dance. Since I will not be teaching as the proprietor I do not have any licence to obtain.
There are two minor barriers which could b