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American Dream dissertations et mémoires


272 American Dream dissertations gratuites 226 - 250

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Dernière mise à jour : 23 Juin 2015
  • Differences between American and British Laws

    Differences between American and British Laws

    Why is the law sometimes so different in the United States compared to Britain? We will first define what is the law. Then, we will study the historical aspect of each country. Law can be defined as a set of mandatory rules which is applied to all people regarding their status The system of the United States is complex because there are different kinds of laws: national, Federal, and state laws. Every citizen must follow

    264 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : how does the cowboy embody American values ?

    Myths and Heroes : how does the cowboy embody American values ?

    Myth and Heroes Today I’m going to deal with the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or a social phenomenon. It involves supernatural beings. A hero is a person with supernatural abilities who is admired for his courage and his achievements. Today, a hero is a person who helps other people. To illustrate this notion I will talk about

    770 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Afro-American Fragment, 1930, Langston Hughes

    Afro-American Fragment, 1930, Langston Hughes

    Afro-American Fragment, 1930, Langston Hughes with some references to Aspects of Negro Life in an African Setting , 1934, Aaron Douglas Afro-American Fragment is poem by Langtson Hughes that he wrote in 1930 at a time when discrimination and even segregation in the south still prevailed. He was part of the Harlem Renaissance Movement and as such, reflected on the African-American identity. The poem deals with African-Americans’ uprootedness and the loss of their past culture.

    1 242 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Legal segregation ended more than 60 years ago but are Afro-Americans well integrated into the American society today?

    So, I’m going to talk about the Black issue in the USA from the 50s and 60s to the years 2000s Legal segregation ended more than 60 years ago but are Afro-Americans well integrated into the American society today? To begin with, I will explain what segregation was at that time and I will mention the Jim Crow Laws. Secondly, I’ll tell you about the prominent leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. Thirdly, I’ll refer

    630 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Les États-Unis et la Grande Guerre : un American Way of War ?

    Les États-Unis et la Grande Guerre : un American Way of War ?

    NOM VEGAS Prénom María Cristina Cursus L3 Histoire ERASMUS Cours 1914 – 1918 et sa mémoire : approche sociale et culturelle de la Grande Guerre N° étudiant 28702553 Les États-Unis et la Grande Guerre : un American Way of War ? Au départ, les États-Unis avaient réussi à éviter la guerre, le président Wilson ayant déclaré que son pays et ses compatriotes resteraient neutres. Pendant plus de deux ans et demi, les Américains sont restés

    4 839 Mots / 20 Pages
  • QCM anglo american law

    QCM anglo american law

    What was established in 1777 ? a. A Confederation b. A federation c. The American independence d. A fourteenth colony Amendment 22 limits the President's terms of office : a. but disqualification remains possible in case of treason for example. b. but a President who served twice can be a candidate again in the future if he waits one term before being a candidate again c. has always been respected by Presidents since 1951. d.

    1 974 Mots / 8 Pages
  • American Holocaust, David Stannard, Oxford University Press, 1992

    American Holocaust, David Stannard, Oxford University Press, 1992

    American Holocaust, David Stannard, Oxford University Press, 1992 Afficher l'image d'origine L’année 1992 marque le 500ème anniversaire de la découverte l’Amérique, cette même année la directrice, Lynne Cheney, de l’organisation chargée de promouvoir la culture et l’éducation en Amérique « National Endowment for the Humanities » décide de censurer tout texte qui associera le mot génocide à l’histoire des Etats-Unis. Le dossier ici proposé est une étude de l’œuvre de recherche de David E. Stannard, professeur

    4 210 Mots / 17 Pages
  • Les rêves : Dreams en anglais

    Les rêves : Dreams en anglais

    Bonjour mes chers collègues, ainsi que Mme la professeur Good morning, dear colleagues, and Professor En ce jour, j’ai tenu à vous présenter un exposé assez original tenant comme sujet, les songes. On this day, I wanted to give you a rather original presentation on the subject of dreams. Les songes peuvent être argumentés d’un point de vu philosophique, psychologique et religieux ce qui est sur, c’est qu’il relève simplement de la psychologie. Dreams can

    518 Mots / 3 Pages
  • American pop culture

    American pop culture

    American pop culture proposes mass produced dreams Before giving my opinion on this statement, I will begin by explaining the history of American pop culture. The term American pop culture began to appear in the 19th century to refer to a part of the population who did not have access to education and who belonged to a low social class. I think American pop culture offers a lot of dreams because it is found everywhere,

    451 Mots / 2 Pages
  • American Sniper de Clint Eastwood en 2015

    American Sniper de Clint Eastwood en 2015

    American Sniper de Clint Eastwood en 2015 Acteurs Principaux :Bradley Cooper ; Sienna Miller;Jake McDorman;Kyle Gallner ;Luke Grimes Resumé :Tireur d'élite des Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle est envoyé en Irak dans un seul but : protéger ses camarades. Sa précision chirurgicale sauve d'innombrables vies humaines sur le champ de bataille et, tandis que les récits de ses exploits se multiplient, il décroche le surnom de "La Légende". Cependant, sa réputation se propage au-delà des lignes ennemies, si bien que

    330 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Native Americans

    Native Americans

    BRANDAO PIERRE 2ND9 ANGLAIS 1)federally recognised tribes in the usa : There are many tribes in America that come from Asia thanks to a locean that freezes in the winter which makes an access to alaska. Scientists say that are probably those who colonists have appointed Amerindians. C were foreigners in the eyes of the Americans 2)Native American reservations The Amerindian reserves are mainly in the most decreasing areas of the country away from the

    444 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Why are Americans spending too much time at work ?

    Why are Americans spending too much time at work ?

    Anglais The documents entrusted to us deal with the values inculcated to Americans long time in history. The first document is an article “Why are Americans spending too much time at work ?” from the journal the guardian. it is about the importance and education that has been instilled in the Americans. The next article from the socialstars newspaper entitled “Do we need to work to survive anymore ? “ shows the evolution of the

    346 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The National Museum of African American History and Culture

    The National Museum of African American History and Culture

    ANGLAIS Hello, today we are at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the capital of the United States, Washington. This museum opened in 2016 and promotes African American history and culture. The goal of the museum is to pay a tribute to all African American people. At the opening of the museum, former president Barack Obama gave an inaugural speech. Obama’s message aims to gathering people, and whoever you are, wherever

    578 Mots / 3 Pages
  • American Nightmare

    American Nightmare

    Anglais dialogue : film « American nightmare » Journalist : Good afternoon everyone, thank you for joining us on the Ellen show, today I’m with a special guest, the famous man who made all your Halloween night very creepy, I know you’re all waiting for him, so no more riddles, let me introduce you James DeMonaco the famous American director, screenwriter and producer of American Nightmare, one of the most successful horror movie in the

    495 Mots / 2 Pages
  • More Americans Swap Beach For the Office

    More Americans Swap Beach For the Office

    Dupont Bastien MCO2 Anglais - BTS BLANC - More Americans Swap Beach For the Office 1 - COMPREHENTION Le texte ce dessous, rédigé par The Guardian et publier le 21 Aout 2006 est un paragraphe de revue de presse. Il nous explique que tout le monde est au courant que les Américains travaillent énormément pour leurs entreprises et qu'il ne prennent que trop peu de jour de congé, contrairement au Européens et notamment les Français

    496 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Can every american express their voices?

    Can every american express their voices?

    LLCE ENGLISH AMC CAN EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN EXPRESS THEIR VOICES ? On November 3rd, 2020, will be held the United States Presidential Election. Donald trump has been the actual President of the United States of America since the 20th of January 2017, yet actually, he is running for a second term, and recently debated with Joe Biden, his opponent from the Democratic party. One for the Democratic Party fighting for equality, the other one for

    841 Mots / 4 Pages
  • American Agriculture

    American Agriculture

    Food revolution in the US : evolution and issues Recent research has found important links between poor dietary choices, toxic food environment, processed food and burdens of chronic disease. These findings serve as a propulsion for a food revolution. The Gardner nutrition studies research group, along with a diverse range of collaborators, has been focusing on solution to help find answers to the problems that plague the current food system. To start with let’s take

    628 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Native american storytelling

    Native american storytelling

    Once upon a time, there was this animal, the Fox, who was cunning, greedy and weak but he was the smartest animal in the bunch. To be respected and superior to other animals, he made a plan to steal and drink a part of the forbidden Fountain of Youth, the Creator's drink, which gives immortality to whoever drinks it, at night when everyone was sleeping. He easily climbed several rocks and crossed several bridges to

    325 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L’association Solann Dream Team

    L’association Solann Dream Team

    DEVOIR E6 Exercice 1 L’association Solann Dream Team est une association loi de 1901, convention par laquelle deux ou plusieurs personnes mettent en commun leurs connaissances ou leur activité dans un but non lucratif, créée en décembre 2010 par un groupe d’amis initialement situé dans l’Ouest parisien. L’association est composée de membres fondateurs, de membres associés désignés par cooptation des autres membres, et d’une aide comptable. Son siège social se situe dans les Yvelines, dans

    603 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Etude marketing American Vintage

    Etude marketing American Vintage

    AUDIT MARKETING ________________ Remerciements Nous remercions la responsable du magasin American Vintage de Miramas, d’avoir pris le temps de nous recevoir. C’est avec bienveillance et beaucoup de gentillesse qu’elle a répondu à nos questions. ________________ Sommaire § I-Introduction § II. Présentation de la méthodologie § III. Présentation de l’environnement et du marché § IV. Présentation de la stratégie marketing de l’entreprise § V. Préconisations § VI-Conclusion ________________ I. Introduction : Dans le cadre de notre

    2 797 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Newcast Spanish-American War

    Newcast Spanish-American War

    La vidéo d’aujourd’hui porte sur la révolte cubaine qui s’en suivra de la guerre hispano-américaine. Pour commencer, Cuba est une île qui se trouve au large de l’Amérique, en 1895 elle fait partie des territoires appartenant à l’Espagne suite à sa colonisation. Pour la majorité dû à des raisons économiques, comme les exploitations sucrières ruinés, la population de Cuba va se soulever. On assiste donc au début d’une guerre civile. L'Espagne envoie alors l’armée et

    697 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Association Solann Dream Team

    Association Solann Dream Team

    Préparer E6 209K51DKPC0116 Devoir 01 Exercice 1 Brief synthétique, association Solann Dream Team, le 20 sept. 2016 L’annonceur Les contacts : Email : Site web : Siège social : 3 allée Edwige Feuillère, 78830, Bois D’Arcy, France Le projet : Missions confiées à l’agence : Trouver des coureurs valides qui accepteraient de courir le marathon seuls ou avec un enfant en portant les couleurs de l’association. Trouver des sponsors pour financer la participation

    915 Mots / 4 Pages
  • "I have a dream" de Martin Luther King

    "I have a dream" de Martin Luther King

    Discours de Marthin Luther King à Washington, le 28 aout 1963 Le 28 aout 1963, après la marche contre les discrimination raciales, Martin Luther King délivre un discours historique « I have a dream » à Washington devant 250 000 personnes et qui fera de lui une figure emblématique de la lutte contre le racisme. Martin Luther King, c’est un pasteur non-violent noir américain pour le mouvement américain des droits civiques, mais aussi un militant

    407 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Type de Dm en LLCE Compréhension écrite dans le thème Africans-americans

    Type de Dm en LLCE Compréhension écrite dans le thème Africans-americans

    Répondez à la problématique suivante en remplissant le tableau. Focus on the situation and status of African Americans as described in the three documents and show the different means of protest and resistance chosen by the artists presented here. Use the different elements of the subject to organise into two or three columns the main themes that will guide you through the analysis of the documents. Please formulate your ideas and justify them by quoting

    1 471 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Is Transhumanism the dream of tomorrow ?

    Is Transhumanism the dream of tomorrow ?

    Pénelope Caurier LLCE essay Nowadays, the scientific progress improve hugely and quickly. This advances are about biometric or technology which are, exactly, the subject of our 3 documents. About document A, it’s an article from wired (which is a website) published in 2018 and written by Eric Miller, which deals with bionic limbs. For document B, it’s a computer generated photography, published in 2017 by an unknown artist. This document, shows a sort of robot,

    832 Mots / 4 Pages

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