Can every american express their voices?
Compte rendu : Can every american express their voices?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lou69290 • 26 Avril 2021 • Compte rendu • 841 Mots (4 Pages) • 394 Vues
On November 3rd, 2020, will be held the United States Presidential Election. Donald trump has been the actual President of the United States of America since the 20th of January 2017, yet actually, he is running for a second term, and recently debated with Joe Biden, his opponent from the Democratic party. One for the Democratic Party fighting for equality, the other one for the Republican Party fighting for freedom, that’s highlighting the division of American people who have different opinions and desires. But does this binary division gives a place to everyone? Can everyone express their opinion and be heard? Can everyone have the right to vote? This division may not be a coincidence, as we will see when and why this social breakdown exists it and how things have changed.
To begin, explain the term of “racial segregation” as it is part of the main subject of this development : the practice of restricting people to certain publics places like : restaurants; parks; schools; in order to maintain the superior social status of the dominant group.
In the 19th century, the fight for the equal civil rights for the Afro-American began because for years, African-Americans were considered to be an inferior race because they served as slaves to the whites until slavery was abolished.
Technically, the Constitution of 1870 had the right to register on the electoral lists and to participate in the various local elections. In the contrary, in some South States of United States, the government wanted to prevent blacks from having too many freedoms by setting up terrorist acts committed by the Klux Klux Klan or the Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow is a racist caricature of a black slave.
Moreover, to register their vote, black people had to fill out an absurd, long and impossible literacy test so that the officers could refuse their candidacy to vote.
But African-americans decided to fight for their rights.
Firstly, the pastor Martin Luther King, non-violence advocate, and the activist Rosa Parks are the symbols of this Afro-American movement. In 1954, even if the Suprem court ruled the interdiction for blacks in schools was unconstitutional, in some areas, segregation was still mostly present.
However, in December 1955, Rosa Parks refuse to give her place to a white person in a bus in Montgomery, that’s an example of a pacifist and non-violent opposition. She was arrested and it created a big debate in the society.
As a consequence, in 1956, the Suprem court considered also the segregation in buses unconstitutional. Martin Luther King gave a famous speech in Washington on August 28th 1963. This speech untitled “ I have a dream” became extremely famous in the history. MLK called on the black community to make a march to peacefully mobilize for equal civil right, but they’ll need three marches for President Johnson to understand and sign “The Voting Rights Act”. A text which prohibited racial discriminations. Unfortunately, MLK was murdered in 1968.