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Is Transhumanism the dream of tomorrow ?

Dissertation : Is Transhumanism the dream of tomorrow ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Décembre 2022  •  Dissertation  •  832 Mots (4 Pages)  •  186 Vues

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Pénelope Caurier

LLCE essay

Nowadays, the scientific progress improve hugely and quickly. This advances are about biometric or technology which are, exactly, the subject of our 3 documents.

About document A, it’s an article from wired (which is a website) published in 2018 and written by Eric Miller, which deals with bionic limbs. For document B, it’s a computer generated photography, published in 2017 by an unknown artist. This document, shows a sort of robot, however it looks like a human, which is holding a skull, it’s, moreover, untitled The futur of humanity. Finally, document C is an extract from Never Let me go which is a novel published in 2005 by Kazuo Ishiguro. It’s about, an England in the futur and where clones were invented to save lives.

This essay will answer the question : Is Transhumanism the dream of tomorrow ?

At the begining, it will explain what tranhumanism is and then it will show the progress of this novelty with the help of the three documents.

At first we can notices that transhumanism improve people’s lives. Indeed, it’s prove in document A and C. In document A, it’s say that more than 150 000 people have a limb amputed so it could help many people. Similarly, in document C, after the World War two, thanks to clones the cancer become something curable.

Even if it could help, tranhumanism is something fast and limitless. For the first idea, so the fact that it’s fast, we can use document C. Actually, in this story, Kazuo Ishiguro explains that all of the innovations appeared so rapidly. He wrote that « there wasn’t time to take stock, to ask sensible questions. » indeed after a war, many lives are taken so they have to find a solution. That’s what he explains in this extract. Everything happens really quickly so clones could be on one hand helpful however on the other hand something not cogitated enought. For the idea of limitless, transhumanism, in Document A, is like they are actually improving something that already existed. As the name of the company is INFINITE. In the same way as the two last documents, document B represents also a sort of immortality as he looks the allegory of death in its eyes…

This computer generated photography shows us the progress of thranshumanism in general. And that’s, indeed, the subject of our second part.

So as we understood the progress of tranhumanism increase a lot,  however it could create some inaqualities and hierarchie on society. Like we said just earlier, in document A, there is « INFINITE » compagny. This organisation is, unfortunately, a private compagny, so it couldn’t be something accessible for everyone. Private compagny are frenquently very expensive so this type of solutions are going to create inequality between rich and poor. We can say that there is a sort of hierarchie among society : some people could save their lives thanks to money and the other are just abandoned. As aresult, everyone is human so everyone could have been the same right even if they don’t have the same status in society. In document B we also can see this sort of hierarchie. Indeed, on the robot’s face we can distinguish a facial expressions which indicate a sort of mock of the robot in front of the skull. There is also a sneering smile which means that he is superior, now he dominate, and he took control as he can hold the greatest fear of Human.


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