Lieu Et Forme De Pouvoir ( Anglais )
Mémoire : Lieu Et Forme De Pouvoir ( Anglais ). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar A2tahlat • 21 Mai 2013 • 537 Mots (3 Pages) • 7 150 Vues
Places and forms of power
I’m going to talking about the notion of places and forms of power. In the whole world, it exists many conflicts between the different cultures in a same country or a same community. We are going to analyze specifically the population of South Africa.
In the past, South Africa was divides in two communities: Blacks and Whites also called Afrikaners . This opposition left marks in the history of the country and now it has to deal with inequalities caused in the past. The examination of this topic will consist to ask me: How can people from different cultures live together in harmony?
First, we will start to broach the past of this and secondly i will talk about the changes of the situation
1- The past, with notably the apartheid
Whites from Europe started to settle in South Africa in the middle of the 17th century. Slowly, in the early 20th century, they started to ban blacks from everything. They took control on the government and thus on the whole country. A hierarchy was step up between the Afrikaners and the blacks indeed, the gap among the social ranks of whites and blacks have caused inequalities within the country. From them on, Apartheid became official and legal racial segregation was established. South Africa knew at this time one of the most violent episode of its history. Black people were detained, killed force to exile. For example, 1 000 Africans were arrested every day, on average. During 25 years, 11 million have been arrested. There was a real bloody repression towards the blacks. That was the white domination
2-Secondly I will talk about the changes of the situation
A small part of South Africa fought for the rights of the blacks: The African Nation Congress. This political party was led by a courageous and hopeful man: Nelson Mandela. He gave all he had to this fight. But he was imprisoned in 1963. And 27 years later, he was released from Robben Island Prison. Finally he was elected president in South African. It’s the end of the apartheid and the beginning of the reconciliation. The fight for the equalities, led by Nelson Mandela was been long , hard and painful . We can see that in the movie Invictus. This film is very harrowing; it shows us how this fight was sorrowful. But with the time became a little better. A new constitution was signed with the election of Nelson Mandela. Whites learned, hardly, to share the power and to respect the blacks. They recognized black people’s rights. Both sides had to make efforts to launch the reconciliation. And today, even if the inequalities are present (living condition, income, employment rate …), people in South Africa learns slowly how to live together their different cultures. But the way to a real union is still long and people have to make more efforts to get to a real harmony.
To conclude, in the past, South Africa knew a lot of conflicts within its population. But, with the time, people became more and more tolerant. That is how; people have learned to live together in harmony. However, a lot of inequalities still persist today after the end of apartheid.