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Salaries Setting Up

Dissertation : Salaries Setting Up. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Novembre 2018  •  Dissertation  •  437 Mots (2 Pages)  •  391 Vues

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In compensation of his activity, the employee wins a salary, his income, therefore his purchasing-power. But in the world, many inequalities exist in salaries setting up. It is a matter to ask about the salaries setting up.

First, we can notice works factors. It gathers gender, age, further education and years of experience.

Since 2014, the law of parity man woman was improving, but many differences exist between gender. Women win less 18.6 percent than men in France. Also, ages have an influence in wages total, in France young employee who beginning in the labour market, 18-25 years old win half as much than 30-50 years old. That reason is experience lack which carry out at seasonal job like fast food, restaurant, supply, tourism… After, the further education essential mode in wages setting up. For example a student who passed the baccalaureate exam will win less than a person who have a advanced technician’s certificate. More a person study, more the wages is better. Finally, a person with years of experience, have payment in supplement for their years in the same factory. Since June2018, the French government decide to not decree the payment of this bonus for private establishment, but before it was obliged.

Secondly, the diversity of the company, small or high, have an impact on salary. According to the activity sector, size of company, geographical localisation, establishment of trade union, status or company culture, the wages vary. For example, a smart company, with ten employees in rural area have salary less high than an multinational company in Paris.

Finally, geographical area must be take on board for the wages setting up.

According to the geographical area, the salary is different in many regions. In France, Paris gives high salary than elsewhere, it can be notice a difference of 28%. In proof, in île de France area have an hour wage of €23.9 while elsewhere, it is around €16-18. That reason is a concentration of middle manager which explain high wages.

In conclusion, the salary setting up depend of work factor, diversity of company and geographical area. In answer to that, the French government had put in place the SMIC in order to limit low wages.

In my opinion, I think that le law of parity man woman is’nt respect and, if we take the French motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, the government disown the equality value in wages setting up. To end, low salary lead to unemployment because peoples are not determinate to work, also the purchasing power is ever on decline, it is difficult to live decently with a SMIC and taxes augmentation


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