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Strategic Learning Final Exam Review

  1. Of the following, the infiltration rate is highest for a soil with a ____________ of rain splash.
  1. Low antecedent moisture content and the absence
  2. Low antecedent moisture content and the presence
  3. High antecedent moisture content and the absence
  4. High antecedent moisture content and the presence

  1. In a soil water budget, a deficit will not occur in association with _________________.
  1. An input to soil water storage
  2. The generation of runoff
  3. Precipitation exceeding actual evapotranspiration
  4. All of the above
  1. Air is (warm/cool) and (moist/dry) on a coastal windward mountain slope and (warm/cool) and (moist/dry) on a leeward slope.
  1. Of the following, albedo will be highest for a southern Australian _____.
  1. Field at noon in July
  2. Forest at noon in February
  3. Lake at sunrise in February
  4. Field in morning in July
  1. On January 3rd Earth:
  1. is closest to the sun
  2. has an orbit with a faster velocity than other days
  3. receives the most intense insolation
  4. all of the above
  1. When water moves to a higher energy state _________ heat is _________.
  1. Convection / absorbed
  2. Latent / released
  3. Conduction / absorbed
  4. Latent / absorbed
  1. On June 21, the ________ receives the most intense insolation at noon.
  1. tropic of Cancer
  2. tropic of Capricorn
  3. north pole
  4. south pole
  1. A parcel of air may be impelled to rise by:
         a) _____________________
         b) ____________________
         c) _____________________
         d) _____________________
  2. A low-level temperature inversion would usually occur in the (winter/summer).
  3. Of the following, which condition will allow for the greatest amount of infiltration?
  1. convectional precipitation falling over a pasture
  2. cyclonic precipitation falling over an old growth forest
  3. convectional precipitation falling over an old growth forest
  4. cyclonic precipitation falling over a recently burned forest
  1. Actual evapotranspiration ________________________ potential evapotranspiration.  
  1. Is sometimes less than
  2. Is sometimes more than
  3. Always equals
  4. Never equals
  1. When a parcel of air is forced to rise, initially it (cools/warms) at the _____________ Rate. When it reaches the ______________________ Level or the _____________________  point the parcel is (saturated/unsaturated), and begins to cool at the _______________rate .
  2. Convectional Precipitation is characterized by __________________.
  1. Short duration and high intensity
  2. Short duration and low intensity
  3. Long duration and high intensity
  4. Long duration and low intensity
  1. When an air parcel becomes saturated it cannot hold any more ____________________ and then ___________________ occurs.
  2. A rock mass or layer that impedes or prevents the movement of groundwater is called:

a) Aquifer
b) Aquiclude
c) Water Table
d) Regolith

  1. Two causes for condensation include:

a) Adding vapour in the air and cooling the cool the air
b) Increasing the air’s saturation specific humidity and cooling the air
c) Increasing the amount of aerosols in the air and reducing the amount of vapour
d) Warming the air and increasing the amount of vapour

  1. An air parcel cools as it rises through the troposphere because ______________________.
    a) the ambient atmosphere cools at the environmental lapse rate, affecting the parcel’s temperature
    b) there is more molecular friction
    c) energy is used as the parcel rises
    d) energy is used as the parcel is compressed
  1. Vegetated surface have __________________ in comparison to bare surfaces.

a) less interception and more rainsplash
b) more interception and less rainsplash
c) more interception and more rainsplash

  1. ________________________ is most likely when the ELR is large (for example: 12oC/ 1000m).
    a) Atmospheric stability
    b) Atmospheric instability
    c) Advection fog
    d) Conditional instability
  2. Which of the following would have a high peak and a short lag in its storm hydrograph?

a) small catchment area
b) vegetated catchment area
c) steep catchment area
d) low intensity storm

  1. ________________________ is not an impelling force of upward motion.
    a) the intense daytime heating of the Hawaiian islands
    b) the convergence of trade winds at the equator
    c) the air within a sub-tropical high pressure cell
    d) a front between two air masses
  2. Not all precipitation that falls will reach the surface because:

a) some of it is intercepted by canopies, stems and leave
b) some of it is reflected through rainsplash
c) some of it is evaporated as it falls
d) some of it is evaporated as it falls, as it is intercepted and some is intercepted

  1. Which will affect potential evapotranspiration?

a) insolation
b) wind
c) specific humidity gradient
d) all of the above

  1. Water that has infiltrated the soil but encounters a barrier will move by:

a) percolation
b) interflow
c) interception
d) overland flow

  1. The type of overland flow common to city streets and on bare soil is called:

a) sheetwash

b) rill flow

c) gully flow

d) streetwash

  1. The circulation of ocean water is described as ______________________. This involves water coming up to the surface in some areas through the process of _________________, and water sinking through the process of ___________, in others.

a) thermocline, gyres, western intensification

b) thermohaline circulation, upwelling, downwelling

c) thermohaline, trade wind movement, western intensification


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