Religion exam
Chronologie : Religion exam. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Gurleen Pawar • 27 Mai 2018 • Chronologie • 2 375 Mots (10 Pages) • 733 Vues
ANTHROPOLOGY: The study of the origins, development and customs of humankind
CULTURE: A system of meanings, beliefs, values and practiced held in common by a society
STEREOTYPE: A popular belief about a certain group or “type” of individual; a generalization
SIGNS: Objects or gestures that express a specific message or meaning
SYMBOL: A (visual) representation that connects us with many ideas; they often connect us to things that are beyond our ability to speak (ex. The reality that human beings are both earth and the breath of God)
RITUAL: They’re a set order of performing rites, celebrations and important events
EUCHARIST: Bread that is transformed into the body of Christ in a sacred ritual. It’s the sacrament in which we celebrate the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. We believe that the bread is his body and the wine is his blood
RECONCILIATION: Confession of sins, words of forgiveness and recalls Jesus forgiving sins
BAPTISM: Initiation/ welcome into church, new life, gift of the Holy Spirit, washes away sin, recall Jesus’ baptism
PARABLE: Short stories that are often about ordinary events, but give us a glimpse into the mystery of the Kingdom of God
KINGDOM OF GOD: The symbolic expression used by Jesus to speak about God and God’s actions among us
TORAH: The ‘law’ or ‘instruction’ about the covenant
INCARNATION: In the flesh
REVELATION: God’s self-communication to humanity
PROPHETS: Holy persons in Israel who were spokespersons for God
YHWH: The name of God revealed to Moses is represented by these letters
SELD-UNDERSTANDING: How do I understand my ‘self’? Culture sees us as a ‘self’ isolated from others, but self-understanding cannot happen w/o the others (relationship)
INDIVIDUALISM: Isolation of the ‘self’ in Western Culture, where greater importance is placed on the self rather than the community; so we have conflict between the rights/ values of the individual and the common good
FREEDOM: The power, based on reason and will, to act or not, to choose, to act deliberately one one’s own responsibility
SIN: the violation of our relationship w/ God and neighbor; it is bringing disorder into creation; it is the power that tempts us to act against good
COVENANT: Agreement between God and His people
LITURGY: The church’s official act of worship. In liturgy, God interacts w/ us in the various situations of our lives
CHOSEN PEOPLE: When God had called the Hebrews out of Egypt through Moses, God chose them. To be a chosen person was not a privilege but more of a mission
ISOLATION: The complete separation of something, MINISTRY
Jean Vanier: He taught us the 5 principles of humanity and he is significant for creating the L’arche communities which is a home for adults with intellectual disabilities
Judge Emily Murphy: Is significant for convincing the government to allow women to be recognized as persons. She taught us that women are equal and that all women are capable to do what men can. Without her women would not be where they are today especially with all the opportunities that are given to us because of her
Mother Teresa: she was known as a woman with intense faith who believed everyone could make the world into a better place through our actions and with our faith. She is significant for her work with helping the poor, sick, and crippled and others who are considered a burden in society. She taught us that Christ tests our love by hiding in grotesque disguises and to be faithful in the small things while being caring and loving to everyone no matter the person.
Rev. Dale Lang: Is significant for speaking on his 17 year old son, Jason Lang, death and for his courageous act of forgiving the boy who had killed him. He was shot by a 14 year old boy who was angry for being bullied by everyone. Dale Lang taught us that no matter how horrible the situation may have been we must always forgive the person/ thing that caused it so we can bring peace into our lives and not to carry that hate/burden of the pain around us. He says to be compassionate people who actually care about others and that though tragedy can so easily crush us, embitter us, and turn us desperately inward we must always forgive.
- Traits of humans from the Bible:
- HUMANS ARE CREATED BY GOD: are the gift of God, are the outcome of the desire of god
- HUMANS ARE EARTH AND DIVINE BREATH: are more than our bodies are personification of divine (God), part of us is drawn to earth and part to what lies beyond
- HUMANS ARE GOOD: creation is exchange of goodness, and since God is good creation is good
- HUMANS ARE MALE AND FEMALE: Are either male/female but equally are image of God, one is never higher than the other
- HUMANS HAVE DIGNITY: Dignity is found through daily sharing of Gods happiness and holiness.
- 7 Human vocations:
- IMAGE OF GOD: humans show love/emotion through the creator and have traits of God
- HAPPY AND HOLY (GOOD): desire happiness to draw people to the One, is the only one who can give that happiness
- ARE RATIONAL AND FREE: W/ free will we can direct our actions
- ARE MORAL (KNOW RIGHT /WRONG):can act w/ freedom and actions are moral because we intend to do things w/ it
- HAVE PASSION(EMOTIONS): Passions/emotions incline us to act or not
- HAVE A CONSCIENCE(VOICE THAT GUIDES/DIRECTS): moral conscience is like voice that tells you to be good or bad, is present at heart of every person
- ABLE TO SIN: can choose when to b good or bad
- Being relational means to live in relation with others so that in a way you are connected with each other through things like verbal/physical interaction which makes us feel like we belong. Yes, humans are relational because we are constantly in relation with each other (i.e. parents, friends, spouse etc) and through these relations we create our personality and live our lives.
- 5 principles of humanity:
- Sacred
- Evolving
- Maturing
- Make choices
- Reflect and speak the truth
- Creation stories:
- -God works on creating the different aspects of the world in 7 days
– Day 1 light was created/dived from darkness
– Day 2 atmosphere created and divided from oceans
-Day 3 land created and divided from water, vegetation was created
–Day 4 sun, moon, and stars created to fill sky
–Day 5 creatures created to fill sky and water
– Day 6 creatures created to fill land. Man created as pinnacle of creation
– Day 7 God rested from all his work and God made everything and saw that everything he made was good
- –God created the Garden of Eden, which contained the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. He then made man out of dust. Then made a woman out of his ribs so he could have company but warned them to eat every tree but the tree of knowledge because it would bring him death. Then a serpent in the garden came and convinced her to eat from that tree by saying it wouldn’t kill her but make her knowledgeable. So she ate it and gave some to Adam. God then appeared and punished them by making her feel sorrow and made him eat from the tree forever because they sinned.
- Traits of culture:
- HUMANS CREATE CULTURE: only humans have it
- IT’S THE ONLY WAY WE DO THINGS: not that we eat but how we eat it and what we eat
- IT IS PUBLIC: its commonly shared, about how/what the group does
- IT COMES FROM TRADITION: the way we do something has been inherited like how you celebrate a wedding
- IT HAS RULES: we feel a duty to uphold traditions
- BECOMES PART OF OUR INSTITUTIONS AND SYSTEMS: like schools closing at Christmas
- CULTURE GIVES US OUR IDENTITY: the way we do things is our cultural identity
Culture is a system of beliefs, meanings, and values and practiced held in common by a society. Culture is found through us and our actions, society and community, from our traditions.