Etude de la dialectique de la nature
Synthèse : Etude de la dialectique de la nature. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Galantes132 • 19 Juin 2023 • Synthèse • 1 325 Mots (6 Pages) • 271 Vues
22:15:08:523 (10500) > --- NIXXES log start ---
22:15:08:526 (10500) >
22:15:08:527 (10500) > Memory statistics:
22:15:08:529 (10500) > Total RAM = 15.9 GB (16327 MB)
22:15:08:531 (10500) > Avail RAM = 10.5 GB (10779 MB)
22:15:08:533 (10500) > Total virtual memory = 4.0 GB (4095 MB)
22:15:08:535 (10500) > Avail virtual memory = 3.3 GB (3409 MB)
22:15:08:537 (10500) > OS = Windows 8 (build 9200)
22:15:08:539 (10500) > Starting Tomb Raider v1.01.748.0
22:15:08:669 (10500) > [Main] Current directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Tomb Raider
22:15:08:679 (10500) > Mounted TITLE.000
22:15:08:682 (10500) > Mounted PATCH.000
22:15:08:685 (10500) > Mounted PATCH2.000
22:15:08:762 (10500) > [Render] PCDeviceManager constructor start
22:15:08:817 (10500) > [Render] PCDeviceManager constructor end
22:15:08:958 (10500) > [Render] PCDX11DeviceManager constructor start
22:15:08:962 (10500) > D3D Adapter Information:
22:15:08:964 (10500) > Adapter Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
22:15:08:966 (10500) > VendorID: 10de
22:15:08:968 (10500) > DeviceID: 13c2
22:15:08:970 (10500) > Revision: a1
22:15:08:972 (10500) > NVidia hardware detected. Attemping to load NVAPI...
22:15:08:973 (10500) > NVAPI loaded succesfully.
22:15:09:034 (10500) > NvAPI_Stereo_IsEnabled() returned an error: -140
22:15:09:059 (10500) > Reducing mouse lag by setting frame latency to 1...
22:15:09:061 (10500) > D3D reports feature level 11 is supported.
22:15:09:064 (10500) > NVAPI Depth Bounds Test supported.
22:15:09:096 (10500) > D3D Adapter Information:
22:15:09:098 (10500) > Adapter Description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
22:15:09:100 (10500) > VendorID: 1414
22:15:09:102 (10500) > DeviceID: 8c
22:15:09:104 (10500) > Revision: 0
22:15:09:111 (10500) > Reducing mouse lag by setting frame latency to 1...
22:15:09:113 (10500) > D3D reports feature level 11 is supported.
22:15:09:114 (10500) > D3D reports no hardware multiple command list support.
22:15:09:116 (10500) > [Render] Adapter M has no outputs!
22:15:09:118 (10500) > [Render] PCDX11DeviceManager constructor end
22:15:35:446 (10500) > CPU count: logical = 8, cores = 4, physical = 1
22:15:35:486 (10500) > D3D Adapter Information:
22:15:35:489 (10500) > Adapter Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
22:15:35:491 (10500) > VendorID: 10de
22:15:35:493 (10500) > DeviceID: 13c2
22:15:35:495 (10500) > Revision: a1
22:15:35:497 (10500) > NVidia hardware detected. Attemping to load NVAPI...
22:15:35:499 (10500) > NVAPI loaded succesfully.
22:15:35:501 (10500) > NvAPI_Stereo_IsEnabled() returned an error: -140
22:15:35:538 (10500) > Reducing mouse lag by setting frame latency to 1...
22:15:35:547 (10500) > D3D reports feature level 11 is supported.
22:15:35:549 (10500) > NVAPI Depth Bounds Test supported.
22:15:35:592 (8596) > CreateSwapChain() = 0
22:15:35:599 (8596) > MakeWindowAssociation() = 0
22:15:35:628 (8596) > SetFullscreenState() = 0
22:15:35:710 (10500) > [Render] Using DirectX 11
22:15:35:864 (10500) > Initalizing audio...
22:15:35:938 (10500) > Audio device found. FMOD reports 5 driver(s).
22:15:35:946 (10500) > Audio Driver Name: Haut-parleurs (Logitech USB Headset H340)
22:15:35:948 (10500) > Speaker Mode: 2
22:15:39:711 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:014 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:029 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:043 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:052 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:092 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:108 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:118 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:146 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:148 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:180 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:183 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:214 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:217 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...
22:15:40:246 (10500) > WebService is not ready yet, retry...