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Techniques de negociation internationale

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Par   •  7 Juin 2013  •  6 626 Mots (27 Pages)  •  2 217 Vues

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Negotiation is an old practice. It works out of our daily life. It’s between friends, spouse, 2 or more parties.

In diplomacy, there are several ways of resolving conflicts. There are other ways of negotiation: bon offices, arbitrage… Notre cours consiste à étudier les techniques adéquates de négociation.

Information is very important in negotiation. We have to know to find out the history of the party. Frank ACUFF defines negotiation as its process of communicating, back and forth, for the purpose of searching a joined argument about different needs or ideas. In which care negotiation has to do with persuasion rather than the use of force. Negotiation is the process of communication, explicit or tacit between national person or corporate bodies.

It also involves the trading of exchanges or concessions, for the purpose of reaching an agreement. Ex: Commission mixte between Cameroon.

Negotiation is often used itergeables with bargaining meeting (marchandage). Les disparités liées à la négociation; à nouer la négociation.

°Toutes les parties doivent être d’accord pour négocier.

°Le simple fait d’accepter de négocier est souvent le plus difficile. Ex : en situation de guerre.

Mais il y a des facteurs qui influencent les négociations : les intérêts, l’opinion publique. The views of public over an issue.


*By ideosyneractic factor (psychological factor). We are talking about an individual perception, state of health, socialization… Which is important to notice when we are around the table of negotiation.

*The existence of lobby groups: it’s not an established institution by carries out religious practices.

*Psychological input and output of international community: we’re to understand or to get the international community well, even we’re in a conflict situation.

Negotiation is a sort of omnipresent phenomenon. We negotiate everyday consciously or unconsciously when 2 people are on bilateral opposition. At anytime, there are differences between people and everyone seek to convince the other, they are on negotiation. Negotiation is a process of communication which can be explicit or implicit, overt or covert, involve the change for purposes of arriving on a common accord.

There is verbal and non verbal communication (non verbal communication is more use than verbal; 93% of our ideas are expressed on non verbal form).

In order to influence someone in negotiation, we use:

*The scope of our knowledge (necessary but not sufficient)

*The mastering of specific negotiation techniques.

The aim of principal negotiation is based on certain canon good face negotiation.

Negotiation is a pivot activity for a diplomat. That’s why article 3 of the Vienna convention (1961) on the roles of diplomatic functions identify 5 functions : negotiation, protection, representation, information and promotion of relations.


-To detect the technique that somebody is using on you.

-To develop appropriate counter tactics, techniques.

-To be able to develop techniques to defend your proposal.

Very often, people use negotiation and diplomacy as synonyms. But diplomacy is an establish method for conduction through plenipotentiaries. A plenipotentiary is a person on which you put full powers. Full powers are not Ad referendum (there is a limit).

There are 2 competencies to negotiate: powers and full powers that give you the competence to negotiate or initially (parapher) and finally to sign. (Adopt by the assembly).


James ROSENAU variables can be applied in describing any international fact. We can use them to describe any international fact.

Systemic variables:

1-Ideosyncretic variable: all external forces that influence the decision of a state; peculiar, personal characteristic of the president due to his education.

2-Role variable: extent to which an individual exert its functions; existing and prescribe texts.

3-Governemental variable: influence of institutions involving department

4-Societal variable: all other factors that which are not with the government (press, church, NGO

James ROSENAU developed the genotype of all factors that are more dominant. IN developing countries, rule factor is dominant. (Les facteurs de ROSENAU sont scientifiques et peuvent être appliqués à toute situation). One of the advantages of this approach is that when you master it, you can separate the relevant to the irrelevant. The second advantage is that all other variables from other authors can be classified under the criteria, the variables of ROSENAU.


(Because we use them for the explanation of phenomenon).

-Ideosyncretic: or individual. It refers to the individual quality of the decision maker at the highest political level. Unique from different people that occupied this post. (L’analyse se fait dans le cadre du code opérationnel).

-Role: refers to the extent to which individual have a role to play as he executes a function assign to this particular function.

-Governmental: all venture aspects which has to deal with the governmental decision; all the government in decision making process.

-Societal: anything that is not administrative. All the non governmental body; civil society, opinion, leader, NGO, church? It also include the natural resources that are valorized they enhance the bargaining power.

Systemic: all the forces of the international environment (external forces) whose action has an impact.

Genotypes: certain factors which are determinant on influencing decision process. There are 3 main types, categories of genotypes. Each of them has 2 genotypes: the size of a state, the wealth and


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