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Neoliberalism Globalization

Analyse sectorielle : Neoliberalism Globalization. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Janvier 2015  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  5 205 Mots (21 Pages)  •  575 Vues

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Many international political economists argue that there is an intimate connection between the new phenomenon, globalization, and the neoliberal policy agenda practiced by international financial institutions, big states, trade regimes, and assistance programs.

Write an essay that defines and describes « neoliberal globalization ». What is globalization ? What is neoliberalism ? What are proclaimed connections between the two in the 21st century ?


Globalization is an open process all national economy in a global market. It is promoted by various factors such as trade liberalization, deregulation or off-shoring.

The terms of globalization is used economic sector, but also in other activities as politics or commerce. It also relates the communication and exchanges among all people of the hearth became « global village » and between different cultures. It becomes very difficult to operate in a national market.

The terms of globalization is everywhere. This is the subject of increasing question and concern for global agents.

In this essay, we will to touch on the globalization process which originally from the Washington Consensus of 1989. Is the process that follows the rules of neoliberalism.

According to Raoul-Marc Jennar, globalization is a « neoliberal political-economic project».

Originally, the term refers to neoliberalism liberal schools of the 20th century such as Chicago.

Used since a few years in Europe, neoliberalism is a vague terms to design an ideology, a wordlviews, modes of govnerment, theories on the current form of capitalist.

Over the past 30 years, all international observers made progress : increase in life expectancy at birth and literacy race, higher average income in Developping countries, etc.

This progress are encouraging, but they limit to some areas and countries. Stagnation or regression of development in many countries is confirmed every years. Poverty and inequalities are increasing : growing inequalities between powerful economics and economics dependent, between lucky people and ignored…

But the growth, inequalities has kept is a global nature and regional. And these disparities affect often to the human rigths (access to health, education…) by threatening the freedom and ability to live a decent life.

Increasing disparities, and recently the financial crisis reaching the world are the consequences of the development model implemented by Western countries since the Washington Consensus. These are models that are not fair, nor substainable.

In spite of inequalitis, many govnerment and institutions from agreements of Bretton Woods continue to defend that the capitalism will benefit all the people of world.

So what is the ratio of the current phenomenon of globalization and the neoliberal policy ?

In this essay, we revisit the history of globalization to perceive the origins and developments that have been touched by a neoliberal ideology. Then we examine the impacts of neoliberal globalization.

I/ History of globalization

Globalization is a proccess rooted in history where it existed for a long time. Already II century before J-C, philosophers wrote that world events were not previously linked, but they have become dependent.

Ancient Rome just after J-C already administered an empire the vast territories over which it shone.

Later, Spain and European migth will predominate in the Atlantic area. With the start of trade and stand on the route to India, the first era of globalization will see the light but in a limited form.

The great maritime expeditions of the XV and XVI century as the world of Ferdinand Magellan have created colonial empire. They are a form of globalization.

At the end of XIX century and through the Anglo-Saxon, we see the emergence of new seaway, the extension of the railway which allows for increased exchanges.Europe will populate new and annexing colonial empires. This is the birth of a global free trade area similar to ours.

So after the firts world war and the Great Depression of the 1930s, there is an interruption of the process of globalization and a proven protectionism.

United State became the world economy power are in full policy « New Deal. After the second world war that the world is in a period of economic expansion continues, accompagnied by a social progress.

In the western world, it is the economy policy « fordism » which is implemented : doctrine of an automobile manufacturer that a good level of wages allows workers to buy a car and to promote the efficency of the compagny.

Fordism is based on increased wages to stimulate national production.

In the Western Europe, this progress are strengthened by the political influence of unions and social democracy. The foundations of the Social State into place, this is called « social market economy ». But this evolution is confined to the western world even if it coincides with the emergence of the Third World.

However, the term of globalization appeared in France in 1964 as part of economic and geopolitical work to describe the expansion of insdustrial markets in blocks of Cold Ward.

It became to generalize in the 1990s, from Marshall McLuhan’s thesis on the emergence of a « global village », but especially by the anti-globalization movements and anti-globalists who wanted to draw public attention scale phenomenon.

The phenomenon of globalization is old, but it is the manner of its existence that turned the course of history.

It was from 1970s that the process of globalization will start to take on a new dimension with the magnitude and characteristics that we know today.

According to Arnaud Zacharie in his book « Quels antimondialistes ? », the term globalization « is actually two separate concepts : first the fact that technological advances reduce the notions of space time, making the property, crops, etc. closer and accessible, and they transform the world into a global village.

On the other hand, the fact that the economic and financial world is transformed into a vast « global market », in which governments allow investors to operater where they want, when they want and on their terms, according to neoliberal ideological principles and the power of finance. The hearing is this second sense and globalization as it exists today can be described as neoliberal globalization.

The turning point has globalization


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