Cas bio burger.
Étude de cas : Cas bio burger.. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Ro Main • 28 Novembre 2016 • Étude de cas • 613 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 489 Vues
Premiere partie :
- Etapes de la creation de bio burger :
- Innovation du premier restauration rapide bio
- Evocation de l’idée du Bio en terme de burger
- Prêt étudiant de 70000
- Creation
- La démarche qu’ont fait louis frack et Anthony Darré est qu’il on demandé un prêt étudiant de 70000 euros .
- L e probleme actuel de bioburger est qu’il doivent payer 600 euros par an aupres de la qualité francaise pour que cela soit certifié BIO.
- -------------
- Ils auraient pu utliser un mode de devellopement ou ils ne sont pas réelement propietaire de leur stock produit, il se font livrer d’un depot jusqu'à leur fast food.
Introduction :
The article entitled « Foreign students enjoy new summer job protections-but what about Americains ; Was published in the Wasghinton past, a Americans newpapers, on May 23,2012 on did was wrtitten by Pamela Constable.
To begin with, the article speak the young workers from Europe Which come to the State United to work in summers.
A student of Ukraine ( Anzhala Scherbina, 21old ) has to show that she can meet many people and see America,
It is about a program which spent 3000$ and that the foreigners can take advantage, and the obama adminstration Made all so that it is better.
Partie 2 : THE PROBLEM
The statedepartment forbade in foreigners to make a harmful work. Because of news news rules, there are problems, about 50 millions of amicains are not hired for cause many people been born have foreigners are employers has their place.An other one problems, there is young americains which are unemployed, there is a high unemployment rate.
Introduction :
The article entitled « Foreign students enjoy new summer job protections-but what about Americains ; Was published in the Wasghinton past, a Americans newpapers, on May 23,2012 on did was wrtitten by Pamela Constable.
To begin with, the article speak the young workers from Europe Which come to the State United to work in summers.
A student of Ukraine ( Anzhala Scherbina, 21old ) has to show that she can meet many people and see America,
It is about a program which spent 3000$ and that the foreigners can take advantage, and the obama adminstration Made all so that it is better.
Partie 2 : THE PROBLEM
The statedepartment forbade in foreigners to make a harmful work. Because of news news rules, there are problems, about 50 millions of amicains are not hired for cause many people been born have foreigners are employers has their place.An other one problems, there is young americains which are unemployed, there is a high unemployment rate.
Introduction :
The article entitled « Foreign students enjoy new summer job protections-but what about Americains ; Was published in the Wasghinton past, a Americans newpapers, on May 23,2012 on did was wrtitten by Pamela Constable.