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Compte rendu : Leadership. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Octobre 2019  •  Compte rendu  •  696 Mots (3 Pages)  •  628 Vues

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Communication: session 3


• Leadership is an activity, it is not linked to a particular position

• Leader refers to the individual It is an activity, The activity of influencing others

•Did you already influenced someone?

•By whom have you been influenced?


•It is like « friend » and « friendship ». The friend is the person and friendship are the activities building or nurturing the relation between 2 persons who like each other

•An « apprentice » is the person learning. « Apprenticeship » are the activities through which the apprentice will learn

Management is

• The accomplishment of an organization’s objectives through the activities of others (Tesone 2010)

• The Manager will be the individual who will organize the work of others under his/her supervision so that the organization objectives are met

He have to:

• Planning


• Coordinating

• Problem Solving

• Control


• Evaluation

[pic 1]


• Leadership is a shared process

•Individuals take turns stepping up and stepping back

• Take turns tossing the ball (step up)

• Take turns catching the ball (step back)

Leadership CommunictionTool:


Direction is setting a common vision or common goal:

Where are we going?

•« I want to know »

•« Please explain to me »

•« Don’t assume I know »

Alignment is about how well we will accomplish this common vision or goal:

How will we or I get there?

•« What do I or we have to do? »

•« How should we or I do it? »

•« Do I have what it needs to accomplish the vision or goal? »

Commitment is about taking action to implement the plan:

How are we willing to make the vision or goal a reality?

•« Are we committed to excellence? »

•« Am I open minded enough? »

•« Do I have enough insight? »


•What did you learn today about leadership?

•About yourself?

•What do you think about the quote: « Leaders are born not made »

Session 4

Mentals model:

  • This is a vision that you have and your head about something, thez are a framework for ou experience.

  • They are shortcut about a past thing, sometimes they influence our thinking.  =>Create Limitations

  • Like stereotypes
  • We can explore challenge from different angles.


  • There are different mental models
  • Our own mental models keep getting in the way
  • Flexibility is hard to apply
  • We invest strategies to cope with the situation, fighting de-formatting ourselves

Flexibility in our Mental Models will foster:

  • Creative solutions
  • Solving problems under different angles
  • Innovation
  • Active Listening
  • Curiosity
  • Growth

Social Identity: 


  • A social identity is the portion of an individual's self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group
  •  Social identity relates to how we identify ourselves in relation to others according to what we have in common
  • Tajfel (1979) proposed that the groups (e.g. social class, family, football team etc.) which people belonged to were an important source of pride and self-esteem. Groups give us a sense of social identity: a sense of belonging to the social world.
  • Social Identity helps us understand group dynamics. Your social identity is like a map of the different groups you belong to: Nationality, gender, religion etc. It helps us understand the world and others and how others understand us. Becoming aware of owns Mental Models and own Social Identity provides with an advantage to enhance communication and leadership
  • Think of a time when you have been terribly misunderstood as a result of a group you belong.
  • Think now, of a time when you have misunderstood someone else based on their group membership

Social Identity Uncovered: The Tool

Social identities can fall under three categories:

  1. Given: Memberships or identities we have no control over – they were given to us. This category could include: gender, race, nationality, age, family situation, physical charcteristics, etc.
  2. Chosen: Memberships or identities that we do have control over and make choices about. This category cold include: education, career, hobbies, etc.
  3. Core: Memberships or identities that are so important to what we are, without them, we would not be ourselves. They define us. This category could include: professional or personal interests, skills, traits, behavior, values etc.


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