Leadership And The Fate Of Organizations
Recherche de Documents : Leadership And The Fate Of Organizations. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar NoAzerty • 9 Décembre 2012 • 8 107 Mots (33 Pages) • 1 476 Vues
Leadership and the Fate of Organizations
Robert B. Kaiser Kaplan DeVries Inc.
Robert Hogan Hogan Assessment Systems
S. Bartholomew Craig North Carolina State University and Kaplan DeVries Inc.
This article concerns the real-world importance of leadership
for the success or failure of organizations and social
institutions. The authors propose conceptualizing leadership
and evaluating leaders in terms of the performance of
the team or organization for which they are responsible.
The authors next offer a taxonomy of the dependent variables
used as criteria in leadership studies. A review of
research using this taxonomy suggests that the vast empirical
literature on leadership may tell us more about the
success of individual managerial careers than the success
of these people in leading groups, teams, and organizations.
The authors then summarize the evidence showing
that leaders do indeed affect the performance of organizations—
for better or for worse—and conclude by describing
the mechanisms through which they do so.
Keywords: leadership, leadership effectiveness, organizational
psychology The psychological literature on leadership is quite
extensive and contains some useful generalizations
about the links between personality, cognitive ability,
leadership style, and evaluations of leadership potential
and performance (cf. Bono & Judge, 2004; Ilies, Gerhardt,
& Le, 2004; Judge, Bono, Ilies, & Gerhardt, 2002; Judge,
Ilies, & Colbert, 2004; Lord, DeVader, & Alliger, 1986).
Psychologists also know that certain leadership styles are
associated with certain effects— considerate leaders enhance
the job satisfaction of subordinates, structured leaders
have higher performing teams, and transformational
leaders inspire greater commitment (Judge & Piccolo,
2004; Judge, Piccolo, & Ilies, 2004; Lowe, Kroek, &
Sivasubramaniam, 1996). And we know what styles are
appropriate to what conditions (Peters, Hartke, & Pohlman,
1985; Schriesheim, Tepper, & Tetrault, 1994; Strube &
Garcia, 1981)—for instance, a task-oriented approach is
better when leaders have a high degree of control over the
situation, whereas a people-oriented approach is better
when control is moderate.
Nonetheless, people outside the academic community
seem not to be overly impressed with what psychologists
know about leadership (R. Hogan, Curphy, & Hogan,
1994). For example, in an article concerning the coming
war for talent, The Economist magazine noted that even if
organizations are able to recruit talented people, they will
not know how to lead them because “human resources as a
discipline has not achieved anything like the level of sophistication
of, say, finance” (“Everybody’s Doing It,”
2006, p. 5). Evidently our message needs to be sharpened
and refined.
This article concerns the real-world importance of
leadership for the success or failure of organizations and
social institutions. We begin by defining leadership; we
then offer a taxonomy of leadership criteria based on the
distinction between perceptions of individuals in leadership
roles (i.e., managers) and the actual performance of the
teams and organizations they are supposed to lead. Next,
we review the literature using our taxonomy; this leads to
the conclusion that most leadership research concerns how
individual managers are regarded and is less informative
with regard to how they affect group performance. This
distinction is important because the factors correlated with
a successful career in management are not necessarily the
same as those associated with leading a successful team.
We then summarize the evidence showing that leaders do
indeed affect the performance of organizations, for better
or worse. We conclude with a review of the psychological
and management literatures regarding the mechanisms by
which leaders shape the fate of organizations.
Defining Leadership
Every discussion of leadership depends on certain assumptions.
We assume that leadership is a solution to the problem
of collective effort—the problem of bringing people
together and combining their efforts to promote success
and survival (R. Hogan et al., 1994; R.