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Leadership and the sun.

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Par   •  14 Avril 2016  •  Dissertation  •  1 777 Mots (8 Pages)  •  1 118 Vues

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Charles Modarresi Esfeh B14x02

Zen and the executive mind

Pr. Satya Chaitanya


Leadership and the Sun

What is leadership?

Leadership is the influence of an individual on a group. It is a relationship of trust temporary (and sometimes ephemeral) and reciprocal (the leader must all have confidence in the group that the majority of group a confidence in him). It is manifested by its ability to federate and to mobilize the energies around a collective action. It translates into a formal, informal, explicit or implicit, election during which the majority of the members of the Group recognizes one of them as the leading legitimate and delegated its power of decision (their freedom to decide).

'Leadership' comes from the Chief, appointed by his peers, leader of a political party in Britain, and the suffix - ship. More generally, it can be defined as "the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and make others able to contribute to the effectiveness and the success of the organizations of which they are members" 1. It refers to behaviours that we can recognize that ensure the "function of the leader".

The leadership may also be grasped as the ability to create one world to which people want to belong. This approach relies on the work of Boltanski and Thévenot researchers on the world’s theory. Leadership is the ability to diagnose and understand today's world, to embody the desired world and finally to build bridges so that other actors join the desired world.

According to the American psychologist Robert Sternberg, leadership and creativity are inextricably linked. On the one hand, creativity is a form of leadership and, on the other hand, one of the three components of leadership is creativity. In this hypothesis: leadership is a creative management.

A leader is a person or group projects and activity are linked to those group or entity superior to meet common objectives. Its legitimacy lies in the quality and dynamism of its leadership. When it comes to an individual, he is characterized by his charisma and abilities of speaker.

The sun and the human being

The Sun is a very powerful symbol for men. It occupies a dominant place in every culture. Generally, it is a male and active principle. However, some nomadic peoples of Central Asia considered a feminine principle (the mother Sun); It is also the case of Shinto, for which the Sun is the kami Amaterasu, the great goddess, sister of Tsukuyomi, the kami of the moon.

Even in the German language, the Sun is female according to its article (die Sonne). In Norse mythology, children of Mundilfari and Glaur are Sol (the sun goddess) and Mani (God of the Moon), an idea that j. r. R. Tolkien has used in his work. Often, the Sun represents the power. This star gives life and if the Sun were to disappear, or even if its rays could us more, life will die on Earth, where the symbol of life (living donor).

In the ancient Egypt, Ra (Re) is the Sun God and Akhenaten will his unique God under the name of Aton. In the Greek Pantheon it is Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto titanium. Include Helios who is the personification of the sun itself. The Aztecs called it Huitzilopochtli, God of the Sun and war, the master of the world. If it is not combined with a God, people have associated it themselves as the King of France Louis XIV dubbed the Sun King (crowned of God). The Japanese imperial family descended from Amaterasu, the sun goddess. The Japan is also known as the "Land of the rising sun".

In Alchemy, the symbol of the Sun and gold is a circle with a dot in the Center. It represents the Interior with everything that revolves around. In astronomy and astrology, the symbol is the same. Sun is also used by metaphor in poetry for "day day" and by analogy with the meaning of 'full-day', 'public life' and 'great man' (see the Sun King) 57. These different meanings are found in many circumlocutions which characterize it: the eye of heaven, the master of the stars, the soul of the world, the Lord of the stars, the father of the day, the eldest son of the nature, the great torch, etc. The God of the common Sun between the Romans and the Greeks was the God Helios, God of truth and the Sun.

The link between truth and the sun

In French, the lexical to talk about knowledge and truth field is intimately linked to light. This can be explained by the religious and philosophical Western culture history. In fact, Christianity has long taught that to find the truth, you need to know to turn to the light of Jesus Christ, because it would be the light of the world. Light and truth are two concepts inextricably linked since the birth of the philosophy and the writers of the Gospels, bathed by Hellenistic culture, appropriated by the metaphor.

For Plato, the truth is also associated with light. Knowledge of the good is like the light of a torch shining in the soul. In the famous allegory of the cave, which summarizes its philosophy, Plato will rightly use the metaphorical register of shadow and light to illustrate the route of the philosopher issuing of darkness to climb towards the light and finally to contemplate the Sun.

Teachings of Sun Tzu:

The topic being Leadership and the Sun, I found it interesting to talk


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