Leadership Bosch
Recherche de Documents : Leadership Bosch. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar priss0105 • 1 Décembre 2012 • 882 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 946 Vues
Leadership can be defined as an influential authority based on relationship that the leader establishes with the group members. Being a leader is recognition, not a status and is the capacity of a person to influence and unit a group, for attain a common goal. It is a relationship of mutual trust and for a limited time. A great leader are great communicator. For my part I believe that leadership is a way that allows a team to achieve a specific goal. But I think all leadership styles are not good and they can harm the team.
Leadership is the most important factor in the success of any business. The ability of a leader to step forward and lead a business to success in an ever-changing and competitive environment is paramount. The company should use the leadership because it allows increasing the level of efficiency of each employee as well as it is also important for the functioning of the company. It is also important for the motivation of each salary and for employee’s motivation too. The use of good leadership technique can improve the morale of all employees in this group. Customers buy more, investors have confidence in the future, employees are more productive, and the organization builds strong capabilities to make it work seamlessly. I think every company should use the leadership inside the society for improve the capacity of each employee and for know the future with a really goal.
The company BOSCH is a German company created in 1886 for Robert Bosch. The company was known as a biggest extension and internationalization since 1898. BOSCH has approximate 283 000 employees. It has a turnover of 47.3 billion euro.
Company Bosch use several leadership styles. It use the Autocratic leadership. This leadership is set up with subordinates who take themselves decisions that will be implemented within the company. This style of leadership does not speak to other employees performers. The result in the Bosch Foundation CEO within the company, takes long term decisions for the company. I think it is a good idea for long-term decisions for the company. It must have decision makers who take responsibility for these decisions.
Bosch also uses the cooperative leadership style, with this leadership it’s possible to say Certain leaders choose to pursue their objectives by minimizing their leadership positions and emphasizing their similarities with the rest of the group. Collaborative leadership implies a leader who engages into the business of the other and does not require any special privileges. This can be an effective form of leadership as the leader can combine his status as everyman with the possibility to control the sequence of events. Collaborative leadership is often exercised by persons who stands up to a status common to a leadership position. In Bosch is it possible to say than this leadership is still influenced by the values of Robert Bosch because Bosch with his leadership for the operational structure inside the company. It is important to have some leader inside the company but just for each structure. For my part I think it’s a good option for Bosch because this organization has lot of division. That’s why for each division or level the company need leader.
The challenges for the future for Bosch are, it needs to keep this leadership and this management in the organization in such a difficult world economic situation. It need to continue as well expand their values all over the world where ever Bosch is installing inside the other country. The key success achieve to the date are, the company have a very big experience for continue to develop them leadership. They were able to continue to always keep the same guideline for over 127 years.