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Etude de cas RH

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Table of contents

Introduction        3


1)        Recruitment        4

2)        Selection        5


1)        Definition and Issues of training and development        6

2)        In the Melrose Case        7

III.        REWARDING        9

1)        Definition        9

2)        Melrose Case        9


Conclusion and recommendation        14

References        15

Appendices        16


In a world where everybody and everything can move easily and quickly, Melrose Hotel Company chose to be implanted in one of the most beautiful country in the world: FRANCE.

This country, which is according to the UNWTO, one of the most visited county in the world since the 90’ and Paris is definitely the most visited city in the world.

This implantation by buyout a French Hotel Chain in this country represent a huge opportunity to Melrose. Thanks to that, the company will benefits of good emplacement in the whole country, a qualificator workforce and benefits of that “French touch that” the world envy while with our English know how. To best match the two cultures and obtain the best results, we have to apply the best strategy there.

  1. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION (Ibrahim Bendeq, 6850322)

Recruitment is, “a process which aims to attract appropriately qualified candidates for a particular position from which it is possible … to select and appoint a competent person”.

Selection is, “a process which involves the application of appropriate techniques and methods with the aim of selecting, appointing and inducting a competent person or persons”

(Pilbeam and Corbridge, 2006)

  1. Recruitment

In the case of Melrose Hotel, there is many factors that Human Resources Managers have to take in account such as the needs of the company but also the wishes of managers already present in the company.

Firstly, we have to understand the situation of Melrose. It is a company that owns several hotels in UK. Recently the company acquired a small French hotel chain and want, during the next 10 years to own 300 hotels across Europe.

To carry out well, the firm has to be accompanied by the right people with the right skills. This is why Human Resources Management will be necessary in the development project of Melrose.

An inventory of the company’s needs will allow to define exactly the people researched.[pic 4]

Here, we need a person that is qualified in hospitality, who know speak French and the French culture.

Moreover, the company of hotel that Melrose bought has employees and 30% of them stay. In the French law, when you buy a company, you have to keep employees that are already present in the company.

So some employees have to be recruited. For the jobs such as attendant, maid, valet…, a recruitment should be effected in France. For example, it is possible to deposit some announces on internet or in employment centers, but also in hospitality schools to propose internships.

Another part of the recruitment will concern the managers.

These managers will have to be skilled in managing of hotel, but also French speaker.

The recruitment process will allow to find the right people with the right skills. To find them the human resources manager will have to deposit announces on recruitment websites such as Monster, Indeed,… These website concern more this kind of job, target a wider range of applicants and has the advantage of the low cost

Another way to recruit is head hunters. Their job is to find the person that corresponding exactly to the need of a company. By this way, Melrose will give to head hunter some information and criteria concerning the applicant researched. The most advantage of head hunters is their wide network, but the inconvenient is the price. Indeed, this service has a price and if we want a good service, the price will be higher.

Finally, it is mentioned that a majority of English workers want to work abroad. It could be interesting to bring them from England to France. But they don’t know speak French, so a development of this skill will be necessary.

So we defined different way to recruit people for the project of Melrose. But after that, maybe we will have a lot of application. It is now the time to select those that can correspond to the job. This is the selection process.

  1. Selection[pic 5]

Among the several application for the different jobs, some of those will not have some required things such as French skills or managerial skills. Those one can be deleted. Indeed, for a development in France the company needs French speakers who are able to manage. It remains now the applications with the right skills.

But a CV and a cover letter are not enough to choose to engage an employee. One of the most important part of selection will be the interview between applicant and the company. This part of selection will allow to Melrose to evaluate more precisely the different profiles of the applicants and to choose the best one.

The company can also use different other methods to select such as tests that are related to the competencies required for the job, assessment center where applicant can understand the reality of the job.


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