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Statue De La Liberté

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Par   •  21 Avril 2013  •  634 Mots (3 Pages)  •  937 Vues

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The Statue Of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty's exact name, Liberty Enlightening the World is one of the most famous monuments of the United States. It is located in New York, on the small island of Liberty Island to the southwest of Manhattan, at the mouth of the Hudson and nearby Ellis Island. She was a gift from France, a sign of friendship between the two nations, to celebrate the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence.

It is much smaller than one could imagine if we don’t look in the eyes, the height of the Statue of Liberty is 46.5 meters (or much smaller than the Arc de Triomphe in Paris), this height is increased to 92.9 meters from the base of the pedestal and the torch, she SCALES 204 tones.

It was created during the 19th century by the French sculptor August Bartholdi from Alsace who devoted over 20 years of his life to this project (the metal structure was designed by Gustave Eiffel), the construction of the statue began in 1875 in Paris and was sent to New York 1886 Freedom was a fundamental value for the American people; it is natural that this statue has become emblematic of the United States.

The assembly ended in January 1884 and the Statue of Liberty was officially handed over to the U.S. July 4, 1884 in Paris to celebrate the country's independence. The statue was then disassembled and transported across the Atlantic. The opening of the statue of liberty took place on October 28 1886 in New York

The statue is the universal symbol of freedom and democracy.

It represents a draped woman holding a torch in his right hand and placed in a hotel of granite (stone Kersanton) on the walls in the shape of star. In her left hand she holds a tablet on which you can see the date of independence from the United States: July 4, 1776.

The seven rays of the crown represent the seven seas and continents. The statue is composed of 31 tones of copper and 125 tons of steel. The copper plates that cover the building have a thickness of 2.37 mm. A bronze plaque on the pedestal is engraved the poem by Emma Lazarus, entitled "The New Colossus" which concerns millions of immigrants arriving at Ellis Island.

Can be seen at his feet broken chains symbolizing peace. You can climb inside the Statue of Liberty and up the crown, by a staircase of 354 steps. Tours of the statue are unfortunately banned from the bombings of September 11, 2001.

The Statue of Liberty has been copied and reproduced at different scales and in different places of the earth

Many Americans are unaware of the turbulent history of the Statue of Liberty: in fact, a survey conducted at the statue's centennial in 1986 revealed that only 2% of Americans knew that the statue had been offered by the United States France. The statue is very quickly became a popular icon, appearing on many posters and pictures in various films and books.

Poem of Emma Lazarus

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed,


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