Recreational Amenities
Dissertation : Recreational Amenities. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar aaiach • 28 Mai 2013 • Dissertation • 407 Mots (2 Pages) • 589 Vues
Land use and Recreational amenities
Land uses vary over different lands and cities around the world. It varies and changes in each city, if it is in a MEDC or LEDC country, depending on the country, the population, if it was planned or not etc.... Two different models can describe Land use in MEDC’s: the Burgees model and the Hoyt model. Both describe different parts of a city: the CBD (Central business district) where the main city activity goes on: there can business buildings, shopping malls… there are the industries (light manufacturing): it is an area in the city where there are industries and where there are not a lot of recreational amenities, there is also the low, medium and high quality residential which are where different people live in the city: the type of houses and residential vary in quality, if the houses are detached or not, and the number of people per building. Both Models have the name of the person who created them. The burgess model is the oldest one; it is a concentric model. Each part goes away from the centre in a circular way. In the middle, there is the CBD, which is where the city must have started, then, there are then industries, followed by the low, then medium, then high quality residential. It is an ideal model that does not apply to a lot of cities except in some places in the USA. It says that the inner city is poor whereas the suburbs are “rich”, which is not true. The Hoyt model is another land use model that is more complex. It is not concentric. It also has the CBD in the centre. The light manufacturing has two areas going away from the centre towards the outside of the city. The low quality residential is partially around the CBD, and it is between the two industries area, it has also two areas going away from the CBD towards outside the city. The medium quality residential is towards the edges of the city and the high quality residential is more in the outside part of the city. It says that land use developed around main transport routes. So none of them are very reliable because they are based on early 20th century railroads and not modern cities. They are also theoretical. So both models can be correct but they are both out of date and do not correspond to modern cities.