British colonial empire = common law
TD : British colonial empire = common law. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lena106498 • 17 Décembre 2023 • TD • 1 512 Mots (7 Pages) • 205 Vues
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TD 10: exposé
British colonial empire = common law
Common law ≠ civil law (empire colonial français et espagnol)
The guardians
Evaluation la 6 eme semaine : short test
Dernière semaine : final test
Invesstissement participation, oral et presentation orale obligatoire
Presentation : groupe de 2 (entre 10 et 12 min), devoir avoir à visual, il faut avoir une problématique, (l’anglais, accent, la prestance, contenu)
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Picture 1 :
Demander à Lena
Picture 2 :
King charles is the head of state (symbolic representation), and head of the church since Henry VIII, head of the nation (values unity protection), head of the common wealth
Westminster = British parliament (highest source of law), is sovereign: make laws, control, oversight of government (executive), represent citizens
Judges interpret laws -> they create precedents (common law is not very codified) : case law and statute law
The northern Ireland protocol : border between northern Ireland and Britain after brexit
Humza Yousaf : leader of the Scottish national party -> first minister of Scotland he replaced Nicola Sturgeon (problem can cause Ireland independence)
Supreme court of uk : 12 justices
Prime Minister : Rishi Sunak
President of the UE: Ursula Von Leyen
Judges have wigs it’s a tradition it shows uniformity of justice and shows respect to the institution because the justice is in the name of the crown, it was considered at the time that wigs where a form of sanitary protection (like wearing a mask) and a way to prevent bugs (lice) of coming in the head. It shows that justice is superior
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1: common law
2) defendant
3) victim
4) judgment
5) Jury
7) precedent
10) earing
11) beyond reasonable doubt
12) statutory interpretation
13) burden of proof
14) balance of probabilities
15) Compensation
Séance 2: the constitution
Picture 2: Westminster: house of commons -> make laws, (acts) -> Parliament in Britain has the last word it is sovereign.
(E) = belong
Act of the parliament are the sources of the constitution because it produces legal norms.
Picture 8: constitutional value 1689 because it has a legal value (like the magna carta)
Constitution defines separation of power and the organization of power and protects the value and the rights of the citizens
Picture 6: William Blackstone define what was common law (1723) commentaries on the laws of England and legal principles. His theories inspired the USA
Picture 9: Lisbon treaty (EU) -> article 50 organize the separation of the country and the UE
Picture 4: the state opening of the parliament, monarch for centuries was the power
Conventions -> principle/tradition practices of the power (royal prerogatives) -> royal assent, opening parliament session, appointing the prime minister is a convention perpetuated
“constitution” is uncodified the constitution is a multiplicity of different sources
Some said that the British constitution is a concept it’s not contained into a document, some say that it is a compliation of legal norms
The format is complicated for the non-British persons, it’s difficult to read the outline is problematic, impression of disorder, legal insecurity
The proof that a constitution is working: democracy, election, separation of power. Advantages: constant evolution with time it adapts and is flexible, they adapt with a legal text or a justice decision
Often a constitution is written when there is a revolution and the change of a regime.
International / national
Ancient sources / recent sources
Written sources / unwritten sources
Legislative source / judiciary sources / executive source / (the monarch’s source)
The supreme court is here to guarantee the rights
English Law = le droit anglais
La loi du Parlement est la principale sur de loi
3 typrs de lois en Angleterre :
- Statute law -> acts
- Case law-> judges
- Customary law -> non written
Case law = jusrisprudence
Exposé 1: How did the evolution of the British lead to parliamentary sovereignty?
Magna carta (1215): King John very tyrannic, symbol of liberty (pas arrestation arbitrary), independence between the church and the king, king can not be above the law.
and bill of rights: consent of taxes and some political decisions, monarch must collaborate with the parliament. Inspired USA bill of rights. King governs with parliament.
- Advantage of parliament
There is also: international law and common law in the constitution and customs.
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Exposé 2 : How did the American common law made a remarkable common law trial DEPP vs HEARD
Defamation case regarding accusation of abuse un a news outlet
The case was broadcasted (was not allowed before) -> transparency
Depp lost the case in UK but won in USA
In defamation in the US there is a jury but not in the UK
Burden of proof is for the plaintiff in the US
Burden of proof for defendant in the UK