47 441 Divers dissertations gratuites 14 476 - 14 490
Enfants Placés Et Conflit De Loyauté
En travaillant à l’Aide Sociale à l’Enfance auprès d’enfants confrontés à de graves difficultés sociales ou présentant des risques d’inadaptation sociale, je me suis souvent interrogé sur le terme « placement ». En effet, l’expression « placer un enfant » m’interpelle et me fait penser directement au verbe « déplacer
1 385 Mots / 6 Pages -
ENGIBAT, appréhensions par rapport à une réunion
ENGIBAT souhaite connaître vos appréhensions face à la réunion qui a eu lieu le mardi 6 janvier 2012. Merci de bien vouloir répondre à toutes les questions, ce questionnaire permettra de connaître vos ressentis et vos aptitudes à travailler dans l’entreprise afin de nous aider dans la démarche de l’amélioration
362 Mots / 2 Pages -
ENGLISH Do you think CEOs who falsify accounts are criminals and should go to jail or is it an acceptable risk to falsify accounts if it helps to safeguard the company's future and jobs? I think in some cases the CEOs who falsify the accounts of their business are criminals
220 Mots / 1 Pages -
The English is no doubt today the universal language and can be understood almost everywhere in the scientific world and among the educated people, it is also the language of film, television, pop music and of the Information of technology world. Everywhere on the planet, the people know at least
431 Mots / 2 Pages -
Toi : Can I help you sir ? Moi : Hum,yes, I’m interesting for a gamer computer. Do you have this in your store ? Toi : I think, just leave me time to ask my supervisor please. Yes, yes we do this. Moi : Well, and how is it ? If
291 Mots / 2 Pages -
Assignment 1D − Answer Booklet Answer Booklet (15%) [ /100 marks] INTRODUCTION This is the Answer Booklet where you have to write down your answers after reading the assignment. Once it is completed, you must send this file to your tutor through the Evaluations section of the course website. PART
4 630 Mots / 19 Pages -
English : Final Task
English: Final Task Théodore: Good morning. My name is Théodore. I’m an internship hired by The New York Times and today I’m here to ask you few questions. After all, you’ve been putting a spoke in the FBI’s wheel for 6 months now. But enough talking. Let’s start, shall we?
1 013 Mots / 5 Pages -
English detective story
CARIBBEAN CRUISE August the 5th, 2018. 8 a.m On the luxurious cruise ship, “Royal Caribbean International”, all the crew was quite busy preparing and checking everything before departure. George Taylor, the Captain, inspected every corner of his magnificent ship and watched the actions of all his crew. They were
1 076 Mots / 5 Pages -
English exam
EXAM ENGLISH Dumas Noémie Introduction : I did my second year internship in the social welfare department with a social worker working in the prevention and integration sector. We accompany people from zero to ninety nine years old for all types of problems as well as active solidarity subsidies .
1 296 Mots / 6 Pages -
English review: The Perfect Date
English review: The Perfect Date Before the holidays, we had the chance to watch the brand new Netflix romantic comedy the Perfect Date. Briefly, it is retracing the story of Brooks Rattigan who’s objectives are simple. Going to Yale and go out with the prettiest girl we has ever seen
285 Mots / 2 Pages -
NAME : SELLIEZ ALEXIS English test / BTSMHR2 - REQUIREMENTS TO BE A CHEF 1. Find an example illustrating each statement about a chef’s career. 1 It is a physical job It’s a physical job due to supple work hours 2 It implies responsibilities Yes because The chef is in
284 Mots / 2 Pages -
English, technology's explosion
Technology’s explosion From cell phones to computers to television, technology has found its way into every corner of the world—even crossing the divide between rich and poor—and has become a part of life for many. According to www.statista.com more than 1800 millions of people are using smartphone in the world…..
1 712 Mots / 7 Pages -
Enjeux contemporains de l'information et de la communication
LCOMU1124Prof. Philippe Marion ________________ Table des matières Avant-Propos 1 Introduction 2 1. Engouement, incertitudes et critiques à l’égard des SIC 2 2. Les SIC et la possibilité de renouveler 3 anciennes questions philosophiques et critiques 2 Critique de logocentrisme 2 Critique de l’égocentrisme 3 Critique de l’innéisme 3 3. Les
9 044 Mots / 37 Pages -
Enjeux culturels de la mode moderne et contemporaine
Q 1. Comment distingue-t-on la mode du style ? La mode est un consensus. Elle ne peut exister qu’à l’intérieur de ce concept. Celle-ci se propage au travers d’une société, de sorte qu’une personne va tenter de se différencier des autres en créant son propre style, qui sera intéressent aux
909 Mots / 4 Pages -
Enjeux de la mondialisation et cadres des échanges
Enjeux de la mondialisation et cadres des échanges I. Enjeux économiques Avantages : Offre de produits plus large Prix plus bas Débouchés pour la production (capacité de production non utilisée) Création de richesse Développement des investissements Inconvénients : Délocalisation Dumping économique (vendre moins cher que le coût de production, rendement
372 Mots / 2 Pages