- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


47 446 Divers dissertations gratuites 47 206 - 47 220

  • Witch hunting

    Witch hunting

    WITCH HUNTING "The search for moral villains remains as fresh as today's newspaper, as powerful as any social movement on the contemporary scene" I believe that every single one of you is familiar with the word “witch” and that you mostly would associated it with pictures from our childhood’s fairy

    3 360 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Witches, Madeline Miller

    Witches, Madeline Miller

    Introduction : The document under study an extract from online article ( written by Madeline Miller and published in 2018. It focuses on the way witches are seen in society, where all these stereotypes come from and why all this is associated with women. The author underlines the fact

    465 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Wok and wok rapport

    Wok and wok rapport

    I - Etude du label Le label est une procédure par laquelle une tierce partie donne une assurance écrite qu’un produit, un processus ou un service est conforme à des exigences spécifique. C’est un acte volontaire qui peut procurer aux entreprises un avantage concurrentielle, cela est délivré par des organismes

    277 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Wok and Work

    Wok and Work

    Rédiger un rapport Introduction * Rappel de la demande : Vous m’avez demandé des renseignements sur le Label Qualité Asie. * Annonce du plan : Je vais vous présenter la notion de Label et son intérêt puis les démarches et obligations à remplir pour l’obtenir. I. Le label A. Définition

    252 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Women fighting for their rights (PAKISTAN)

    Women fighting for their rights (PAKISTAN)

    Women fighting for their rights(PAKISTAN) WOMEN FIGHTING In almost every country of the world, women are fighting for their rights: their rights to have a real place in the society. To make people hear their voices and listen to it. Or just to have same rights as men. It's with

    1 134 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Women's rights

    Women's rights

    Speeche – Women's rights Ladies and gentlemen, Equality between men and women, it's for when? Despite Women's Day, despite all the fine speeches, despite our best efforts, equality is far from being achieved. So today I would like to speak, so that everyone here understands the importance of gender equality.

    355 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Women’s football in Great Britain

    Women’s football in Great Britain

    Women’s football during the first world war has been very popular in between,the FA banned women’s football because the FA didn’t want ti give women’s liberty and it has been reconsidered 50 years later . When men’s came back from the first world war , they took over factories

    261 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Wood ice-cream

    Wood ice-cream

    Oral anglais Introduction Wood is a basic necessity material, renewable, and which has served us throughout the centuries (such as weapons, boat hulls, and toys). Currently, I think it’s time to modernize the use of wood and its products. This is the reason why I decided to present an amazing

    426 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Work


    No one can deny that Working hard is a good thing, it improves our skills and also our professional career. But to ensure its continuity it is necessary to take vacations in order to relax, so we will see in my presentation why it is important for workers and companies

    502 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Work By Night

    Work By Night

    Work by night INTRODUCTION Work by night have been increasing in the last year, because that give more flexibilities but however that change many think for the health but this kind of people have a chose and they decide to earn more money against their life’s. ADVANTAGES Aside from the

    264 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Work Experience

    Work Experience

    WORK EXPERIENCE During my two-year-post-A-level course in accountancy and management, I did a two month work placement in a property business which is Pichet. I found my work placement by sending an application and a CV. I worked at the headquarters of the company which is located at Pessac. This

    278 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Work Hard

    Work Hard

    Do you think employers should look at your Web profile before hiring you? I don’t think employers should look the web profile of employee before hiring because it’s a private life of someone. Employer should’nt base on social network or blog of employee to able to judge the future employee

    308 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Work of negotiation

    Work of negotiation

    Negotiation → After the initial contact with the school principal IDRAC, it seemed obvious that Mr. ANTON seemed to be the decision maker and the iDRAC group had a purchasing department for all additional costs such as the purchase of new copiers and especially the service is provided guaranteeing purchases.

    275 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Work placement

    Work placement

    My work placement I am in the final year of a professional bachelor's, in system- electronic - digital, in the high school "Louis Modeste Leroy" at Evreux. And so I did an internship from December 6, 2017 to December 1, 2017, at "EMIS Telecom" which is located in Paris, 2nd

    354 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Work-experience in photography

    Work-experience in photography

    I. Intro Before my work-experience in photography, I’ve never seen any photographer so I knew nothing of this job, but this job would be so interesting to me and I would like to discover this lovely world! On top of that, I had many questions about this job: is it

    528 Mots / 3 Pages
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