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Write A Revew

Dissertation : Write A Revew. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Mars 2014  •  419 Mots (2 Pages)  •  817 Vues

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Write a revew about the movie Sleepy Hollow.

Maxime : Good Morning, every body ! You are listening New radio right now ! Today with, Kevin and Elodie, we will talk about Sleepy Hollow by Tim Burton released in 1999.

Elodie : I watch the movie yesterday. Tim Burton have made a wonderful job with this movie, like every time burton’s movies.

Kevin : Oh ! Come on Elodie, Burton botch all greats stories! It is a film with no theatrical core and no integrity in the writing.

Maxime : So, Kevin you didn’t like this movie, right ? And Tim Burton as well ?

Kevin : No, I adore Tim Burton, but I hate his job, I hate every Burton’s movies …

Elodie : Why ? I don’t understand, I’m sure your are crazy !

Maxime : Well please, stop, let’s talk about sleepy Hollow, only Sleepy Hollow. So, Kevin, can you explain, why you don’t like this movie ?

Kevin : Of course, the main problem, is the way how Burton made this movie. This movie look like an horror film but, it’s not ! It’s fun but it’s not a comedy so, I’m little bit lost.

Elodie : It’s a romantic, and fanstastic movie, it’s not hard to understand !

Kevin : Maybe for you, but, a mix with, love, horror, comedy, and fantastic, it”s enough for me. And the story , just, take a look to this story. You must be mad for like it !

Maxime : What is the problem with the story ? It’s a good story.

Elodie : Of course it is !

Kevin : No it’s It's far-fetched. The wife, want to kill her husband and his family, with the headless horseman. She can do it because she rob the dead horseman’s head. And I really detest the Burton’s atmosphere,

Elodie : The atmosphere is the most import in each Burton’s movies !

Maxime : All right kids, so, Elodie, tell me why it is a good movie ?

Elodie : Being a Tim Burton’s fan, I loved this movie before watched it. A perfect casting, a wonderfull story with Tim Burton’s touch, so for me it’s a perfect combo for an epic movie. The special effect are poor, it’s right but, it is a good way for some funny scene.

Maxime : Well every one ! It’s time to go for us. After the advertisement we start 4 hours of music Non stop ! So, don’t move, and don’t forget to listen ! bye .


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