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Write A Letter To Defend A Campaign

Commentaires Composés : Write A Letter To Defend A Campaign. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Mars 2015  •  357 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 337 Vues

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Dear Mr. Peterson

I am writing you today, as the President of the “Students Against Sweatshops Organisation”, regarding a very important topic : working rights. My intervention should not come as a surprise to you, since you’ve probably read the latest spread of “sports update” newspaper, accusing you of disrespecting worker’s basic rights such as : minimum wage, overtime as well as child labour.

Before I start to explain my point of view, I should mention that I am in no way reaching out to you as an allegation of a certain form. I am simply speaking up for what I believe in, in hope to convince you to act accordingly.

You might know what’s going on around you, without really realising the consequences. So after researching that matter, let me put you into perspective what your business consists of.

Your employees are human beings just like you and me, working long hours for wages that aren’t even enough to feed, clothe and shelter their families. They are denied visits to the toilet and sick leave in order to maintain high production quotas. Verbal and physical abuse is common, but safety and health are neglected.

If these statements still do not awake your consciousness, let me ask you something : What if it was you, out there fighting for your human rights? What if they were to treat your beloved ones that way? Because managers also make workers do pregnancy tests and use birth control just so they’d avoid having to pay for maternity leave. What if it was your wife deprived to have children? Or your children being exploited at such a young age?

Please Sir, take the time to think about that. One order from you makes it all stop immediately. The money you would loose from changing your employees working conditions is insignificant next to the lives you would change.

When I first read the article, I felt like I needed to contact you, whether you would be influenced by my letter or not. So here you go I fulfilled my duty. Now, will you fulfil yours ?

Hope you’ll take my words into deep consideration,

Best regards,


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