Snowden case letter to french governement
Lettre type : Snowden case letter to french governement. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Thaïs Coty • 6 Avril 2018 • Lettre type • 340 Mots (2 Pages) • 744 Vues
February 10, 2017
155 Franklin Street,
Tribeca; New York
Hôtel Matignon
57 rue de Varenne,
75007, Paris
Honorable French government,
I’m living in New York, but I’m still a French citizen and I’m writing to express my great concern about Snowden’s asylum.
First of all, the right to asylum is universal and free for all of us. An asylum is a place where a person who feels threatened can be safe. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states in article 14: "In the face of persecution, everyone has the right to seek asylum and to benefit from asylum in other countries. The Geneva Convention of 1951 gave this protection into a public international law. The Snowden case is quite complicated; we know that Edward Snowden revealed that the American and British government spy on the American people illegally. He told that information to The Washington post and to the Guardian which revealed it. He escaped his country to Honk Kong and for the moment, he is living in Russia.
Now, you are considering his granting asylum; and from my point of view, I think you should do it. He was a typical employee of the CIA and the NSA, obviously he reveals secrets of these both corporations but he did it just for telling people what’s going on behind their backs. The US government charges him of espionage, theft and illegal use of government property. But what he really did is using his freedom of expression; it’s a right of an individual to make known the proceeds of his or her intellectual activity to those around him.
Also, he revealed that information through the media, they are also charged in this case because they have chosen to deliver secret’s government to the public.
Nevertheless, we are not accusing anyone in this letter, in my opinion you should be agree with his asylum because he is a human being with rights.
I respectfully request that your act will be respectable and faithful for your country.
Thank you for your consideration.